Lin Chen devotes himself to mental training and spiritual accumulation. The back and forth of his life, the powerful enemies he encountered, flashed through his mind scenes after scenes.

"It's time, there is no better chance than now! Blood flame Sacred Dragon Dan, come out!"

Lin Chen's single thought spurred the blood flame Sacred Dragon in dantian Dan, transformed from a young pill to a finished holy pill!

At the moment when the finished sacred pill was born, all kinds of medicinal power refining into the body, Lin Chen in the nine-color light cocoon ignited a round of blood flames, vigorous blood, began to the last dragon power Cohesion!

"It's not over yet!" Lin Chen's eyebrows burst into terrible vitality!

Om~! Infinite Spiritual Fluctuation surges from the center of the eyebrows, and the five great Avatars continuously refining the massive Divine Attribute values ​​into Lin Chen Divine Consciousness Sea in the "spiritual bridge", the "Taishi Holy Realm" is running at speed, and the spirit strength is like the sun, menstruation, and sky. Hanging high in the sky!


Everyone clearly felt; from Lin Chen's direction, there was a strong wave of energy, strong like a dragon, qi and blood surging, like a flame of blood burning all over Lin Chen's body, igniting In the nine-color light cocoon, Long Xiao shook the sky.

There is also a group of Spiritual Storm brewed from the top of Lin Chen's head, like a rainstorm pear blossom, full of flowers and rain. Have access to Nine Heavens, and explore the trend of Nine Nether!

This momentum, fiercely shook the heart of every Saint!

This kind of natural phenomenon, they are impossible to admit mistakes!

This is a sign that the spirit is about to be sanctified and the fleshy body is sanctified!

Combined with the signs that the nine-color light cocoon is brewing holy light, the probability that these three natural phenomena can appear at the same time is infinitely close to zero!

It only exists in the legend of the holy world illusory!

The strongest advancement in history, the Trinity!

"It's going to turn the sky... This kid really wants to turn the sky!"

"He actually wants to take advantage of the power of breaking, the moment when his life potential is the strongest, in a spurt of energy hits the realm of the three sages!"

"This is the true trinity. He needs to be sanctified with the fleshy body, canonized with the cultivation base, spiritually sanctified, and promoted to the realm of the three sacreds at the same time, perfect and without Blemish, the clothes are seamless!"

"Too terrifying! All of us have underestimated Lin Chen's ambitions. He not only pursues perfection, but also pursues the most difficult Trinity promotion in history!"


"This is definitely a moment to witness history. The genius of the Trinity has only existed in the legend so far. If he can accomplish this feat, he must be the number one genius under the enchanting list!"

Countless veteran Saints have different expressions, some with excitement and tears, some with air-conditioning and frantic, and some with murderous intention and want to shoot!

Everyone didn't expect this result, the Trinity, is the most difficult part of sanctification!

Since ancient times, countless pretentious geniuses attempted to attack this difficulty. They did not end in failure, and even ruined their perfect "burst hole" opportunity for this. In the end, only one holy cave was opened, and ordinary sanctification. Attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, become the lowest holy realm!

So far, there are countless blood lessons, I don’t know how many geniuses, peerless evildoers, dare not gamble on their own destiny to challenge the strongest promotion of the Trinity!

This time, Lin Chen is a little different!

He is not like the genius of the past, loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain.

His three major areas of accumulation are very substantial, more than half of his fleshy body has been transformed into Saint Physique, and now he has gained accumulated knowledge by taking advantage of the post-breaking trend and adding his “physical nourishment”. Two forces help him have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly!

Spirit strength has already stepped into the Saint Peak. After the sneak attack broke the ancient formation of Haotian Saint King, it obtained the highest level of 990,000 high level spirit strength in history.

Until now, his Avatar is still helping him refining the massive spirit strength that the value of spirit strength transforms into!

Saints all have a hunch that he is very likely to succeed!

"Can't let this kid get promoted successfully!"

"This child, like the Trinity, must be the True Dragon flying to the sky, soaring to the sky, unstoppable, and must be strangled again!"

The three Saints of the Sun Moon Palace are full of fierce light, and the two Saints from the Hundred Holy Sect look at them, and it’s a hit!

Kill Lin Chen!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Hundred Holy Sect, Sun Moon Hall, Five Holy Sects.

"Well, Riyuedian and Bai Holy Sect have taken action!"

"Why, these Old Guys are really disregarding their face, and they are targeting a junior to such a point. Don’t forget the old face!"

Many Saints murmured in their hearts. The Hundred Holy Sect is now down. Not to mention, the Sun Moon Palace is the strongest sect below Grade 6 sect. It ranks among the best. Among the Saints present, there is no Grade. 6 The background of the forces, no one dares to protect Lin Chen!

Five Saints are transformed into five streams of light, and the route tore the void is outflanked and attacked Lin Chen!

The fierce Luo Yaoer turned her eyes slightly, narrowing her beautiful eyes.

"Ants, courting death!"

She turned her offensive, clenched the magic knife in her delicate hand and shook, and the blade glow produced a strange bloody blade glow!

The blade glow swept to the space behind Lin Chen, wherever he went, magic sounds came together, blowing up the wail like ghosts and howl like wolves of'wu wu wu'. The twisted space disintegrated and exploded, sucking up the attacks of the nearby three holy realm 4th layers, and horrified the three holy movement methods, extremely quickly retreated!

The blade glow flashes with extra energy, and when a large number of fragmented space fragments are free from the void, they are swallowed by the blade glow, and the light is eroded into nothingness, like a demon hell pushing across!

Om~! In the sky like the sun at high noon, a holy light finger of dozens of acres was crushed, and the blade glow was crushed!

Immediately after the Heavenly Sword Saint·Gu Changtian swung the sacred sword, slashed hundreds of knives in the air, and the flashing blade light shredded all the demonic energy. The remaining energy, the blade glow, the afterglow. Collapsed.

Gu Changtian had a knife in his hand, Sovereign Bahuang, the horizontal space blocked Lin Chen's position, and said calmly facing Luo Yaoer.

"You seem to care about that young man. There is a weak spot in the attack. Now you can't break through our offensive."

"Dead!" Luo Yaoer He became more and more indifferent, and his heart was rarely shaken by a trace of emotional fluctuations. Her weak spot was caught by the two strongest sacred realms present, and she was delayed forever! Don't let a trace of her offensive leak out!


Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon perceives Saint approaching, and roars furiously, igniting the blue dragon light all over his body, eager to make the strongest blow!

Just as Lin Chen was preparing to use the last two tricks to fight the enemy, a Spiritual Fluctuation that made him both familiar and has several points of unfamiliar emerged from the top of his head!

"This...this is!"

Unexpectedly, a holy light without warning suddenly descended from above Nine Heavens!

"Who dares to attack my squad leader, I will kill him!"

bang! bang! bang!

Five Spiritual Fluctuations are like five meteors The fall shot, and accurately hit the five holy realms hidden away from several dozen li!

The spirit of the Five Holy Sects shook, look pale, and the spirit strength of the two Holy Sects was slightly worse, and the corners of the mouth were bleeding directly!

One blow to repel the Five Saints? Here comes the powerhouse again!

Everyone took a closer look, and a silver-haired man landed next to Lin Chen's nine-color cocoon.

This man has a peerless style, silver hair, light skin, snow-like skin, face like snow jade, bright eyes and white teeth, collar like grub, facial features are flawless, beyond countless in the mortal world Handsome Men and Beautiful Women.

One of them is dressed in clothes whiter than snow, which perfectly highlights the slender figure like spring sun willow branches.

A few geniuses can’t help holding their breath...

This person may be a bit strange to some old Saints, but for some of their monster-level geniuses, the culmination of looking up exists!

This is another Legendary character!

No. 1 on the genius list, the son of surprise!

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