Everyone is dumbfounded!

Only a dozen people in the field recognized the identity of the person in white!

Two years ago, he defeated the first existence of the genius list and became the apex of the new generation of genius list with the appearance of a peerless appearance.

No. 1 on the genius list, the son of surprise Han Yizhi!

It has another title.

The most beautiful boy in the holy world!

Sure enough, it's not as famous as meeting!

Even the stunning'old rivers and lakes' who have seen countless beauties are a little bit stunned.

A pair of peerless people's eyes are flowing with profound and endless Spiritual Fluctuation, as if as long as you stare at the moon-like eyes, you will be eternally lost in the endless spiritual world, which makes people irresistible and intoxicated. among them.

The tenderness between his eyebrows reveals the shyness of a young man, and his smile reveals the bleak beauty of even a devastatingly beautiful woman.

This person seems to only exist in the sky!

"This Spirit, Soul and Qi breath, is it Yizhi...very powerful, there is a primitive taste in the breath, it should be inherited some special power..."

Lin Chen focused on the realm, only a ray of mental thoughts noticed the arrival of Han Yizhi.

Han Yizhi didn't look back, and raised his hand to Jiu Color Light Cocoon with a thumbs up.

Lin Chen's mind was steady, concentrated attention completely hit the realm, everything was silent.

The power of the ancient gods is growing stronger and stronger, and after stimulating Lin Chen's life potential, like an infinite torrent of energy scouring Lin Chen's wounded body over and over again, he becomes beyond while recovering. At the peak period, there is a taste of "icons"!

On the other side; Han Yizhi's sudden birth amazed everyone, alone blocked the Five Saints, and this has made more people guess and know his identity!

Seeing that Han Yizhi is a helper, Luo Yaoer's mind is calm, her experience is not trivial, and she can see the powerful power hidden in Han Yizhi, the 4th layer of the holy realm is not available, he is invincible!

Unless, the enchanting list is shot!

The faces of the Five Holy Sects of Sun Moon Palace and Bai Holy Sect are quite ugly. Just when they were at a loss, the Holy Splendor reflected on the sky, the clouds steamed and the clouds were shining, and they sprinkled a piece of auspicious light.

"What a genius list, the people from the dark horse club killed me. Holy Sect four geniuses. Do you want to stop us by one person in this matter?"

Two men, Bathed under the Holy Splendor, walked out slowly, the dominance between the eyebrows seemed to be looking at all beings, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

Immediately to the west, another shadow appeared, like a dark moon across the sky!

In the dark moon, came out like a weak old man, with white hair and a crane face, leaning on a cane, his eyes were as dark as the abyss.

"The old man is the old bones of the Southern Territory Dark Temple, little fellow, this child, kill me the Southern Territory Dark genius, Fei Anxing, it's all about an explanation, others dare not touch you. It doesn't mean that I dare not dare."

Han Yizhi's small face appeared solemn.

These three people, each Saint has 30 holy caves in full bloom! Saint Realm 3rd Layer Peak!

"It's no use talking more, I will see the real chapter, I won't take a step back!"

Han Yizhi's white Ruoxue's fingertips knotted his handprints, and she is divine like a crystal clear snow. The light Hua enveloped Lin Chen's body, like an eggshell, protecting Lin Chen!

“Hehe, the old man hasn’t made a move for a long time, but today I’m going to see what you can do with the top genius list!”

“A few over there, the three of us dragged Stay with them, go and unearth the Lin Chen!"

The three holy realms sternly scolded, but the five holy complexion ashens such as the Sun Moon Palace were only nodded.

Han Yizhi is slightly smiled, with a peerless style.

"None of you will break through my line of defense."


tone barely fell, the azure divine light column descended out of thin air, forming a spiritual circle, enclosing the group of eight people!

"Spirit Formation? What a mighty spirit strength!"

"It won't last long, break him!"

The two sides immediately fought against each other, and Han Yizhi showed it The method shocked the faces of thousands of holy realm watching from afar!

Only one person actually blocked the Eight Sages, this is now the top genius list! Such a battle strength is not inferior to the enchanting list!

"Interesting, more and more interesting. hahahaha!"

At this time, laughter shook the world and Heaven and Earth changed.

Everyone took a closer look, it was Xiao Jing!

In his eyes, a brutal killing intent passed: "It is really a threat to let you grow up. In the future, it may really make you rush to the list of evildoers. When the time comes, I want to kill again. You are extremely difficult. However, if you can die by my sword today, you can die well enough!"


A sound of unsheathing like a heaven-shattering dragon roar shook the sky, and the sacred heart trembled!

The enchanting list, the enchanting evildoer, is about to shoot!

In the enchanting list, life and death battle is strictly prohibited.

Xiao Jing personally took action, which means that he recognized Lin Chen's threat level! The future will threaten the existence of his stunning monsters!

Xiao Jing holds a sword, his eyes are like a starry sky, and his sword qi is sent together. one after another Spiral sword qi storm circulates near his sword!

It was a sword that looked like a winding dragon. The whole body was pitch black like ink, and the sword body was dotted with red light, like a red training under the stars.

It's thick, long, and black. Everyone sees the first impression of this sword. And so sharp that Saint trembles!

Grade 2? Grade 3? Or Grade 4?

No, maybe more! This is an immeasurably powerful sword!

Han Yizhi's small face was especially solemn for a moment.

"Xiao Jing of the enchanting list, this person's battle strength is extremely strong, combined with the means of the enchanting list can be called Heavenspan, I have to block the eight sages, the squad leader is in danger!"

Han Yizhi's face appeared decisively, when he was about to use some killing move...

Before everyone was waiting for this amazing evildoer to make a sword, she drank and frightened the heroes!

"Who dares to attack him!"

Boom~! In the sky, a crack opened, ten thousand zhang rays of light rolled down.

In ten thousand zhang rays of light, the orange lotus is blooming continuously, and the beauty is all over the world. Between thousands of orange lotus blooms, magnificent, forming a unique feature of Human World view!

The snow-white delicate lotus feet stepped on the lotus flower and tapped the blue waves, step by step, descending from in the sky, the orange-clothed woman's beautiful and charming face, like an angel, looked like an angel.

The angelic face and the temperament between the eyebrows are extremely charming and seductive, as if a look can provoke the male desire of any man. There is also that hot body that makes people unable to move their eyes, smiling and frowning, exuding the charm of inverting sentient beings, the enchanting to the extreme!

Almost everyone has only one subconsciously reaction: the most beautiful fairy!

Only a small part of Saints recognized this fairy-like charming woman.

Xiao Jing's expression suddenly became serious!

The contemporary Young Valley Lord of Zixia Wanggu, one of the ten most beautiful beauties in the enchanting list, the Little Demon Queen!

"Lin Chen is my cover, Xiao Jing, you try to move him, I don't mind abolishing your third leg."

The Little Demon Empress slightly smiled, The laughter is soft and greasy, and the murderous intention is hidden.

Some young geniuses, full of vigor, reacted instantly.

Only Xiao Jing frowned, "Why, you and Lin Chen have an affair?"

The Little Demon Empress stroked her ear and said calmly: "You are Men are still yin and yang people? Why are you such a dick, either fight or roll. It's none of your business to have ten legs with him. If you don't chase your Divine flame, Goddess, come here to make trouble?"

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