"hmph!" Xiao Jing sneered, "The ranking gap between you and me is not big, don't be arrogant, the one to emerge victorious don't know yet!"

Boom~! A sword light like a dragon smashed the sky and pointed at the Little Demon Empress like lightning!

The Little Demon Empress pointed out, and the slender jade finger made a horizontal stroke, pulling an orange light unrolled bolt of white silk in the air, exploding the sword light shattered mansions in the sky!

Xiao Jing stepped on the Sword Dragon and flashed horizontally, and the Little Demon Empress pointed to the void and gave birth to Wanlian. The sky changed and crashed!

The group of saints fiercely gasped!

Another world-shattering battle started, and it amazed everyone!

The showdown of the enchanting list! Every move is almost flawless and seamless! During the offensive transition, the battle is sublimated into an artistic confrontation!

For a Lin Chen, the most beautiful young man in the holy world, the enchanting list·little demon empress, who is number one in the genius list, is born!

"This trip to the mountain range of burial saints is really right..."

"Before there was Demoness to fight the group saints, and then there was the first eight saints on the genius list. There are even more enchanting lists of strong and strong duels, all gathered together!"

"This Lin Chen is too strong, no matter where it is, it will become the core of the big storm!"

Group The saints were amazed, but Ning Qingxuan was a little disturbed.

She may be intuitive, she always feels that there are certain crises spying on Lin Chen......

At this moment when the group of Holy War is turned upside down; Lin Chen has concentrated attention completely. Impact the cultivation base, the position of the first holy cave at the bottom of the heart.

"Burst caves, you must control all the holy cave positions, and when the potential of life is brewed to the pinnacle, hit the peak, in a spurt of energy, the second, third, fourth... "

Lin Chen made a note of all the locations of the holy caves he took, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He still has a killing move!

On spiritual accumulation and spiritual training. Lin Chen is confident and not inferior to anyone!

But he has a shortcoming, that is innate talent. In all fairness, Lin Chen can be regarded as an extraordinary natural talent, but compared to the existence of these enchanting lists, he is not ranked at all.

One of his killing move can make up for this flaw perfectly!

That is his Phantom Clone!

Whether it is fighting, life-saving, cultivation, this killing move rune, regarded as the strongest trump card by Lin Chen, has never let Lin Chen down!

When he hits the sacred cultivation base and adjusts Essence, Qi, and Spirit to the top, Avatar can carry out cultivation synchronized with him, and can also carry out the same bottleneck accumulation!

In other words, one of Lin Chen’s five Avatars attacked the holy realm, equivalent to six Lin Chen, attacked a holy realm cultivation base! And to advance, you only need Lin Chen's body alone!

If the impact on the cultivation base of the holy realm is likened to opening a door, everyone else pushes the door hard by one person, and Lin Chen, six people push the door!

The income obtained is owned by only one person!

It doesn't matter if you don't have innate talent, then accumulation and hardening are enough!

In this capital, Lin Chen is more powerful than anyone!

This is an advantage that any genius, enchanting evildoer does not have!

"It's time, Avatar, come out!"


The five holy light descended from the sky, and all the Avatars of Zhendechang, Zhendejiu, Zhendeying, Zhendeshuai, Zhendexiu, Lin Chen are all born!

"This...this is the geniuses of the Dark Horse Club!"

"They were all unscathed? Did they always stay in Lin Chen's luck planting bag before? Are you born?"

When the group was puzzled, at the next moment, many geniuses were dumbfounded, all staring at the dark horse clubhouse geniuses like a ghost!

bang! bang! bang!

The nine-color divine light soars into the sky. The five avatars sit in the void and the brilliance drifts away. They have condensed into nine-color light cocoons and wrapped them. Yourself.

At this moment, it amazed all Saints present and frightened all the young talents!

How outrageous is the dark horse clubhouse...

They actually want to be sanctified on the same day, at the same moment!

"I...I'm really right, what are these little fellows doing? Six people...six people must be sanctified at the same time!"

"The old man is alive! For countless epochs, I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet again. There’s something more outrageous than this..."

"Six peerless genius, they are going to be sanctified at the same time! My God, Lin Chen stands alone after the break Forget it, did all of them stand up after breaking down?"

"What did they do in the tomb of Saint King? The six were sanctified. This is also terrible..."

A group of veteran Saints, when they saw the six nine-color cocoons condensed, this scene almost suffocated them!

The chance of sanctification is an unattainable chance of genius!

The genius list of each generation is one hundred thousand geniuses, and in the end there is no plentiful and easily available sanctified!

Only Jian Qingcheng's kind of talent...bloodline, experience, tempering, soul, and all fields are thousands of hammers, hundred refinements to the extreme. Battle Sovereign can do ascend and become a freely. Saint!

Throughout the entire 36 domains, how many swords are there?

The genius who is currently on the surface, there is only one sword allure! It was only released in several millions years!

And in the Dark Horse Club, everyone is not lost to Jian Qingcheng's peerless beauty!

A question lingers in everyone's mind!

Are these youngsters really still human?

Sword Qingcheng Battle Qi covers the beautiful eyes, the blue waves flow, staring in the direction of Lin Chen, his heart is both complicated and amazing!

She pursues the realm of a lifetime, the sword dao that has been tempered for thousands of years, and asks herself to be invincible under the holy realm. Now not only has someone surpassed him, but there are also five existences that are not inferior to her!

"Master, as you said, people really can’t Eyes Obscured by a Single Leaf, this World, it’s very big, and there are always something beyond common sense, born between Heaven and Earth... …"

Sword Qingcheng murmured like a dream, his mind seemed to have been sublimated, and it was even more perfect!

However, next moment, Jian Qingcheng's heart trembled!

She felt the similar Qi and Blood Energy and Spiritual Fluctuation in Lin Chen's position...

Don’t say?

The dark horse clubhouse, all members are sanctified, which is outrageous? It is really outrageous!

Almost everyone thinks that there is nothing more outrageous in this world!

However, the Spiritual Storm and the fluctuation of Qi and blood still broke everyone's cognition!

bang! bang! bang!

The Xeon’s Qi and Blood Energy fluctuations, such as the roar of billions of giant dragons, shock the sky, shake the sky, and burst into the dark horse clubhouse. On their bodies, all of them were like Lin Chen, igniting billowing blood flames, full of vitality, and approaching the holy realm!

Boom! boom! boom!

The Spiritual Storm like an angry dragon wreaks havoc on the heads of the five geniuses, converging into the spiritual giant dragon of a hundred zhang, the spirit strength is like the sun and menstruation, across the sky, dominating the Nine Provinces!

Everyone's consciousness exploded, and the scalp was numb!


Weird silence!

Except for the raging Spiritual Storm sound and the blast of burning blood, everyone is in a state of stopping thinking!

They...still underestimated the monsters in the Dark Horse Club...

Whether it is young and energetic, unruly monster-level geniuses, or the vicissitudes of life and experience, Ancient One Holy Realm...

At this moment, their expressions are all very consistent, all with their mouths open, their eyes almost falling out, and they are stuck in place!

Some elderly people fainted from shock on the spot!

All members are sanctified?

No, much more! No one guessed their ambitions!

The dark horse clubhouse is for all members to attack the'Trinity' and become holy!

At this moment, the history of the holy world has opened a new page!

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