At the moment when the Four Holy Spirits were walking away, Lin Chen held the Youhuang Spear with one hand, and stepped on the dragon to fly. When the Holy Spirit was injected, this Grade 2 Holy Spear finally glowed with its uniqueness. The strongest edge, Jin Yaofengtian!

This is the first battle of Lin Chen's sanctification, no matter how many Saints come, he is worthwhile!

Lin Chen Spear Art is full of firepower!


The one after another'Yu Tian' Geng golden rainbow that cuts through the sky, the light runs horizontally and horizontally! Holy Force, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

"The sword angers the sky!"

"Mirror Moon Evil God!"

The four great Avatars urged two great Offensive Talisman texts, with full firepower!

Five kinds of'power of different crystals' take turns, one kind of half-orange battle skill exerts the formidable power of the orange battle skill, like the sound of mountains and seas, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

The four killers of the Nine Shadows organization finally emerged grave expression, holding a giant sickle, slashing across the air, and slashing the offensive!

Lin Chen is not afraid of the Four Saints at all, and brings four Avatars to their melee field!

They are proficient in assassination, and the movement method is good, but Avatar’s +15 "Dragon Flash" is not to be trifled with! Actually confronted the Nine Shadows Killers head-on!

The combination of the Saint Phoenix Wing of Lin Chen's body and the "Dragon Flash" movement method is even more terrifying. It has a speed that is almost comparable to the orange-level movement method. A face-to-face hits the strongest Nine Shadow Killer!

This person is a 2nd layer Perfection of 20 holy caves! The first-class expert of Nine Shadows · Heartbroken Red!

Lin Chen picked up the Youhuang spear, and the tip of the spear emerged with an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable sharp edge. A burst of stabbing and picking, the wind of the gun penetrating the crystal wall of the space penetrated!

Heartbroken red wore a black robe like night, the holy sickle was torn from under Lin Chen in a moon-fishing style, the gun body was picked, and the two sides shook apart!

With a kick, the dragon body turned into a rays of light and shot into Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen decisively used'Azure Dragon Possession', Yutian Seventh Gold Qi and Wanzai azure light to cover his whole body, turning Sacred Dragon into his own defense cost!

The Nine Shadows Killer launched his giant scythe like lightning, a violent move forward!

Lin Chen raised his head to avoid him, knowing that he used his sickle blade to turn around and hook Lin Chen's back. This time he was cut and Lin Chen would lose his fighting power if he died!

Swipe~! The afterimage flashed, Lin Chen dodged dangerously and dangerously, and the Youhuang spear in his hand spun up and slammed at his top of the head. The Fire Element's different crystals spurred him, and the tip of the spear rolled up heavy waves of fire!

Boom! The sickle blade slashed, tearing fire waves raging, and the two suddenly confronted each other, and they actually fought head-on!

[Trigger innate talent: assault, tearing, super chaos...]

The two are transformed into two Holy Splendor shuttles, spear glow flashes, sickle shadows overlap, fight together Strangled in a piece and exploded the layers of holy light, fighting from the sky to the ground, and hitting the sky from the mouth of the mountain range of the burial saint!

Boom! boom! boom! clang! clang! clang!

The aftermath of each collision shakes the crystal wall of the space to a large extent, and the ground veins pierce and collapse!

Although Lin Chen fell into a disadvantage, but still the more fights the more brave is, he was inextricably beaten with Brochang Hong!

At the moment the Four Saints were involved, Lin Chen's fifth Avatar picked up the'azure thunder sacred bow', the lightning flickered, and the aurora flowed.

"Auspicious light Katana!"

Lin Chen Avatar draws the bow and draws the string. After pulling the string to full strength, she suddenly shoots a piece of light feather!

The aurora-like arrow fell into the world like a meteor, divided into five, and shot the four nine shadow killers directly, forcing them to not use the second Holy Artifact or the life-saving defense battle skill!

Lin Chen’s holy cave formed a hole and appeared in the Taoyuan planting sac, while the suction exploded and swallowed the silver sacred coins to make up for the loss of holy energy, while the battle skills were fired continuously, it was not false! His silver sacred dollar coins are many!

"hahaha, come on! Come and see who can't hold on first, the last thing I am afraid of fighting in the dark horse club is the protracted battle!"

Lin Chen’s laughter shook the sky, Crazy to the extreme!


"I am fucking right!"

"old man has seen some cultivated orange ranks in the top 1000 of the genius list The core method, Heaven-blessed Genius, is better than they can barely leapfrog the 2nd layer holy realm with 11 holy caves when they only have 10 holy caves!"

"Only 9 holy caves , How can there be so many realms! This is too ridiculous!"

"How can this kid's battle strength be so abnormal!"

Many veteran holy realms can’t help being The corners of the mouth were trembling with fright, the scalp was numb, and the hair stood upside down!

Lin Chen's five avatars plus the body, six Saint Realm 1st Layers with 9 holy caves, actually blocked the 4 2nd layer holy realm with more than 16 holy caves, and made a shot. have equal shares?

Holy land skipping grades to battle, as difficult as heavenly ascension!

The holy energy contained in a holy cave often determines the victory or defeat! Not to mention the important dividing lines of Saint Realm 1st Layer and 2nd layer!

Every time there is more holy cave, Saint has a qualitative transformation!

They admit Lin Chen's talents, and they also know that Lin Chen cultivation is an orange-level core method, and they have several kinds of'Orange-level' battle skills formidable power in Absolute Art, and they will not ignore Lin Chen's refining just now. Four low-grade alien crystals!

Many of the battle skills he used just now have the shadow of the orange-rank battle skill!

Although this is the case, I want to use 9 holy caves to skipping grades to challenge four old holy places with more than 16 holy caves. This is completely nonsense!

According to their estimates, even if using the'power of different crystals' and the orange-level core method, each'Lin Chen' can skipping grades to challenge the 2nd layer of the holy realm of 12 holy caves at most. Very limit!

"No, have you noticed, his holy aura is powerful and domineering, it is not the level that 9 holy caves can reach, at least, it is also the formidable power of about 14 holy caves!"

Those who have sinister vision immediately noticed the abnormality!

"The holy spirit is powerful, it really has a problem!"

"No, look carefully, take a closer look, this kid uses the orange-level cultivation technique to squander the speed of the Holy Qi, too Soon! But there is no sign of exhaustion at all!"

In the Saint battle, apart from the life and death fight, it is rare to use up the holy energy in the'Holy Cave' in a battle.

This is equivalent to running out of ammunition and food and breaking the road.

It is extremely difficult to make up for the holy energy. The core method refining Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi can be transformed into the efficiency of holy energy, even if It is an orange-level core method, and it takes more than ten years to fill a holy cave!

General methods of replenishing holy energy: 1. Swallow holy pill. 2. Refining a large number of silver sacred dollar coins and gold sacred dollar coins. 3. Absorb the singular energy of the same attribute value between Heaven and Earth.

In the Battle of Qiyun Island, Lin Chen used the'Extreme Return to Origin' innate talent throughout the entire process. He could only heal his injuries, but could not restore his holy energy. This was one of the reasons he tried his best.

But now Lin Chen, squandering holy spirit, shows no signs of exhaustion!

Lin Chen has the spirit plant of'Taiyi Time and Space' plus three trees that can produce silver sacred dollar coins, so he is not afraid of the consumption of holy spirits!


The gun strikes horizontally, and the golden rainbow awn sweeps the sky, picks up the red sickle of the intestines, and immediately hits the right fist. The fist wind is fierce. In addition to the dragon power of the seven powers, It is mixed with vigorous spirit strength!

Guochanghong pushed a palm, and with a bang, the mushroom cloud of hundred zhang was rolled up between the two sides, the wind was four rolls, the two retreated, Guchanghong retreated seven steps, Lin Chen retreated ten steps!

Lin Chen shook his numb arm, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, evil charm mad.

"The warm-up is over, the seeds of victory have been sown, it's time to play my trump card to harvest!"

"system, convert all blank attributes into strengthening points, turn on automatic strengthening, Give me the enhancement of the Youhuang Spear, the Heavenly Sword, the Azure Moon, and the Azure Royal Thunder Bow!"

[7.5 million blank attribute conversion enhancement points, the host holds 68.85 million enhancement points, and it starts automatically strengthen. ]]

[Consumption of 13442 enhancement points, Youhuang Spear +1 enhancement success...]

[Consumption of 89029 enhancement points, Youhuang Spear +11 enhancement success...]


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