At this time, Lin Chen's heart is located in a misty gray space.

In Taiyi time and space, there is a scene that only Lin Chen can see.

Taiyi Time and Space has all the strengths of a cultivator.

And in that gray space, there are nine majestic six-pointed starlights suspended, which are nine holy caves!

Nine holy caves in Taiyi time and space + 9 holy caves in Lin Chen's body...

In other words, Lin Chen and his Avatar can display the holy energy , Not 9 holy caves!

Instead, a total of 18 holy caves!

This is the capital that Lin Chen dares to skip grades to challenge!

After countless epochs, "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" finally began to reveal a corner from Lin Chen's body!

Heartbroken secretly brewing a killer move, he said coldly.

"I have to say, you are really a monster! No wonder Master Yin Tian wants to send us out and kill you in advance!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes," Yin Tianzi?"

Back then, the ancient god was seriously injured, and when he infiltrated the Holy Realm, he received a disciple. He was an extraordinary natural talent, and he was listed on the list of enchanting evildoers.

This person is a cloudy day!

"It turns out that you are the running dog of the cloudy sky. It's a pity, today you must die, otherwise I will let you bring him a message, and I will find him sooner or later."

Lin Chen slightly smiled, heartbroken red suddenly raised up to the sky and laughed!

"Your kid will never understand the greatness of Master Yintianzi, go to death, Lin Chen! Hundred Sage Yama laughs together!"

Om~! Om~! Om~!

Behind Broken Heart Red, Holy Splendor was dark, and 20 holy caves rolled out a huge amount of holy energy, turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood turned into a hundred virtual images, and surrounded Lin Chen!

His face was originally about forty years old. At this moment, he is rapidly aging, with gray hair, turning into a hunchback, a skinny old man.

"It's the Hell Yan Luofa, these guys are the killers of the Nine Shadows Organization?"

Fu Sheng Guozhu complexion slightly changed!

Heavenly Ghost's Sect Founder's face is slightly dark, "Oops, little friend Lin Chen is going to be dangerous! This Hell Yama law needs to be activated by life force, they actually fight to this point, behind the scenes Who instructed it!"

"oh?" Lin Chen jokingly smiled; "It seems to be very hanging."

Suddenly, Lin pretended to be a Profound Void and said: "Do you know that there is a rule in this world. That is, you must not beat the most handsome one in the holy world, otherwise you will be Heavenly Retribution"

Slap~! Lin Chen snapped his fingers and activated the super-chaotic superimposed before!

【Trigger super chaos innate talent, a total of 11 times, four targets have fallen into super chaos. Duration: 30 seconds.

Om~! boom! boom! boom!

The holy energy in the holy cave of the four Nine Shadows Killers exploded and almost shook myself seriously!

"This...what the hell is that thing?"

"A part of my holy spirit is out of my control?"

"My consciousness is chaotic! Is this kid doing the ghost?"

The four were shocked and shocked, and their blood, holy energy, and even consciousness were partially confused!

Shih~! Boom~! Natural phenomenon One wave is not flat, one wave rises again! The space around the four of them blows a hell-like gray wind-blade tornado, connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, or descending a red lotus-like purgatory flame!

The purgatory flame burns the space, breaking the crystal wall of the space, transforming it into a Fire Dragon and wandering around!

[Activate two blue-level high level nirvana skills, lock the target: 4, start strikes. 】


Qunsheng gasped a cold air!

Is it really going to be Heavenly Retribution to beat Shuai Zhai? Is there such an operation?

"Sure enough, as the kid said, the methods are varied and scheming! Die to this seat! As long as we can complete the cooperation of the master of the cloudy sky, we will be able to obtain multiple low-grade crystals!"


At the moment when he was targeted by the special move, the heartbroken red handprint suddenly changed!

Om~! Hundreds of Yama imaginary images vibrated together, bursting out terrifying holy light sound waves, like a hell performance, trying to smash Lin Chen directly!

Heartbroken Hong is going to fight Lin Chen forcibly?

Lin Chen fighting intent monstrous, awe-inspiring smile; "Try my +12 Youhuang Spear!"


Holy Qi Once again injected into the'Wheel Light Crystal', Lin Chen slammed the gun across the air, and the tip of the gun shot Gengjin Changhong, which penetrated the sky, divided into five, like a circular round light surging!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sound wave exploded, tearing a Space Crack like a sky deep!

A hundred phantom Yamas were cut into two halves, and quickly dissipated in half!


Herebroken's expression changed in awe, why did this kid's strength suddenly soar?

He calculated the secret skill of Lin Chen's strength limit, even if part of the battle strength was affected by the'super chaos', it was enough to crush Lin Chen!

"die for me!"

Lin Chen's eyes revealed the rays of light that stirred the situation, and he changed his knife and held the azure blue moon.

With a knife in hand, Lin Chen domineering Heavenspan!

All his holy energy has been injected with five different crystal interiors!

The Saints are shocked!

He can control the power of five different crystals at the same time in Saint Realm 1st Layer without the holy spirit being exhausted? How powerful is this kid's background!

"He...Is he really sanctified for the first time? Why use the holy energy to run through the clouds and flow, and not lose the old Saint!"

"It is rumored that Lin Chen once slaughtered 14 saints on Qiyun Island. At the time, I was promoted to the Holy Realm for a short time. I am afraid it has something to do with this hole card. He has experience in driving the Holy Force. This is not the first time he has fought."

"Wait a minute! This blade, look at this blade. !"

When the Saints were discussing spiritedly, several veteran saints as if drunk and stupefied screamed!

Lin Chen all Avatars launched a total attack, and his Holy Artifacts were all strengthened to +12 or more, and the formidable power skyrocketed!

At this time, all the Nine Shadows Killers are caught in the interference of nirvana and the'super chaos' state, and can deal with Lin Chen's strength and holy spirit not more than half!

Energetic energy was injected, pure power burst, Lin Chen suddenly swung his knife, and the blue moon smashed an eternal knife!

The extremely fast-rotating aurora blade glow cuts the space and shatters the crystal walls of the space. The imposing manner is like a knife that cuts through the universe. The charm of this knife is so brilliant that even the saints of swords are amazed!

next moment, the group of saints change!

"Not good!"

All parties defended the holy realm in an instant!

The blade glow trembles lightly, one is divided into five, head-on slashing all around the imaginary Yama!

Blade Qi moving unhindered three thousand miles

However, it is not over yet!


The rotating hundred zhang Aurora Blade Qi exploded suddenly!

The five extremely fast-rotating blade glows exploded the sky, thousands of Holy Splendor Blade Qi shattered into exquisite and crystal-clear jade snow awns, colorful, turned into hurricanes and shots!

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth, which was shrouded by demonic energy, was instantly shrouded by radiant shattered lights!

All the geniuses are stunned!

"It's so beautiful..."

The female geniuses unanimously expressed their sincere amazement!

Is it beautiful? The Saints can't help but sneer!

Only the holy realms can deeply feel the sharp sharpness that penetrates everything!

Lin Chen closes the knife, slightly smiled.

"Immemorial has a god, and its tears have no traces. This blade is my farewell gift for you to go to hell."

Broken heart red eyes shrank!

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