"Your Sacred Dragon has been injured, and Avatar has been crushed. See who can protect you!"

Long Yijing gave out a finger together, tens of thousands of lasers , Merged into a thunder rainbow, Lin Chen flapped the wings of the holy phoenix, driving the dragon flash to avoid it!


In the palm of Lin Chen, a jade bottle appeared, containing a faint blue and bright medicine pill, full of blue dragon's breath!

Grade 3 Peak Breaking Saint Pill!

This pill is Lin Chen’s winning work in the sacred book of refining medicines. The Saint of the cultivation Water Element cultivation technique takes 60% of the chances of breaking through a holy cave and a 2nd layer of 40% under the Saint Realm 1st Layer. Probability!

The third realm has a 20% probability, excluding the breakthrough 31 holy caves.

The probability of 20% seems to be very low, but it is actually a very high probability. There are few medicine pills in the Holy Pill that directly improve the breakthrough realm.

The medicine pill also has a super-powerful effect: if you take it under 13 holy holes, there is a very low probability that you will get a ray of water dragon's breath to assist you, and you can get the effect of continuous "hole-breaking"!

This pill is worth much more than a low-grade crystal. If the news is released, there will be countless Saints of cultivation Water Element core method squeezing their scalp, looking for Lin Chen and begging for pill concocting!

Bang~! Lin Chen squeezed the jade bottle, medicine pill grabbed it when he wanted to flee, and swallowed it down!

hong long!

The holy yuan is like a starry sky and Tianhe. When it is swallowed by the entrance, it runs through every meridian of Lin Chen, and then flows into his holy cave!

Lin Chen’s 9 holy caves are filled with the strength of Saint Origin in an instant, like an overflowing kettle!

At this moment, Lin Chen’s Divine Consciousness Sea’s "spirit Star Sea" flashes with massive spirit strength, and the distraction urges the Water Element’s "different crystal power", refining this pill, refining this Pill Shengyuan’s pressure, Lin Chen spread to all Avatars!

Long Yijing was slightly moved, and then sneered.

"Refining Grade 3 in the battle with the Saint Realm 1st Layer's cultivation base, Lin Chen, I think you are insane, courting death!"

Lin Chen holds The gun, the corners of the mouth rise, madness is overflowing!

"It's not always certain who dies!"


At this time, the southern boundary of the blue domain.

Today, the Southern Realm is full of voices and the excitement is extremely lively. The geniuses of Grade 3 and Grade 4 sect from all sides come here admiringly, admire the Peak geniuses of the genius list!

Today is Scarlet Fairy's feast for Direct Disciple to choose a husband-in-law, and there is also a battle for enchanting list alternative orders!

Crimson Fairy, born mysterious, looks like Heavenly Immortal, and is named Elder of Grade 6 sect'Scarlet Moon Palace'. The discipline is rare, but all of them are Peak's geniuses!

This feast brought together many of the top 1000 geniuses in the Holy Land! Intended to compete for the enchanting list alternative order!

Red Moon Terrace, genius gathering.

The air roars, Battle Qi is vertical and horizontal. One after another Zhan Guangyun steamed Xiawei, the brilliance of different crystals floated from time to time, and many Absolute Art shook wildly, shaking all platforms constantly.

Dozens of silhouette criss-crossed, dazzling the viewers!

"This is the expert in the top 2000 of the genius list, and it is as strong as a monster!"

" The realm genius is here too!"

"I’m afraid it’s just a warm-up match. Now it’s just Crimson Fairy taking the place of dísciple to select the warm-up match for her husband-in-law. Later, if we compete for the enchanted list, why not? Isn’t it more exaggerated?"

"Well, I saw Lian Wushuang, who is ranked 992 on the genius list yesterday. That adult is really the most talented person in the world, and he is also a Saint Level alchemist and a genius in the holy world. !"

"hehe, this trip is worthwhile. I paid a lot of money to get an invitation to visit! I came in with a few rich ladies last night, mother, now my waist still hurts a little! There is a genius who is willing to cooperate with me in Chamber of Commerce, and both principal and interest can be earned back!"

The seats under the platform, people with all influence, stare at the platform intently Fighting within.

Beside the platform is a huge crimson-decorated ship, which is several thousand zhang long, with floral decorations and red makeup embellishments inside the ship, or the building is high up, flowing with faint silver rays of light.

This is actually a large space Holy Artifact!

The red boat up ahead is a pavilion with red curtains, eight female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, devastatingly beautiful beauties are slim, eight people are like sunshine in spring and white snow, late autumn and warm winter, It can be said that each has its own merits, and they are all one in 100,000 or even one in a million.

They either cover their mouths and chuckle charmingly, or the voices of yings and yanks are so charming, or they are as cold as snow and proud and like lotus, this sound is like a oriole, and the waist is like a willow, this one The waves are turbulent, and the jade legs are like fat. It can be described as the most beautiful scenery in the world, so you can't move your eyes!

If it is Saint’s powerhouse, if you perceive it carefully, you will find that the cultivation base of these women is only inferior to the geniuses in the one-point field!

They are not on the list of geniuses, but they are comparable to super geniuses!

And the tallest side of the huge ship, the window sill of a boudoir, a graceful swan-like figure faintly appears from the window of the ship, not seeing the true face, but enough to make people feel that this is stunning on earth.


A holy light descended, everyone looked intently, and couldn't help gasping slightly!

The visitor’s clothes whiter than snow, his style is peerless, his facial features are like an immortal, he is detached from the world of men and women, like a stunning Heavenly Immortal, but there is a somewhat unique shyness between his brows.

"This...this is the legendary son of surprise!"

"Han Yizhi, known as the most beautiful boy in the holy world?"

" My God! The number one in the genius list is here! Crimson Fairy is so powerful, even he has been invited!"

The powers of all quarters gasped slightly, and some geniuses in the sacred realm were sitting in the dark. Their eyes were solemn, and they sensed that there was a huge power hidden in Han Yizhi's body, which made them all tremble!

When Han Yizhi arrived, he raised his eyes and looked forward, as if looking for something.

After a while, he sat on the other side of the platform and provokes the admiration of all the women from time to time.

One hour later, the battle in the platform was divided into winners and losers. The geniuses are not life and death duel, and the battle will not last too long.

After rigorous selection, ten talented geniuses won this time!

These ten geniuses are all ranked in the top 1500 or so on the genius list. With their strong cultivation base and background, the Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign cultivation base can challenge a higher rank Saint to the point of a holy cave! It can be regarded as extremely talented in the boundless holy world!

If they want to marry a sweet wife and concubine in their capacity, it is just a matter of thought. Why do you want to go here?

In fact, it was the sect and Aristocratic Family behind them who supported these geniuses to come to the feast.

The reason is simple. The descendants of the holy realm beyond the realm of mortals can be reproduced, and the offspring can inherit the bloodline innate talent. If both parents are Saint, the bloodline innate talent will even surpass the parents.

But if one party is not Saint, the bloodline will be diluted after reproduction, and the offspring’s innate talent may not be able to perfectly inherit the talents of their father or mother.

Therefore, the foundation of both parties is extremely important. For geniuses, there is no shortage of women like vases. What they lack are extremely talented women who can advance to the holy realm.

Therefore, in the Holy Realm, the stronger the female genius, the more popular it is, because the offspring born with them will have more potential!

"All the geniuses who have come from afar, you have worked hard."

A clear voice like a high mountain and flowing water, an empty valley and an orchid, clearly resounded in everyone's ears.

The eight glamorous ladies who laughed and talked immediately calmed down.

The platform is silent, and Crimson Fairy speaks!

"Those who pass the conference this time will have the opportunity for the lovers of this seat to tie the knot. Next, my disciples will choose their husbands and sons. If the geniuses are not selected, this seat will still Many rewards will not let you go on an errand for nothing."

The voice of Scarlet Fairy is elegant and arrogant, but it makes people feel undisturbed, as if she was born with this. !

Next, eight beautiful ladies with different styles walked into the platform, and ten geniuses mentioned their spirits.

In the end, only four geniuses have embraced beautiful women.

In the end, those who can embrace the beautiful will all be enviously cast by those present.

The four beautiful women who did not choose their husbands-in-law will be left to the next link.

The next link is the competition for the enchanting list of alternative orders! The geniuses who can compete for the alternative order are all peerless genius, the cultivation base in the top 1000 genius list.

Such a genius is naturally better, but for the four women, the other party may not be able to see them.

So after passing the next link, geniuses choose them, not them. And as long as it is selected, it can no longer be rejected.

"Next, is the link of the enchanting list's optional order."

The words of Crimson Fairy were issued, which lifted the spirits of the many sacred geniuses waiting on the platform!

The highlight is coming!

Only Han Yizhi is still looking around, full of doubts.

"Strange, why the squad leader hasn’t come yet, I have vaguely sensed that the spiritual imprint left on him is already close to the southern boundary..."

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