In the darkness, a pair of eyes quietly opened.

"It was the messenger who came here. I dare to ask the Lord what important instructions this time."

The creatures in the dark asked in surprise, and the void rolled up and howled Heaven and Earth's wind, one silhouette emerged, his hair was dancing, covered with stars and moon, two horns on top of his head were like giant spiral thorns, and his eyes were as deep as an abyss, passing weird baleful aura rays of light from time to time.

"The master's body is still in retreat on the plane of the outer space of the cloud, and he sent out an idea to personally order you to capture a person."

The person opened the mouth and said.

The creatures in the dark are full of surprises. In countless eras in the holy world, he has assassinated many Peak creatures, Dragon Clan, Demon Race, and even the extinct insect race and the disappeared Asura have killed a lot!

Today's goal is actually the weak Human Race?

"The master's command is to live as much as possible. If you can't bring it back alive, bring the whole body. If there is no body, then you will never come back!"

The dark creatures trembled!

"So, what is the goal?"

"Human Race, genius list. Title: Heavenly God Xia Fan·Lin Chen."


Red Moon Terrace.

The scarlet Fairy didn't show her true appearance, and she said calmly behind the window.

"This contest for the alternative order is limited to men. It is divided into two stages. All geniuses participating in the election must agree to the requirements of this seat. If they pass the assessment, they will receive the alternative order at the same time. , I have to agree to a request of this seat."

"This assessment is divided into three parts. Battle strength is not first. What this seat needs is a man with excellent looks and temperament. Genius! Geniuses who are willing and able to accept the conditions of this seat can stand on the platform, which can be regarded as registration."

The powerhouse of all influence looked at each other, and as expected, this feast is not just a matter of fact. Assess battle strength...

"How can you lose this Young Master without such a good thing."

The youth holds a fan, calm and composed, and enters the venue slowly. The bridge of his nose is high, his sword eyebrows are flying, and he looks like a Young Master who walks out of Pian Pianjun in that splash-ink painting!

"It's Lian Young Master Wushuang!"

"It is said that he has just participated in a medicinal refining holy book recently, and he did not expect to be here so soon."

"This is too good. It is also a Saint Level genius and a Saint Level alchemist!"

Many female geniuses have peach blossoms and are pleasantly surprised. Lian Wushuang looks like he is holding the winning ticket. .

"Last time I encountered the monster Lin Chen, this time it's the Young Master's turn to take the alternative order, right? This guy has offended Long Yijing on the enchanting list, and now I can't figure out where he is. When coward is."

When Lian Wushuang looks in control of the whole situation, another genius appears!

His figure is tall and slender, standing here like a battle spear, his face is sharpened with swords and axe, his fortitude reveals a bit of handsomeness, and his cold expression adds a little ascetic seriousness. sense.

"Oh? Wei Changsheng, who is ranked 977 on the genius list, are you coming too?"

When even Wushuang was curious, his eyes became more serious.

"For the sake of the family mission, success or failure does not matter." Wei Changsheng said calmly.

Swipe~! The hurricane swept through, a sword light slashed!

Sword light turned into one silhouette, azure clothes, negative sword, lanyard straps, hand-held a pot of wine and non-stop drinking, the corners of the mouth overflowing with wine slightly raised, showing the unruly demeanor of a teenager .

"I have been in the genius list for so many years, and it is time to move forward. The enchanting list is quite suitable for me. This time I will trouble the Old Brother to give it more."

azure clothes The teenager said with a smile, wiping the corners of his mouth, domineering and leaking!

Some Five Tribulations Battle Sovereign can't help holding their breath!

"The 659th in the genius list, Lin Haoyu, who is full of flowers and drunk swords, is here!"

"Too strong, these great characters are the representatives of the future leaders of the Holy Realm !"

Before everyone marveled, the ground of the platform cracked without warning!

The cracked ground showed a face full of lowly laughed, hehe smirked.

"It is said that winning can get beautiful women. This kind of good thing is not when I Xi Xiaoxian missed it!"

When this person appeared, many people on the platform suddenly Stand up, look like a ghost!

"Is the Xisao of the Four Great Silver Thieves?"

"Is the Xixiaoxian of Dongse, Beidang, Nanjian, and Xisao?"

"Damn, this guy is really here, feeling that the rumors I heard a few days ago are true..."

Some women hatefully gnashing teeth, this Xisao Xixiaoxian is simply He is not as good as a beast.

His activities are extremely awkward, either like peeping at others or stealing things from women. The most annoying thing is that he also wrote the damn thing about the patriarch of other sects into novels. Up!

What thanks to patriarch for a quarter of an hour, what type of wife does he like, what color does the daughter of the sect like, the pattern of the stand-alone king, etc., let him know thoroughly!

This guy is ranked 777 on the genius list. The best thing is that he has an orange-level movement method. Even if the ordinary powerhouse is crushed by the cultivation base, he can’t catch him!

He also has a super hard backstage, a Grade 6 Aristocratic Family Young Patriarch identity! It made him commit the most adulterous things on all sides of the holy realm, but he was not killed! In the end, he was also ranked one of the four major prostitutes!

The four great prostitutes are all female public enemies, so as soon as Xi Xiaoxian appeared, there was a lot of scolding outside the platform!

"Sir, Scarlet Fairy, absolutely can't let this kind of person participate!"

"This kind of person will only ruin the reputation, I hope Fairy think twice!"

"Yes, how can the four great thieves participate in Fairy's feast? Hope Fairy will take action to expel and suppress this thief!"

Faced with most people’s petitions, there was a surprise from behind the curtains of the Void Giant Ship Unexpected answer!

"Xishao Xixiaoxian, right, this seat does not exclude you from participating in this feast, but you know the rules, if you get the enchanting list alternative order, you must be within your ability , Do one thing for this seat."

Xi Xiaoxian whistled, "No problem, Fairy, don’t worry, as long as I am a beautiful woman, I can do it even if you want the stars in the sky. I'll find it for you!"

This answer is beyond everyone's expectations!

Some old-sighted powerhouses have a little doubt in their minds, what exactly does Scarlet Fairy have to accomplish, and even hesitate to let people like Xi Xiaoxian participate.

There is no shortage of fanatical ways of good deeds.

"Today we gathered four peerless genius in the top 1000 of the genius list!"

"Too strong, I never thought I would have a chance to lead their peerless style, blushing What exactly will Fairy’s assessment look like? Shouldn’t they be allowed to compete in the ring?"

Just as the platform’s atmosphere was getting hot, there was a sneer, the ten thousand zhang high of the red platform Kong suddenly cracked a crystal wall of space!

hong long long! boom! boom! boom!

The endless explosions, like the extinction natural disaster that shook Heaven and Earth, shocked the red moon platform's automatic defense array!

"What's the situation, where would powerhouse dare to fight here? This is the southern boundary!"

"hiss~~! My God, that...that's not the dragon of the enchanting list Yijing!"

It was actually the enchanting evildoer who came here!

Every enchanting evildoer is the most special newborn genius in the holy world!

This kind of existence is a legendary existence for the forces below Grade 5!

All influence is chaotic, and when the Saints exclaimed in shock, the imposing manner and sneer of the two in the sky giving tit for tat is even more scalp!

"Relying on medicine pill's power to forcibly fight against this Young Master's waste, this Young Master has to see how long you can last!"

"Long Yijing, you pretend What a hairy! If you and I are the same level's cultivation base, this handsome can force you to hammer you with one hand!"

Many geniuses who looked up were dumbfounded!

Insane! It must be crazy!

What's the situation!

Which way is Divine Immortal going crazy? I dared to fight against the enchanting list!

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