What is the concept of fighting against the enchanting list?

Unless the same people are on the enchanting list, there will only be one end! That's how he killed you, without you killing him!

In the thirty-six regions of the holy world, at least on the surface, no one dares to move the enchanting list!

In other words, no one dares to kill the enchanting list on the surface, otherwise they will be hunted down and suppressed by the high-level forces of the Holy Realm!

Two figures turned out to be born. When they came out of Space Crack, they collided together!

One of them had an endless ice storm above his head, and he was still fighting hard!

The aftermath of each collision between the two of them shakes the sky.

One person's sword technique is fierce, if there is the blessing of Thunder God, every sword will kill the thunder and roll, and the thunder is powerful, and it is about to destroy all blocking objects with the thunder and lightning sword force!

The other person, Spear Art, is domineering, and between the big opening and closing, there are layers of dragon shadows dancing, such as Dragonflight Chaotic Dance, Wanlong covers the sky!

peng peng peng! dang dang!

sword shadow dazzled, Dragon Qi shattered, exploded to the sky!

The Space Formation shelter on the Red Moon Platform couldn't help shaking violently, shocking some non-Saint Battle Sovereign's legs trembling!

between this Heaven and Earth Who dares to play with the enchanting list! Could it be that the other party also failed the enchanting list?

But when they took a closer look, Long Yijing’s opponent was a teenager who had only opened 10 holy caves!

Many geniuses seem to have seen a ghost, and their minds are completely blank!

It's not a hell in the daytime!

This is not a leapfrog, this is a higher rank challenge!

The holy realm is beyond the stage? It's the fucking second order!

Or the enchanting list of challenges?

Is this man crazy or this World crazy!

In the past, only the enchanting list was qualified to challenge the higher rank in the holy realm! Is the enchanting list being overstepped today?

"No, I have seen the portrait of that boy, it is Lin Chen! I rely on it, I have seen the deity!"

"Is this kid still a human, my God! 10 holy caves and 30 holy caves? It’s still an enchanting list!"

"No, I heard that Lin Chen is a genius who exploded nine holes in a row. This is just over a month. , He has opened 10 holy caves? What kind of cultivation speed is this!"

"I take it! Feelings, this kid killed nine holy realm 4th layers. It’s not a rumor, it’s genuine. Oh!"

"Too fucking cruel, I've never seen such an outrageous genius!"

Even the proud and arrogant Lian Wushuang was stunned, his mouth opened wide. Lay down the eggs!

"There was a pill concocting in front of me who won the championship, and now he has stepped up the enchanting list. Is this kid really a human..."

Lian Wushuang's mouth was pumping wildly...

It's not that there are no experts in the southern boundary. There are two Saint Realm 3rd Layers, but none of them dare to move!

The enchanting list of enchanting evildoers wants to kill people, it is not their turn to intervene, and they are not qualified to interfere!

Unless the masters of the many leaders who control this southern realm are here, with their guarding Elder, they are not qualified to make a move!

Maybe only Crimson Fairy, her rank and status can stop the enchanting list!

[Triggering super chaos, tearing, assault innate talent...]

[Consuming 2000 points of advanced talisman energy to activate Level 6 Rune of Slowness. 】

When Lin Chen used the half orange battle skill to forcibly upgrade to the orange formidable power, he triggered a lot of passive innate talent, all thrown to Long Yijing, and from time to time he played a Rune of Slowness to disrupt His offensive rhythm!

The successive reductions have weakened his offensive again and again!

"The medicinal power of the Grade 3 Peak Sacred Pill is suddenly a bit too much. I have broken through a holy cave under the oppression of the battle. Is it going to go straight to the 11th? A holy cave can't be made?"

Lin Chen squandered the massive holy energy bursting out of the holy cave, attacked with the'Yu Tian', True Dragon's flurry Spear Art blocked many attacks, and Yu Tian Seventh Gold Qi and Wanzai azure light body protector.

'True Dragon Flurry' deserves to be an orange battle skill. When Lin Chen dances the Youhuang Spear, the afterimage of the cambium Dragon Qi protects him and is airtight.

For a while, facing Lin Chen myriad's methods, Long Yijing couldn't even take him down!

Lin Chen is not meaninglessly delaying time!

【Consume 250,000 points of strengthening, strengthen "True Dragon Flurry" +10 success, overall formidable power increase: 110%. 】

Lin Chen has been delaying time, just to strengthen "True Dragon Flurry"!

How terrifying is the formidable power of the orange battle skill. In the previous battle on Qiyun Island, it was only 1.8 times that it was a slaughter of 14 saints that the "Tears of God" slaughtered!

This time, he only relied on strengthening, and spent tens of millions of strengthening points to strengthen "True Dragon Flurry" to +10, which more than doubled the formidable power!

The holy energy is chaotic, blood chaotic, and within the nirvana, although Long Yijing is not injured, her strength is weakened by layers. On the other hand, although Lin Chen has suffered more injuries, he is stronger in the war!

"Why this kid's Spear Art formidable power is getting stronger and stronger!"

Long Yijing horrible to see: "Special secret technique? Temporary increase of formidable power? No, he There is no sign of trying hard, this is a complete improvement, this Young Master really can't take him down! Can no longer keep him!"

At this moment, Long Yijing finally let go of Lin Chen's heart 'Despise'! He had to solemnly recognize Lin Chen's strength!

It's not the kind of temporary promotion, but the hard power has to force him to come up with the true background!

"Thunder Yin Killing Claws!"

Long Yijing sword technique entrained Claw Art, holy spirit infused seven Thunder Element crystal interiors, fiercely with one claw!

In an instant, the Thunder Snake danced between Long Yijing's five fingers, and brazenly grabbed a hundred zhang that turned into a substantial crystal. The thunder claws ran towards Lin Chen!

Under the pressure of Thunder Claw, the power seems not strong, but it easily grabs a large area of ​​the sky into chaos, making the high-altitude light of the red moon platform suddenly dim, and the faces of the people are terrified!

"Orange, orange-level Absolute Art!"

"The orange-level stunts performed by the enchanting list, too terrifying, this formidable power, I am afraid that except for the 4th layer of the Holy Land Or other than the enchanting list, few Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection have taken it!"

"He also used the power of seven alien crystals. This is a complete exercise of true ability... "

Individual sacred realm geniuses throbbed in their hearts, this blow made them have to recognize the gap between themselves and the enchanting list!


The invincible imposing manner erupted from Lin Chen's body. At this moment, the 10 holy caves in the Taiyi time and space continued to throb, and the holy caves of the body were fused, and all the holy energy was injected into the six inside the body. Within a different crystal!

The six completely different brilliances of sparkling gold, water blue, flame red, earthy yellow, blazing light, gloom, and flowing like a dragon on Lin Chen's ghost spear!

Lin Chen violently danced the phoenix spear, Spear Art is like a dragon, dancing out thousands of afterimages of six-color dragon shadows, holy aura covering the sky, turning into a six-color aura that runs through the sky!

Many Saints are shocked. With 10 holy caves, this ultimate move can be used, like a monster!

But, not enough! The opponent is the enchanting list!

"Rune of Slowness!"

The rune energy of 10,000 points disappeared, and a gray talisman of several ten zhang fell from the sky, bursting and opening and stagnating in the void, making an imposing manner of thunder The claws stopped for an instant, and the formidable power was cut by about 20%!

"This move again..." Long Yijing narrowed her eyes.

"Quick Light and Split Shadow·True Long Potian!"

Lin Chen shook his mouth with a scream, and the six phoenix glows like a straight long rainbow were divided into five!

"What? Five bursts..."

Inside the crimson giant ship, there was a faint exclamation.

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