Thunder claws collide with five and six colors!

Shih~! Bang~!

The terrible aftermath of the collision is like a world-shaking catastrophe, rolling away a bundle of thousands zhang lightning storm, with six colors of energy frenzy in the middle, making the entire red moon platform and the huge ship sway constantly !

Lin Chen chewed the dragon clear fruit, and the dry holy cave was filled up quickly because of the medicine pill's medical power!

Lin Chen's eyes are exuberant, shining with an unconcealable powerful fighting intent, which makes the scalp of individual powerhouses numb...

This kid, with the enchanting list as his opponent, has been fighting more and more. Strong appearance... It's really a monster!

'True Long Potian' took Long Yijing's orange-level stunts from the front! Even though his strength has been weakened by various factors, this still represents Lin Chen's strength!

As long as he becomes Saint, even the enchanting list will be impossible to suppress him

When the storm passed, everyone clearly witnessed the six brilliant brilliance in Lin Chen's body.


Everyone under the Red Moon Platform gasped!

Six different crystals?

He is actually only inferior to Long Yijing on the enchanting list, the gap is only a strange crystal!

"No! I remember that the highest record of Saint Realm 1st Layer is just refining four crystals, right?"

"What kind of freak is this guy...Saint Realm? 1st Layer has mastered six alien crystals! Isn't he afraid that the holy cave will be disrupted and burst into death!"

Many geniuses are messed up! One thing about Lin Chen's body is more outrageous!

Controlling different crystals is definitely not the more the better. The power consumption of spurring different crystals is extremely terrifying, and the consumption of controlling more different crystals will increase exponentially. This is for Saint who makes up for the difficulty of holy energy. It is undoubtedly a fatal flaw!

Only when you control the most suitable range, the alien crystal will become Saint's Xeon killer. Otherwise, it will only become a burden of strength, and it will hurt yourself before killing the enemy.

hong long!

When the wind and the clouds gather together, the sky will be cracked by the sound of thunder!

Long Yijing holds a three-foot holy sword in her hand, bathes in thunder and lightning, and resists nirvana. She walks out slowly with a gloomy expression. Lightning flashed to his sword edge.

"Lin Chen, you angered this Young Master. This sword, I need your life!"

Long Yijing, want to come up with a more terrifying orange rank than just now Absolute Art is out!

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, and the nine-color starlight gathered from his palm.

For the time being, he could not shoot a stronger shot than before.

The characteristic of "True Dragon Flurry" is: post-production control. The more attacks you block with a defensive posture, the stronger you will be when you counterattack! Lin Chen has been passively defending before. In addition to the crazy [strengthening] cultivation technique, he is also accumulating strength!

Long Yijing obviously doesn't give him this opportunity now.

"If Young Master Long wants to play, can I be accompanied by him?"

The smile of the young master is like a ray of sunshine in the winter, making Heaven and Earth again With a glimmer of survival.

Silver hair of a young man, clothes whiter than snow, exquisite style, deep and endless Spiritual Fluctuation flowing in his eyes, as long as you stare at those twin moon shining star-like eyes, you will be eternally lost in the endless spirit world, indulge in it.

The tenderness between his eyebrows reveals the shyness of a young man, and the devastatingly beautiful woman in his smile is also dim and stunning.

"No. 1 on the genius list, Han Yizhi? You want to interfere with this Young Master too?"

Long Yijing frowned.

Han Yizhi stood beside Lin Chen, slightly smiled, amazed countless women, he said with a smile: "Cultivation base suppressing bullying is not the style of enchanting list, isn’t it, Young Master Long? Fight, we don’t mind staying with you to the end."

"Us? So is the information of the mountain range of the Burial Saint is true...hmph!"

Long Yijing coldly snorted took the sword, He is not afraid of Han Yizhi, but if the two join forces, it would be unrealistic for him to kill or take Lin Chen away.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Long Yijing’s Avatar returned and was incorporated into his body. Lin Chen’s three Avatars also returned, all seriously injured.

At this time, an accident happened.


At this time, the space vibrates, and the space outside the southern boundary of several thousands li rises with a faint nine-color brilliance.

The system light screen flicks one after another.

[Get 50,000 points of high level Battle Qi Essence, 10,000 points of high level Qi and blood, 2,999 points of advanced talisman literary energy, 2002 points of innate talent points, 40,000 points of enhancement...]

Sacred Dragon's brilliance flashed, and returned to Qingxue to plant the capsule, spit out a Saint Physique.

Long Yijing complexion slightly changed!

"Lin Chen! Do you dare to move my people?"

Lin Chen raised the corners of his mouth and laughed: "Brother Yijing, this is too much dreaming No? You are allowed to kill me, and I am not allowed to kill your people? Do you think this is playing fuck your mother? Who crosses the sand wall, who crosses the sand wall?"

Boom~! Long Yijing was furious, and the space around her body shattered into a paste!

Han Yizhi's eyebrows are shining with divine light, smiling and silent, charming style.

Swipe~! A stream of light flashed to Long Yijing's side, and was the entourage of Saint Realm 3rd Layer, complexion ashen.

"Young Master, elder him, was pulled perish together by the boy's two Avatars, and even Saint Physique was swallowed by his Sacred Dragon..."

The corners of the powerhouses under the platform twitched violently...

Is this guy still a human? He used 10 holy caves to fight against the enchanting list, and he also killed another Saint...

Dragon Yijing's palm was on the hilt of the sword, and after a few moments of gloom, she did not draw her sword in the end, but returned to her former graceful smile.

"Okay, very good. Lin Chen from a dark horse club, this account is owed first, and there will always be a time when it will be doubled back..."

Loss a Saint Realm 3rd Layer, even he has to be reprimanded and even punished by the family.

As soon as Avatar was incorporated into his body, Long Yijing gave Han Yizhi a deep look, "And you, Han Yizhi, before you become the enchanting list, maybe you will encounter an accident one day..."


Without waiting for Han Yizhi's response, Lin Chen put his hand on Han Yizhi's shoulder and raised a middle finger to Long Yijing.

"small man intoxicated by success!" Long Yijing's mouth twitched, tore the void, and left with his entourage.

"Squad leader, how do you go wherever you go, you can get a good person..."

Han Yizhi muttered, before finishing talking, Lin Chen hugged a bear Stopped him, laughing.

"hahaha! My Yizhi has really grown up, and he can cover me and leave. I am very pleased that this handsome man forced the squad leader!"

Han Yizhi Ergen slightly red , Whispered softly: "Squad leader, you hug too tight..."


Suddenly, there was a throbbing throbbing from the holy cave in Lin Chen's body. 'Shuiyue Breaking Saint Pill' The breath of the water dragon brings a natural phenomenon of continuous hole-breaking!

Lin Chen immediately sat in the void, consuming 10,000 rune energy to complete the Avatar, and five Avatars sat in the void and impacted the realm!

Seeing the young man sitting in the void, all influence and powerhouses are awe-inspiring!

The head-on shook the enchanting list and retired, and even killed a Saint. This record is really worthy of the genius who set off a revolution!

Han Yizhi cup hand to hold fist on the Crimson Giant Ship-"Fairy, he is also the Ling who came to the feast. I don’t know if I can give it a little time."

There was a hint of approval from inside the ship. His voice: "Well, it's okay."

At this time, Lin Chen focused on the realm. In the battle with Long Yijing, the overbearing medicinal power rushed straight to his tenth holy cave!

If it is normal, Saint Realm 1st Layer taking "Water Dragon Breaking Saint Pill" will inevitably need auxiliary means to refining medicinal power.

Lin Chen completely took advantage of the "double holy cave" of "Taiyi Time and Space" to fight and the opportunity of Avatar to cooperate with spirit strength refining to consume medicinal power.

One hour later, Lin Chen's imposing manner was brewing to the top!

Everyone's heart is stunned, is it going to be a breakthrough again!

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