However, with a bang, the eleventh six-pointed star gleaming on Lin Chen's body was not fully turned on. It was just a flash and dimmed.

Everyone suffocated...

Is there no breakthrough success?

"Huh, it's almost the same without a breakthrough. If this kid breaks two holy caves in more than a month, we Old Guys won't survive..."

Red Moon Some veteran Saint blushed with shame in the audience gave it a hand.

"Wipe, there is no breakthrough! My foundation accumulation is too strong, on the contrary, it rushed to the top."

Lin Chen looked at the 10 shining ones in his body. The holy cave, a little speechless.

"It's a pity. Although the water dragon Breaking Saint Pill is strong, it can only be taken once. It seems that I can only look for another opportunity to break through next time."

Lin Chen regretted, Consciousness sneaked into the Qingxue planting sac. At this time, his Ten Thousand Immortal Palms and dragon blood trees were growing very well.

When Lin Chen wanted to take stock of the spoils of war on the sacred body that two Avatars perish together exchanged for, the scene in front of him frightened Lin Chen instantly!

I saw the jade-like jade-like crystal floating in the void in the Qingxue planting capsule, and the sage of Long Yijing's entourage turned into a faint streamer and was slowly absorbed by it.

The long section of the stick shows a ten grid energy slot, and the fourth grid energy slot is about to fill up.

Boom~! Finally, when the holy body was completely absorbed by Bang Bang, its energy trough stayed at the seventh grid.

Lin Chen's consciousness is like being struck by a thunder!

"Could it be said that this stick is the spirit plant seed produced by absorbing the energy of Saint's body?"

If this is the case, then Lin Chen will Crazy slaughter, there will be continuously spirit plant seeds?

What does it mean to produce a large number of spirit plant seeds? Means wealth and resources! In the Holy Realm, these can be transformed into the strength of the holder!

As soon as this idea appeared, Lin Chen immediately suppressed it!

"Huh, I almost moved a crooked way. I will not be another Saint King of Haotian, unless I am an enemy or someone who has moved my bottom line, I, Lin Chen, will never do that abuse. Killing people... This stick is always just an auxiliary means, and my direction of becoming stronger should be decided by myself."

When he strengthened his belief, Lin Chen's mind became more unconsciously Perfection, his fighting spirit has become stronger!

"Although I killed a Saint Realm 3rd Layer, but this time I lost 200,000 rune energy and 100,000 innate talent points. If I can advance to 11 holy caves, I will bless Taiyi time and space. If it’s not, it won’t be so difficult next time facing the enchanting list of enchanting evildoers."

The battle with Long Yijing was purely because he chose the Avatar method to fight. If he directly uses his true strength, Lin Chen is absolutely impossible to block him.

It’s not that Long Yijing chose the wrong one. If he doesn’t control Lin Chen’s Avatar, he is likely to use the Avatar to confuse his vision, and then he slips away. It can only be said that Lin Chen’s methods are too many and restrictive. The strength of the enchanting list.

Lin Chen opened his eyes again and found that countless pairs of eyes were staring at him.

He turned his head and looked at the crimson giant ship, clicking one's tongue in wonder: "Is this the feast of the crimson Fairy..."

Lin Chen landed on the platform and said loudly. with a smile —— "Dark Horse Club·Lin Chen, I am here to participate in the feast of Crimson Fairy. I don’t know if I can register."

The voice of Crimson Fairy floated out——“hehe, Your Excellency Lin Chen is so strong and brave, how could this seat refuse, welcome to sign up."

The answer of Scarlet Fairy surprised her lovers!

They rarely see one's own master when they praise people!

Except for Xi Xiaoxian, the faces of all the geniuses are all solemn expressions. If they are simply counted by their combat power, no one in attendance is Lin Chen's opponent!

Competing with this monster for alternative orders, the difficulty is not ordinary!


The two sword lights act like gods and make changes, and two more geniuses arrived!

The two are extraordinary, and the big brother is heroic and upright. The younger brother is gentle and elegant, like a delicate scholar, but the occasional sharpness between his eyebrows makes him aware of this extraordinary person.

These two have 11 holy caves in full bloom, and their faces are 90% similar. They are actually a pair of twins?

"The 455th, 456th, Golden Flame Double Swords of the genius list are here for the Fairy Feast."

The geniuses have solemn expressions, and there is another pair of tricky guys!

Swipe~! The three Holy Splendors are like jade and magnificent, forming a large number of palaces and pavilions in the sky, like pearls and jade, from which three handsome and upright geniuses slowly walked out!

"Lu Tian three sons, come to participate in the Fairy feast."

A genius with a loud name coming one after another, the scene is getting more and more lively! All the female geniuses are full of peach blossoms, this one extremely talented is a giant amongst men, each has its own merits.

Some outsiders still don’t understand, why choose some handsome geniuses?

These geniuses have different minds. Some want to kiss Fangze and be close to the Scarlet Fairy, some want to compete for alternative orders, and want to enter the'Ten Years of Holy War'.

Lin Chen touched the chin, took out the ancient mirror and said with a smile on his handsome face: "If this is innocent than handsome, it is better than anything else, just give me the prize directly. "

Some geniuses heard him talking to himself, and the corners of their mouths were frantically pumped...

Han Yizhi, who was the number one genius list, actually played as a special referee, which made many People don't understand what this is!

"The registration time is over, welcome to the 13 geniuses present."

A fragrant wind swept across, and a beautiful figure walked out of the crimson giant ship, and everyone on the platform couldn't help but faint. Hold your breath!

The beautiful lady has crests on her head, her skin is better than snow, her fragrant shoulder is like jade, her red lips are as beautiful as fire, and her pair of peach blossom eyes dripping with water makes countless men crazy.

A crimson dress perfectly highlights the graceful and graceful means of lithe and graceful. An arc seems to break through the robes in front of him, making some Saints who are determined and determined secretly swallow. Drool.

It is like a peerless stunner in the palace who serves the emperor. Even Lin Chen clicks one's tongue in wonder. If Da is alive, she is only this.

But next moment, Lin Chen eyes shrank!

He stared at Scarlet Fairy, subconsciously exclaiming!

"So big!"

"So big!"

Two exclamations sounded at the same time, Lin Chen and Xi Xiaoxian exclaimed at the same time!

Many women looked at Xi Xiaoxian and Lin Chen contemptuously, and looked at Lin Chen in surprise, and clicked one's tongue in wonder in their hearts: "Could this brother Lin be the same as me?" Can't you be a middle-aged person?"

Han Yizhi helped her forehead...

Blush Fairy said calmly as if she hadn't heard it.

"For the first test of this election, you need to find 6 tokens named: Scarlet Moon Jade in a Sacred Beast lair. Those who obtain the Moon Jade can pass the first test, then Sacred Beast In the nest, there are more than five Sacred Beasts, and there are two strongest female Sacred Beasts, which are comparable to Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection."

With a wave of the scarlet Fairy sleeve gown, a hundred zhang The giant door of space opened out of thin air.

"In addition, the rule of the first test is: contestants cannot attack each other. You can fight against Sacred Beast, but you cannot kill any Sacred Beast in the lair. Violation of any one of the regulations will be regarded as In order to eliminate, your only goal is to find and obtain tokens. The time limit for this assessment is 15 days."

Lin Chen's eyes are squinted. The purpose of this assessment is a bit unfathomable mystery.

The most important thing is that he discovered the big secret of Scarlet Fairy!

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