Crimson Fairy holds an exquisite blood-colored jade stone, and said calmly: "This thing is the crimson moon jade, which is hidden in random locations on the plane of space. There are four Hidden in the lair of the two strongest Sacred Beasts. Whoever grabs the token first counts. After the token is obtained, other people can no longer deal with the holder of the token, and those who violate it will be eliminated directly."

"The secret of Scarlet Fairy is too big, so big that I can't stand it, tsk tsk tsk."

Lin Chen's eyes flickered and he smiled playfully.

"Squad leader, be careful about everything. Scarlet Fairy's intention is unknown, and I can't guess her thoughts."

Han Yizhi sound transmission Lin Chen, he blinked at Han Yizhi.

"First, please enter the Secret Realm."

After Scarlet Fairy spoke, Lian Wushuang took the lead to fly into the giant gate of space.

Eleven geniuses follow closely from behind, Lin Chen walked slowly at the pace of not recognizing one's family, and those who didn’t know thought he came here for vacation.


The space battle shifted, and a quarter of an hour later, Lin Chen and the others descended on a continent.

This place is an independent space plane, and there is no owner in its appearance, but the crimson Fairy can open the channel entrance here.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

At this time, dozens of light screen images appeared in the Red Moon Platform. This is a method similar to the Nine Provinces continent magic eye stone, which can reflect the situation in some areas and the projection in other areas.

Only the former can be used on the spatial plane of the holy world, while the magic eye stone cannot exert its effect in the holy world.

The tens of thousands of people in the Red Moon Platform looked at the situation in the image for fear of missing a little detail.

bang! bang! bang!

Suddenly, the brilliance rushed into the sky, five streams of light fell from the sky, 13 people including Lin Chen just arrived, they were surrounded by five silhouettes Living!

The hearts of the people sank. Every genius was surrounded at first?

In the mountains, the geniuses standing on the top of the mountain have a solemn expression.

These Sacred Beasts obviously know that they are going to arrive here!

"What is the test of Scarlet Fairy?"

"A strong breath, I feel two big guys! This time the situation is extremely severe..."

Twelve geniuses are waiting for them, with solemn faces.

Even Xi Xiaoxian, who holds the orange-level movement method, did not act immediately. He could feel the presence of two terrifyingly powerful auras among these five big guys!

A fat middle-aged woman in a low, muffled voice said: "hahaha, as Jiaoer said, Human Race opened a space channel!"

Another woman with a hot body and a leopard face drooling said: "Wow, elder sister, look, these are handsome guys, they are all the sons of Heaven's Chosen in Human Race!"

All Sacred Beasts look at all the geniuses with a look that Old Drunkard has found a thousand-year-old wine, more like a thirsty mother beast, wanting to'eat' all the geniuses!

Because they are imprisoned by a certain Human Race powerhouse, they are trapped on this plane all day long. Occasionally, some mortals will find the space channel breaking in here, but those mortals are not comparable to the Saint geniuses in front of them. One in 10,000!

For them, eating them has the miraculous effect of breakthrough shackles. Only when they become stronger can they get out of the predicament here!

The two Sacred Beasts with the strongest breath are transformed into human form, which is the most normal appearance. The waist is slender like a beauty snake, and the face is charming, and he licks his lips.

"hahaha, I haven’t tasted men for a long time. Fuck them! Don’t beat them to death, I have to have fun with them!"

"All Saint geniuses, better than those Ordinary people are much more interesting! The cave is going to collapse tonight!"

The five-headed Sacred Beast swarmed!

The strongest two ends unleash 8 billion dragon powers, and one palm hits the power to cut off the mountain range of rivers and crush stars. Comparable to Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection!

The remaining three heads each have 3 billion dragon power, which is equivalent to the 2nd layer Perfection of the Holy Land!

Boom! boom! boom!

The war started, and three geniuses were injured in a single encounter. The 8 billion dragon power is simply an absolute force, crushing everyone!

The twin genius with the title of "Golden Flame Double Swords" spurred the power of different crystals to jointly kill the scared Heavenly River Sword and sweep the sky!

The seductive young woman transformed into Sacred Beast pulled out a smirk: "such insignificant ability, broken!"

She screamed up with a palm. Absolute pure power rises like ten thousand horses galloping, pushing mountains and rivers horizontally!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sword glow shattered, the throats of the two were sweet, and the movement method wanted to retreat!

Lian Wushuang released the hundred zhang Holy Mountain, shining brightly, and suddenly suppressed!

Lin Haoyu, who is full of flowers and drunk swords, drew his sword, and slashed thousands of swords with one breath! The ripples of sword marks twist towards the leopard face woman!

The three Lutian sons pointed to one side together, and three beams of grinding disc-like black hurricanes were like a sky-destroying storm, suddenly covering a Sacred Beast!

In the sky, the palm prints with the seven words "kill" are tens of acres of huge, fiercely crushing the Sacred Beast in the sky!

"What a powerful offensive!"

"It is worthy of being at the top of the genius list, and an instant reaction can form such a powerful attack..."

When the people on the Red Moon Platform were amazed, all the offensives of the geniuses were either shattered into nothingness, an inch of light burst into the sky, or Sacred Beast breathed out into ashes!

Comprehensive suppression!

Many people who seem to be geniuses are all at a disadvantage when they fight!

Although they are the existence of the pyramids of the genius list, the actual cultivation base is between 8 and 15 holy caves, and there is not even one in the late 2nd layer of the holy realm!

But in terms of battle strength, it is not the opponent of this group of Sacred Beast at all!

The many geniuses present also released two Avatars to protect themselves. Lin was the easiest person.

The five Sacred Beasts joined forces and the mountains were turned into dust. Between the rising winds and scudding clouds, look at the people in the Red Moon Platform!

"This...this gap is too big..."

"There are two Sacred Beasts too terrifying. If you remove those two Xeon Sacred Beasts, maybe they can still Do it..."

"But if this continues, all the geniuses will have to be wiped out in the first test! They were captured by Sacred Beast."

"There may be hope ! That's Lin Chen! He can fight Long Yijing of the enchanting list, as long as he makes a full shot, he will definitely have a chance!"

"So you have no knowledge, Saint's Holy Force destroying heaven extinguishing earth , But it is also very difficult to make up. How long has he been playing against the enchanting list, and how intense the consumption is. In my opinion, it is considered good that he can have the one third strength of the peak state."

The people on the Red Moon Platform discuss spiritedly, it is better than some Saints who can’t understand the medicine sold in the bottle gourd of Crimson Fairy.

With her means, it is absolutely possible to send these geniuses in without revealing their whereabouts...

In the plane, the mountains and the abyss.

The fighting situation is very serious. Seven geniuses were slightly injured by neither too big nor too small. If the or Saint Beast had some reservations, if the firepower was fully fired, one of them would have been seriously injured!

I don't know why, Lin Chen suppressed some of his aura to the extreme during the battle, and the Saint Phoenix Wing kept evading many offensives when he flapped.

Suddenly, Lin Chen sent a sound transmission to all geniuses.

"Everyone, if we don’t join forces, we will all be eliminated. Don’t hide and tuck in. I, Commander Lin, is forced to take the lead and let’s break through! Anyway, at this level, we all can’t. They attacked each other."

After that, Lin Chen snapped his fingers and activated the blue-level high level nirvana to interfere with the two most seductive young women, the Avatar flashed towards all the geniuses. Throwing three golden light with a red inch in the direction of the person!

Everyone extends the hand, and when you spread your palms, there are actually three dragon fruits!

Three Longqing Fruits per person!

The strangest thing is that this Long Qingguo doesn't seem to move any hands or feet, and she has a very good quality!

The geniuses were taken aback!

is it possible that Lin Chen Young Master is still a good person?

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