The apprentice "Ye Qingyun" under the seat of Scarlet Fairy came by the fog, his clothes fluttered like a cloud, floating like Fairy in the cloud, and landed beside Lin Chen, cleverly and well-behaved. Elegantly set Lin Chen's four treasures of the study.

Ye Qingyunqian raised her eyes and stared at Lin Chen affectionately. She wore a goose yellow dress, like a fluttering butterfly in the cloud valley. She was full and exquisite, fresh and refined, with a small cherry mouth. He moved slightly, and soundly transmitted to Lin Chen privately.

"Young Master does not need to force it, poetry is only an accessory, Young Master Monarch Overlooking The Whole World has made the world aware of Young Master Lin's background, a small poem will definitely not affect Young Master Please don’t be pressured by Young Master."

Lin Chen blinked at her frivolously, his expression was full of cynical attitude, as if he didn’t take this matter seriously. Fang's heart throbs.

If Lin Chen fails the first test, but according to the regulations, he can still choose the disciplines under the Fairy seat as concubines.

There is no one under Crimson Fairy’s discipline who is someone who is easy to deal with. Ye Qingyun seized the opportunity to contact Lin Chen first, and wanted to leave a good impression on him. Lin Chen’s talent was present. Except Han Yizhi, no one can mention on equal terms!

If he can win his favor, it would be better than any genius! Ye Qingyun is exceptionally intelligent and understands this.

When they saw Ye Qingyun retreating to the side, everyone looked forward to it, and was extremely curious about what kind of quatrain poem Lin Chen could write?

The Saints stared, as if to see through all the secrets of Lin Chen, even Scarlet Fairy couldn't help being curious.

Lin Chen lifted the pen completely, and a ray of holy energy conveyed, making the space distortion around him blurred, holy light, and his pen nib became rays of light prosperous, so that no one could see it. clear.

In a short time, Lin Chen picked up the pen, the tip of the pen was moistened with the ink, and the pen was sharp and vigorous, like Dragon Snake dancing around.

Pen stops, paper roll. The speed was so fast that there was not even a breath, and everyone was stunned for a while!

Lin Chen covered the jade slip with Holy Force, making them unable to see clearly. After this reaction, Lin Chen had closed the jade slip, holy light was flowing, and no Saint could spy on it. content.

"Huh? How did your Excellency Lin Chen hide it suddenly, is it possible that you don't have confidence in yourself?" He Young Master sneered. He was about to humiliate Lin Chen fiercely.

Poetry is not a military force contest. Since ancient times, writing has not been the first, and Wu has not been the second. Everyone’s cognition is different. He is ready today. No matter what so-called Wangu poems Lin Chen makes, how shocking and stunning, he will use his lifelong learning to fiercely hit Lin Chen in the face!

"That's right, Lin Chen, shouldn't you be counseled?"

"Can you regret it after bragging?"

" If you’re a man, just show it up. You’re a good guy and sneaky, you’re not as good as Xi Xiaoxian!"

"Aiya, I knew it, I've seen it!"

" There is a record in an ancient book that people have no brains when bragging. Obviously, this Lin Chen Little Brother is a living example."

Everyone ridiculed frigid irony and scorching. Satire, not too big of a problem, seems to have forgotten that the young man they ridiculed used to slaughter multiple 4th layers of the holy realm.

"Lin Chen brother, don't be so stingy. Is it true that you don't have confidence in yourself?" Ximenxue smiled, her eyes filled with joy.

In the face of everyone’s questioning, Lin Chen said with a smile indifferently: "Since it’s a fairy poem, it’s shaking the old illuminating the new, and it’s unparalleled. Only you ordinary people can only taste immortals. The charm of poetry, except for the handsome and cute Xiao Yizhi, the blush Fairy is barely qualified to take a look at this handsome poem! People who are not handsome enough are not eligible to appreciate it. This poem."


"Fairy still barely qualified? What do you think of this, I think this child is deliberately mystifying, supercilious generation!"

"Return Fairy Qing to suppress this arrogant man!"

Everyone was aroused, and Scarlet Fairy slowly raised his hand.

"Everyone, keep quiet for the time being, why don't you let me first see what is the mystery of this poem? Just now, Your Excellency Lin Chen also said, I'm barely qualified, right."


Crimson Fairy's voice is very soft, seemingly not irritated at all, staring at Lin Chen, with profound meaning.

hearing this, everyone immediately changed their conversation.

"Then Fairy Qing will read this child's arrogant work first, and then announce the result."

"Yes, we don't doubt Fairy's fairness, but we still hope Fairy Don't be too kind to this arrogant person."

The voices of everyone can see the high reputation of Crimson Fairy in the South.

Crimson Fairy’s eyes turned to Lin Chen, "It’s okay, Lord Lin Chen."

Lin Chen shrugged: "If it’s you, I’m barely qualified. Look at my poem.你可要有心理准备,我可不是那边的两个舔狗,我认可的Fairy ,只有两个,可不是你哦。”

众人强忍住揍这家伙一顿, Lin Chen spread his hand, Ye Qingyun took the jade slip shrouded in holy light, and then respectfully sent it to Crimson Fairy.

On the huge ship, Crimson Fairy took over the jade slip, the holy light melted a little, and the slender hands spread out the jade slip.

Crimson Fairy, as if witnessing the contents of jade slip.

The crimson Fairy, who has always been elegant and elegant, suddenly changed his complexion!

The bright crimson brilliance in beautiful eyes flickered several times, and Fanghua's unparalleled beauty appeared shocked, and her expression was rarely moved!


In an instant, the changeable situation, the crimson moonlight hiding the sky and covering the earth, is like a bright moon rising, illuminating the entire red moon platform!

The Holy Force of Crimson Fairy leaked out a little bit, which caused the pressure of many people present to increase sharply!

Her disciples are all eclipsed, they have never seen Crimson Fairy lose self-control so much!

Everyone is horrified! Especially the Saints who have met Crimson Fairy, are even more unimaginable!

In their cognition, although Scarlet Fairy has a charming and charming temperament, it has always been the type where Mount Tai collapsed and face doesn't change.

Lin Chen, what kind of poem did Lin Chen compose that made the characters of this level Scarlet Fairy so moved!

When Master He, Master Ximenxue and the others stared at Lin Chen again, they saw him looking up at the sky forty-five degrees, and sighed deeply.

"I think, back then, my brother was very romantic in God World, and I don’t know how many girls who chanted poems and music. You mortals don’t understand. This handsome man forced to bear too much at this age that didn’t belong to me. Pressure, alas, handsome and talented, is this God's punishment to me?"

Why, this person is really shameless and shameless! God World makes you blow it out? That is only the legendary world!

If you are a member of God World, we all stand upside down!

Everyone can't figure out how, what kind of poem did this guy make to make Scarlet Fairy so moved...

Is it really as magical as he said? This poem comes from the legendary God World? Isn't this nonsense!

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