Lin Chen's move confuses everyone in the audience! You said he was bragging and shameless, but the situation of Crimson Fairy is obvious to all!

Ximenxue couldn't help asking: "Fairy, what is this poem..."

Crimson Fairy jade hand closes the jade slip, and overflowing heaven stormy seas rises in her heart.

When Miaomu looked towards Lin Chen again, she had a different charm. She said seriously: "Lin Chen Young Master’s poems are truly ancient, they should only be in the sky! I don’t know me. Can you cherish it carefully, and savor it later."

Lin Chen snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Naturally, it’s okay. You hide under the covers and look at me. I don’t care about you."

Seems to understand what Lin Chen meant, Scarlet Fairy said softly: "Thank you Young Master for your accomplishment."

He Young Master was a little crazy, and said hurriedly. : "Fairy, what kind of poem is this, can we also open our eyes!"

Brim Fairy shook his head: "No, I won't regret a word. This seat announced that this time The assessment was passed by Lin Chen Young Master, and he was awarded the enchantment list candidate. The remaining geniuses can also choose their lovers to become concubines."

Everyone has numb scalp, completely stunned. !

The announcement of Crimson Fairy, even has several points of tough and determined taste, even asking Han Yizhi at all!

It seems that Lin Chen has been designated to win!

Won? This won?

What the hell is this? Without knowing anything, Lin Chen won?

Ximenxue could no longer maintain her demeanor, and scolded Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, you have some ancient poetry must be hidden, why can't you let everyone appreciate it together!"

"I said the reason." Lin Chen shrugged, jokingly said with a smile: "You are not handsome enough, you can't understand this poem. It's just that this handsome guy forced this kind of appearance and sat there. The most beautiful young man in the holy world is eligible."

Most people in the audience twitched their mouths slightly...

Han Yizhi chuckled and chuckled, the big stone in her heart completely dropped.

"The squad leader is really amazing. What kind of poem is it that shocked the Scarlet Fairy..." Han Yizhi was curious.

Based on what he knows about the monitor, it might not be a poem?

Swipe~! The crimson Fairy slender jade hand flipped over, and a token appeared in the palm of the hand and passed it to Lin Chen in the air.

The geniuses looked at the alternative order with envy. People other than the top 100 on the genius list wanted to participate in the ten-year Holy War, so they had to collect three alternative orders.

If you win in Holy War, you will be able to enter the candidate list of the evildoer list, and have most of the rights equivalent to the evildoer list.

The feast of Crimson Fairy ended with the most unexpected result. When many geniuses left, they sighed and were unwilling.

"His sister, in the end, I still can't see what poem Lin Chen is writing. Why is it so mysterious."

"Even Scarlet Fairy is moved like this, I'm afraid It's really a poem forever."

"It's normal for this kid to stand out. Think about it, he is a man who even dares to move Saint King's tiger butt. There is nothing he can't do. Of..."

No one questioned Scarlet Fairy's decision, her status and prestige, and even she directly handed over the enchantment list to Lin Chen. Will not anyone dare to refute it.

And He Young Master and Xi Menxue each chose a concubine, envious of others, what is unexpected is that Xi Xiaoxian did not choose, but left directly, which is simply not In line with the title of one of his four great prostitutes!

Ye Qingyun stared at Lin Chen grotesquely and resentfully, wondering if his eyes were facing one's own master, and his eyes had a profound meaning.

"So, did he come for the Master? Is my charm still weaker than the Master..."

Ye Qingyun faintly sighed.

When leaving the field, some Saints were surprised to find that Scarlet Fairy invited Lin Chen on board!

Meeting in secret? Or to account for entrusted matters?


Han Yizhi is arranged in another secret room in the ship.

In the crimson giant ship, in a boudoir. Space Formation is completely sealed off. With the means of Scarlet Fairy, she can't even enter Saint Realm 5th Layer under the premise of sealing the space!

In the boudoir, Lin Chen and Scarlet Fairy sit opposite each other.

On the table is Lin Chen's jade slip. The jade slip is spread out. The content written on it is not an eternal poem at all!

Instead, the four characters-you are not a person

'You are not a person' These four characters are vigorous and powerful, unrestrained, without any hesitation or stagnation, all of them show their writing The courage and confidence of the person!

Yes, this is the secret of Crimson Fairy controlled by Lin Chen!

Lin Chen has a habit. Wherever he goes, as long as there is a Saint, he will launch the'God Stealing Omen' to steal the attribute value as much as possible.

But when he first met Scarlet Fairy, the Omen of God Stealing failed!

The Crimson Fairy cultivation base is indeed extremely powerful, but it is not yet so strong that Lin Chen can't steal the attribute value. At that time, the system only gave one answer [Cannot steal attribute value from spirit plant]!

Crimson Fairy, not a human!

She was turned into a human form from a spirit plant! This secret was shockingly incomparable even when Lin Chen first saw it!

The spirit plant is transformed into a human form? As far as Lin Chen has contacted, there is no such possibility at all!

At least, the middle grade spirit plant is impossible!

Grade 6 Aristocratic Family owns a middle grade spirit plant, Lin Chen is also a little knowledgeable about this thing, and it is absolutely impossible to transform into a human form. It is even more impossible into a human form, and has the strength comparable to the high-level holy realm!

Qiyun spirit plant and different crystals are divided into: low grade, middle grade, high grade, top grade, and superb!

High grade spirit plant, Lin Chen hasn't touched it yet. This peerless Rare Item is at least under the control of Grade 7 and even higher powers.

In other words, Crimson Fairy is at least a high grade spirit plant!

Fairy's wonderful eyes stared at Lin Chen, the blue waves flowed, and the faint killing intent flashed in his eyes, more shock and doubt.

The secret of her identity, the insider can be counted on one's fingers, and she has even died of extinction. If she continues to hide, perhaps no one will know her between this Heaven and Earth. How did this young man discover her?

What is the purpose of this boy? Is it just for an alternative order? Why did he come here? To what extent does he know his secrets?

Where is his origin? What is his purpose in revealing his secret this time? Does it prove that he is not afraid of himself?

Countless questions linger in the heart of Scarlet Fairy. This is the first time she has a panic in so many years!

She doesn't know the origin of Lin Chen, so she won't move Lin Chen for now. She wants to kill Lin Chen, but there are a few breathing problems. The question is whether he has passed his secret to a third party or more people!

This secret involves her life! Once exposed, it will cause a great battle in the blue area and even more regions in an instant!

Suddenly, Lin Chen smiled. He smiled easily and freely, and even asked Scarlet Fairy with a smile.

"Crimson Fairy, am I handsome."

Crimson Fairy was taken aback!

next moment; she forcibly calmed down, smiled sweetly, and smiled beautifully: "Naturally, Young Master is very handsome. Your servant is so handsome that your servant is a little flustered."

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