In two days, Lin Chen consumed a large amount of silver sacred dollar coins and Long Qingguo purchased 9 Holy Artifacts from Sacred Beast, disassembled all of them, and obtained a set Essence.

The slim girl descended from the void and leaned forward: "My sires, my family's Master invites you to a banquet. Please also move into the castle."

Sacred Beast Glancing at each other, Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng's eyes met, and together with the girl, they entered the palace in Purple Charm City.

boom~ boom~ ~!

Along the way, a lot of powerful auras came here. Lin Chen's eyes were squinted. Among these auras, there are many orc powerhouses comparable to Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection!

"It seems that the specifications of this feast are very big..."

Lin Chen licked his tongue excitedly, and the ferocious Silver Dragon mask looked evil.

The girl arranged the Sacred Beast in the palace to the west, Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng chose the same room.

"What's going on?"

Jian Qingcheng uncovered her cloak. After covering up, she looks like a beautiful woman in her thirties, with her lithe and graceful figure, full of charm. .

Lin Chen snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "I will create a chance to get close to the top of the magic dragon, and then cause chaos in the middle, you will find the right opportunity to kill, and your goal is completed Just look for a chance to leave. If you can’t leave, just lean to my place. I will look for a chance to take you with you on the road."

Sword Qingcheng browse tightly frowns: "Move so quickly, and surveyed the route. Can it work?"

Lin Chen knocked on the desktop.

"If you can't do it, you can do it!"


Late night, in the white jade square in the center of the four palaces, a prosperous scene.

The beautiful ladies are dancing, singing and dancing, and putting on a banquet.

Two seats are arranged side by side, hundreds of silhouettes are sitting here, all eighth rank Sacred Beast Human Transformation!

The delicacies of the banquet are all dragon liver and phoenix, holy wines, with very high specifications.

Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng are also among them, and the two pretend to taste the food, but in fact they observe in secret.

The six-headed Sacred Beast sitting in the front row is comparable to Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection.

The Sacred Beast in the front row arrived recently. Lin Chen looked around the audience and first used the attribute that was stolen over and over again with the'God Steal Omen'!

"You all came from afar to participate in the birthday celebration of Lai's family. It's really intentional."

The lazy voice made the Sacred Beasts shiver, as if their spirits were softened. The sponge brushed over, soothing and calming.

Invisibly, it has also formed a certain degree of deterrence. The Sacred Beasts in the front row showed a look of jealousy, and everyone's eyes focused on the hall at the top of the square.

The lady with purple hair moves lightly, sits slowly on the Dragon Throne, the lazy and soft lovable body is lying on the Dragon Throne like a snake, the jade hand rests her cheeks, and her long legs are like two The white snake twisted and twisted Erlang's legs.

"gu lu..."

The sound of someone swallowing saliva.

As a woman, Jian Qingcheng couldn't help being hot all over. This woman was full of fatal temptation. This temptation, except for the characteristics of her own bloodline, and her Spiritual Cultivation!

Lin Chen's pupils are slightly trembled hidden under the Silver Dragon mask. This woman is the'Syd Girl'!

The murderous woman who'stuffed in' the magic heart stone of fantasy!

A man and a woman are standing one to the left and one to the right beside her. The men are handsome and evil, the women are surpassingly beautiful, and there is an attracting spirit seizing soul-like charm between her eyebrows.

Jian Qingcheng stared at the handsome man next to him. This person is the target of her trip, the Crown Prince Long of the Magic Dream Meixin Dragon!

His strength, at best, is comparable to Saint Realm 1st Layer Early-Stage, and soon he became a saint.

Lin Chen launched the'God Steal Omen' to the three of them.

【Successfully steal the attribute value, obtain: 100,000 points of spirit strength, 50,000 points of rune energy, and 500 million points of high level qi and blood. 】

At this time--

"Mrs. Suwen Huanmeng is so beautiful, she is really named is not in vain. Today's wife is even more beautiful, and my little brother prepares a Holy Artifact. Show your heart."

The head in the front row looks like a Sacred Beast Human Transformation, with a long bubble in white clothes and a personable demeanor. The palms are spread out, floating a string of lightning-winding necklaces.

Grade 1 Holy Artifact ·Raikang Pendant!

The woman in the purple dress next to Mrs. Fantasy leaned slightly and nodded to say with a smile-"Thank you, King."

After that, she took the Raikage pendant with both hands. .

The tiger-faced man in the front row of both hands crossed near chest sneered—"You are ashamed to take it out with this thing?"

"en?" White Sacred Beast A little displeased, he smiled and said without a smile: "Do you have a better one? Brother Heavenly Tiger, how about opening your eyes to the next?"

The tiger-faced man picked up the three jugs, Said with a smile: "Mrs. Fantasy, this is a gift I brought to you, Brother, Mengqing Mind Wine."

When this thing came out, everyone was surprised, Mengqing Mind Wine, This thing can nourish the body and refine the soul, it is the holy product of body refinement!

Sacred Beast coldly snorted in white, gritted his teeth and sat down.

The lazy-snake Madame Dreamy's eyes were slightly brighter for the first time, and she smiled charmingly: "King Heavenly Tiger has a heart, and the dragon pool will open in a few days, so let's enjoy it with King Heavenly Tiger."

Hearing this, the tiger-faced man was full of surprise, his eyes showed a bit of excitement, cup one fist in the other hand said-"Thank you, Madam!"

Seeing this The “Heavenly Tiger King” was favored. Over a hundred Sacred Beasts began to offer gifts. Some were eighth rank sacred relic, some were eighth rank sacred relics, or rare treasures, and some offered Handsome Men and Beautiful Women, Lin Chen was dazzled.

But there are very few people who have truly won the Longchi baptism quota.

When it was Sword Qingcheng's turn, she presented a Grade 1 sacred pill, which was so delighted by Mrs. Dreaming that she was also awarded a place to enter the Dragon Pond by name.

The preciousness of Sacred Pill is rarely enjoyed by ordinary Saints, let alone Sacred Beast, any Sacred Beast has a fatal temptation to Sacred Beast.

At the end, many Sacred Beasts looked towards him, he was the only one present who did not offer gifts.

The previous Sacred Beast, who was incarnate as a Young Master in white, said with a sneer: "It seems that we have mixed in with a guy who doesn't know rational numbers."

Heavenly Tiger King shook his head Laughing: "Looking at the mask on this guy's face, it seems to be something from Immemorial Era. I thought it was a nobleman. Didn't expect to be a poor ghost."

The first few big Sacred Beasts are recent When I arrived, I didn't know Lin Chen's large-scale acquisition of Zimei City.

Many Sacred Beasts are very curious, why the Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage didn’t make a gift? With his background, just taking a few things out is enough to hold the scene!

When Mrs. Fantasy Dream frowned and her expression was slightly unhappy, Lin Chen's voice echoed in the square abruptly.

"Hehe, this lady, I have prepared a great gift for you. Before giving the gift, I want to ask Madam a question."

Sacred Beasts were taken aback, Is there a problem with gift-giving?

Ms. Dreaming raised her eyebrows, nodded and said: "Well, this friend tells me."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "I don’t know if Madam has heard of Yes, the name of the Human Race Dark Horse Club·Lin Chen."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the Sacred Beasts present were very exciting!

Some doubts, some stunned, some horrified.

The charming woman next to Mrs. Dreaming replied first: "I know I know if it's the Human Race genius of the Southern Territory. I heard that I also borrowed some external forces to kill a few 4th layers of the Holy Realm. "

Some Sacred Beast who heard Lin Chen's name for the first time can't help being emotional!

Get rid of the 4th layer of the Holy Land? This is equivalent to the existence of some eighth rank intermediate Sacred Beast!

Jian Qingcheng was startled a few times by him.

What does this guy want to do? Have you reported your real name?

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