Lin Chen said with a smile from the woman in the purple skirt—"This Little Princess said so, and this person is also an eighth rank pharmacist, and his skill is extraordinary. "

Next,'Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage' chuckled.

"Furthermore, Lin Chen, this Human Race brimming over with talent, is so handsome, sassy but not promiscuous, profligate but not sloppy, and the bed skills are so good that he still has the divine object of Dragon Spear. Not only can pill concocting arson, but also cast fortune-telling. It can be said that looking at the history of Human Race, it can also be called unprecedentedly handsome and the number one in the holy world."

Sword Qingcheng’s mouth was drawn wildly...

You are not ashamed of saying this?

Many Sacred Beasts become more mysterious as they listen, and their faces are full of doubts.

The genius of Human Race is eighth rank. What is the relationship between the alchemist and your gift? What are you doing with these useless things?

Mrs. Huan Meng took a deep look at Lin Chen, and the corner of her mouth slightly raised: "Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage, what do you mean?"

'Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage 'shrugged-"The meaning is very simple. What I want to give to my wife today is your favorite gift."

After that, Lin Chen waved one hand!

Swipe~! The cage emerges, the shackles are tightly locked, the Space Formation is densely packed, and hundreds of space talisman are in disillusionment.

The Sacred Beast looked intently, and there was a handsome silver robe boy in the cage?

The young man's body is shining with 10 rays of light dim six-pointed stars, his expression is sad, his brows are filled with despair and powerlessness.

Young Master in purple skirt covers his red lips with both hands!

Mrs. Fantasy stood up suddenly, her eyes shining brightly!

Many Sacred Beasts are dumbfounded and their scalp numb!

Sword Qingcheng's red lips are slightly open...

The one in this cage is like Lin Chen!

Jian Qingcheng stared at Lin Chen in shock, and he blinked at the beauty.

Next,'Silver Dragon Tiansheng' said with a slight smile-"This is the gift I gave to the lady, Human Race dark horse club limited edition actor is so handsome, Lin Chen."

Sword Qingcheng is simply dumbfounded!

Should I give it to myself? There is this kind of operation?

"Mother, it's him! I have seen his portrait, the peerless genius of Human Race, Lin Chen! The breath is exactly the same, in line with the rumors!"

Purple skirt The woman licked her red lips, as if a she-wolf had seen her prey.

Mrs. Fantasy Dream couldn’t help sniffing, her expression was intoxicated, and she muttered: “It’s not wrong, this is the breath of the pure Dragon King’s spear host. If the jade juice is poured, the Dragon King will appear. When you win!"

Countless Sacred Beasts looked towards'Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage' with a monster-like look. The ferocious Silver Dragon mask is like a god, deep in the hearts of Sacred Beasts !

The Heavenly Tiger King and the White Young Master, who had been ridiculing earlier, shrank their heads immediately, not daring to say a word.

"Damn it, this kid plays the pig to eat the tiger! He almost pitted him! It is indeed a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse!"

"This Human Race genius is said to have the trump card of the 4th layer of the sacred realm. This Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage can capture him alive. Doesn’t it have the strength to surpass the 4th layer of the Holy Realm? It’s really terrifying and hides him. Mother’s depth!"

The fierce beast is in the world, and strength is king. The background of'Silver Dragon Heavenly Sage' stunned all Sacred Beasts all at once!

Forcibly resisting the inner ecstasy, Mrs. Dreaming said with a serious face: "You really want to send him to the mourning house? What are the conditions and purpose?"

Yes, this child’s The value can not be determined by a dragon pool refining quota. The name of the Saint Level refining medicine and the Casting Item Master is enough to determine his terrifying value!

In some powerful Immemorial Dragon clan, there are even powerhouses that house Human Race eighth rank alchemists to serve them, but it is clear that the Immemorial Dragon does not have this kind of background. If you get this child, the background of the fantasy magic heart dragon clan will soar exponentially!

"hehe, Madam is happy to speak. It is said that the nobleman’s magical heart stone can make the Holy Spirit break the demon in the heart, and sublimate the spiritual realm to a higher level. The heart underneath is entwined with countless epochs. I have long been overwhelmed. It is not too much to exchange the power of this child for the noble's dream charm stone, isn't it?"

Lin Chen said with a smile, if you use yourself as a bargaining chip, you may be able to exchange that thing directly.

"This..." Mrs. Dreamy frowned. The Dreamy Charm Stone only had a chance to be born when Dragon Clan, who was above the eighth rank high level, had a child.

Now their family is the most powerful house but the eighth rank mid-level, and it is not in the middle of Saint Realm 5th Layer. This item is the last reservation of their family. If it is permanently lost, it will not be able to remove Heart Demon for future generations and impact the eighth rank Sacred. Beast realm.

"My clan has only a small amount of the Magic Heart Stone of Fantasy Dreams, and cannot be exchanged directly. Please change a bargaining chip."

After thinking twice, Mrs. Fantasy refused.

Lin Chen sneered in his heart, as expected.

He went on to say: "That's not as good as this. I only borrow the Magic Dream Charm Stone from the nobles. I borrow the Magic Heart Charm Stone once with this child's ten-thousand-year time limit, right? Now? He has the power of life and death in my hands. If I want to kill him, it will only take a moment."

Mrs. Fantasy is silent again...

After a moment, she shows her face. A smile: "If you just borrow it once, it’s okay, but you have to give this child to the Aijia first, and the Longchi will be opened. The Aijia needs to be activated with the Charm Stone. After the days of the Longchi convening, the Aijia can only be activated. Let you use it, how about?"

Lin Chen frowned, and still drag it?

"Give her the Avatar first, and Avatar will act better by her side, that's all, fuck her!"

Lin Chen clapped his hands and pushed the cage over, heroism reaching to the clouds said: "Alright, then it's decided like this!"

Mrs. Fantasy waved her hand, held the cage, and licked her red lips, enchanting and charming.

"Mother~~" The woman in the purple dress said with her arms around the lady.

She lost said with a smile: "You can’t let you eat first, otherwise this kid will become a man, and my mother is counting on him to make medicine for us."

"Just once~~"


The banquet continued, and Mrs. Dream even called a bunch of Handsome Men and Beautiful Women to accompany the many Sacred Beasts.

Some Sacred Beasts have already become beastly, and the real thing is getting started.

Crown Prince Long left with his lover.

And after Mrs. Dreaming set up with many Sacred Beast guests, she summoned Elder, the holy realm of the Magic Heart Dragon, to sit on the court, and couldn't wait to pull the Lin Chen Avatar away from the cage.

In the white jade square, some unbearable to look at scenes are extremely obscene. Orcs are extremely animalistic, and so are their desires.

At this time, it has become a banquet of meat dancing, both male and female. The wine they taste is made of holy products, and even the spirit has the effect of paralyzing and confusing, Saint and Sacred Beast Can also be drunk.

Lin Chen and Jian Qingcheng have sat back to their original positions, pretending to be wolfing down, and while tactfully rejecting the'special service', Jian Qingcheng tasted the wine while sound transmission and asked Lin Chen.

"Your and my goals are scattered, when to act."

Silver Dragon mask opened, Lin Chen bite off a few pieces of dragon meat, chuckled.

"Action now, you do yours, I do mine."

Jian Qingcheng rolled his eyes.

I am going to kill people, you are going to...fuck people?

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