The vast sea, north-south direction.

This unprecedented melee was filled with various roles. Some criminals evacuated after killing three candidates.

Some seem to be forced by a tiger, and they are so reckless as to rush to the forefront. In fact, their backhand erupts with the strongest force to steal the targets of other criminals.

Some criminals are lurking in the sea. When the target bursts into a short-term state of exertion with a powerful blow, they suddenly rise up and directly assassinate them. What's more, they will kill each other as well as the criminals in the Dragon Prison!

Some people unite vertically and horizontally. Several or ten people form a team. When encountering the Immemorial Dragon team, they will withdraw, and when they encounter the ancient Dragon team, they will fight!

Some joint actions, coordinate their own abilities to more than double their battle strength, and specialize in ability or attribute restraint Dragon Clan teams to fight.

This is a real melee of life and death, almost to death!

For the prisoners of Dragon Prison, this is the only opportunity to forgive the crimes of Dragon Prison.

For the Dragon Clan team, each Dragon Clan Elder has only one chance to participate in the Wanlonghui, and only this time can accept the ancestor Totem bloodline baptism!

Whether the crimes of being reborn can be pardoned, and whether they can break through the shackles and advance to all new realm is the only opportunity for both of them!

If you don’t fight at this time, when will you wait!

Not many people on both sides have too many reservations. More than 90% of the powerhouse worked hard to beat the Sea Territory, which is half of the vast sea, to the sky and the sea, and the space is shattered!

Some dragons, patriarch, fell old, and some criminals died. Their dragon core, holy beast core, will instantly become the target of the crowd!

The battle is messy and fierce than ever!

As far as the current situation is concerned, Dragon Clan has an advantage in number and is strong. Although the Dragon Prison criminals are relatively strong, they can lose in the protracted battle.

In addition to the fact that some dragon prison criminals just get away with their goals when they reach their goals, the Dragon Clan team has gained a lot of positive advantages!

"Wow, quack, it's finally our turn to pick up the ready-made ones!"

"Damn, after holding back for so many days, I finally have to kill!"

"All the signals have come. Most of the battlefields revolve around the north-south direction of the boundless sea. Let's kill as much as you want. Our freedom is coming!"

When the battle conditions were chaotic, unexpectedly A team of more than a hundred people came out from the north!

It is the last force of the prisoner of dragon!

They sent a powerhouse that was good at sneaking into, delineated the approximate range of the battle, and then informed the whole group with some kind of signal that they really did a "cardiole"!

For a time, a large number of Dragon Prison criminals flooded into the various battlefields. They are close to the enemy and we are indifferent, but any opponent who is on the verge of death will be killed!

The advantages established by the Dragon Clan team began to gradually disintegrate, even at a disadvantage!

In less than two quarters of an hour, almost most of the Dragon Clan teams knew that new criminal forces had flooded into the battle, but the participating teams didn't have much to retreat!

Because this is their last chance to win the'Dragon Offering Value', even if it is inferior, they have to fight!

This is also the'chain reaction' that Lin Chen wants to trigger. The battle is like a snowball that is getting bigger and bigger. When it rolls down, no one can stop it!


In the Wanlong venue, seeing that nearly 70% of the light screen cast teams are caught in a melee, some Dragon Clan powerhouses are somewhat horrible to see!

In the Dragon Clan powerhouse watching the battle, many people have the cultivation base of the 4th layer of the Holy Land. They also have a sense of scalp tingling for this crazy melee!

Thousands of dragon prison criminals, hundreds of Dragon Clan teams, are constantly strangling like a meat grinder, with no intention of stopping at all!

"This is too crazy..."

"Not good, with my clan's ability, the self-protection ability in this battle is too bad!"

"Damn it, why don't these guys withdraw! If this goes on, Crown Prince won't be able to keep it!"

There was constant restlessness in the venue, and Wanlong powerhouses was frightened!

"Mighty, stop the assessment!"

"Yes, if you continue to fight like this, how many people will we have to die!"

"Some of them Although the bloodline of Sacred Dragon is limited and can no longer break through, it is the basic strength of my Dragon Clan. Is it worth it to die so many lives in it?"

Some Ancient One-level Dragon Clan powerhouses are forbearing Unable to stand up, the extremely serious and serious sound transmission was sent to the powerful people on the high platform.

Even a lot of Dragon Clan powers didn't expect that things will develop to this point!

"This kid is playing too much too!"

"Who would have thought that this little fellow would have come such a hand, bringing the people on both sides together!"

“Absolutely didn't expect these criminals to be united by the Azure Dragon Clan sneak attack. As a result, the participating teams really hunted down to the value of dragon offerings, and the dragon prison criminals The same is true."

"The assessment effect we expected did not appear, all because of this child!"

"This is the general trend! I really can't think of this trend, or Created by this child!"

The mighties are full of amazement, but unfortunately, they no longer have the right to suspend this assessment!

Because,'above' has spoken!

Let him make the noise the bigger the better!

"No matter what happens next, the assessment will be impossible to stop. How can the Wanlonghui be a child's play!"

The evil spirits were coldly shouted, and Dragon's Might was shocked. Shock the audience!

"oh! It's too difficult, my patriarch has always killed three people because of this!"

"Everything is the fault of the new Azure Dragon king, Yingbangbang, this is this Child planned this battle."

"Do you think he planned this battle to do him any good?"

"Where is Gilin State, what is he doing!"

Many Ancient Ones just sighed and were about to sit back and start looking for the light screen of Azure Dragon Clan...

next moment, they were so angry that they were so angry on the spot!

I saw, among the thousands of light screens, there is only one fresh and refined scene!

In the light screen; the back of the strong and slender young man is naked, his chest muscles are exposed, and the surging water flows.

He wore a pair of dark blue pants, raised his hand again and again, and gracefully and swiftly made a freestyle gesture, swimming quickly into the vast seabed, swimming in a leisurely and dignified style, even holding a string Long Qingguo's skewers didn't panic at all, and there was a lowly laughed on the corner of her mouth.

Countless Dragon Clan powerhouses were so angry that their body was about to explode, and the entire Wanlong venue burst out in roar!

"Damn it, he is actually here Swimming in the vast seabed?"

"Fuck! What is it like outside? He is swimming here!"

"My Big Uncle son and his third nephew and nephew are outside. The illegitimate child finally became the Dragon Clan Crown Prince and died in the battle. He was swimming? Swimming? Swimming dragon skin!"

"Let go of me! Damn, I want to go in and beat this bastard to death!"


Dragon Clan almost exploded on the spot!

The corners of your Dragon Clan’s mouths twitched wildly...

It’s crazy, it must be crazy!

This vast world has beaten heaven falls and earth rends. As the initiator of all this, what about this kid swimming? Doing this kind of thing that harms the dragon and disadvantages oneself, can you have enemies with the entire Dragon Clan team?

If the Dragon Clan team that he was'scoured' knew about this scene under Longwangquan, the Dragon Clan team has passed away, I'm afraid that the coffin board will have to turn dozens of laps!

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