The vast sea, seabed 130,000 meters.

"Sure enough, the vast sea is the core location of the giant whale plane. Although the fog has weakened, the amount may actually accumulate in the seabed! I can't even fly in the seabed. This energy is too strong. That’s it!"

"Fortunately, the handsome guy was the clubhouse Little Black Dragon, and the young White Dragon in Langli. This swimming skill is still good!"

Lin Chen swims and dives , Clicking one's tongue in wonder inside.

Behind him, there are people from Azure Dragon Clan follow closely from behind. The Water Element’s energy is too strong and the sea water is extremely dense and the pressure is extremely heavy. Elders can’t fly, so they can only choose to rely on pure power. Swim forward.

When I finally dived to a very deep and dark location, what appeared to everyone in Azure Dragon Clan was a huge dim seabed cavern with thousands of zhangs.

The vortex-like water flow continues to revolve around the hole, and the internal Water Element energy has been condensed to a terrifying point! The ordinary Sacred Dragon enters, even the dragon body has to be shattered!

There are no treasures here, except for the overly strong Water Element energy, the pressure is extremely terrifying, and the Dragon Prison criminals and Dragon Clan team will not go deep into the position.

"The legendary giant whale has fallen. This hole may be a part of the energy condensed by the giant whale. It doesn't look like a chrysanthemum. What is it?"

Lin Chen didn't think too much, his fingertips gathered a faint blue dragon breath to form a blue rope.

With a flick of the rope, it swept across the water, let Azure Dragon Clan catch it all, and tie it around his waist.

The people of Azure Dragon Clan didn't know Lin Chen's intentions, but they chose to unconditionally believe in this new king!

The rope maintains the aura of Lin Chen and Azure Dragon Clan as a whole. Lin Chen suddenly spins the body of the "wanza azure light" and rushes into the seabed hole!

hong long long ~~! hong long long ~!

The whole seabed trembled violently for several times!

Lin Chen suddenly felt that thousands of heavy objects weighed on his limbs!

All of a sudden, Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon body was pressed into the seabed hole!

The strong Water Element energy seems to condense into a block to suppress him!

"hahaha, it's a good time. I am eager!"

Lin Chen laughed boldly and suddenly turned another bloodline!

"Divine Sea, Kai!"


In the Wanlong venue, amidst the many verbal abuses and roars, Tianyu Rain The faces of the Elders of the Dragon clan suddenly changed!

"old man understands!"

"I understand!"

They have seen before, this new Azure Dragon king has used their family The bloodline divine ability, which means that he has the bloodline of the Rain Dragon clan!

Rain Dragon, the natural king of Water Element, super Dragon Clan who controls water. Once named Lieyuan Ancient Dragon Clan, although it was later abandoned as Ancient Dragon Clan, the foundation is still very different.

However, the Tianyu Rain Dragon clan has not participated in this Wanlong Meeting. They had participated once tens of thousands of years ago. They had average grades, failed to pass, and lost a lot of great Great Elder.

So far, the Tianyu Rain Dragon clan has been accumulating strength, and the accumulation has not been completed until now.

If you have participated in the Ten Thousand Dragons Meeting once, Elder cannot participate in the second election, and the team that is reluctantly put together will only become cannon fodder. Tianyu Rain Dragon does not want to repeat the same mistakes, and has always been waiting and watching to accumulate strength. .

With the Heaven and Earth Water Element energy blessing of the Heavenly Royal Rain Dragon, its potential and battle strength will soar!

"This kid wants to use the Rain Dragon bloodline of Heaven to increase his power temporarily by using the Water Element energy of the whale plane!"

"No wonder he wants to fight In the boundless sea, what a trick to rise freely in the nest, absolutely!"

At first, the Dragon Clan great abilities who know Lin Chen's three bloodlines are also aware of Lin Chen's action goals!

"Although the Rain Dragon of Heaven is the King of the Water Element, the vast sea on the plane of the giant whale is the area where Water Element’s energy has been deposited for the longest time. How much power can be increased depends on the bloodline user’s Ability!"

"I guess it would be good if it could absorb one-twentieth of the energy of the vast seabed..."

When Dragon Clan talked about the power, Lin in the seabed Chen suddenly burst into blue dragon light!

"Om~! Bang!"

The vast deep sea vibrates!

The infinite Water Element energy is swallowed by Lin Chen's whale!

His Sacred Dragon body, the critical Dragon Vein, was completely rushed away!

Swipe~! In a very short time, the Dragon Vein of Sacred Dragon was completely rushed away. Although it was only temporarily, Sacred Dragon really broke through the entire realm!

Immediately afterwards, the unstoppable power climbed, as if all the Water Element energy was transformed into the power of Sacred Dragon, 8.1 billion dragon power, 8.3 billion dragon power, and 8.8 billion dragon power!

Almost at the speed that naked eye can see, Sacred Dragon breakthrough tens of billions of dragon power!

"Not enough, Dragon Vein, blow me up!"


The Dragon Vein of the Sacred Dragon's body was completely exploded in half, and one after another could hold more Water Element energy, and the Water Element energy of the entire vast sea began to condense into the body!


"The new king actually exploded the Dragon Vein, this...If this is not treated in time, the cultivation base will fall in the slightest, and the life will be worried. Yes!"

Azure Dragon Clan Elder looked horrified!

Blasting 400 million Dragon Veins, the bloodline divine ability can be used for a period of time to exert a more powerful effect, and the'Tianyu Divine Sea' will be brought into full play!


The strong Water Element energy follows Lin Chen’s blue rope and is passed to all the Elders of Azure Dragon Clan, and their power is also temporarily rising!

The temporary increase in the burst pulse allows the energy of the Water Element controlled by the Divine Sea's divine ability to be transferred to other Dragon Clan! You can also get the effect of temporary promotion, even if the effect is not as terrifying as Lin Chen, it can be regarded as a short span of a great realm!

[Consumption of 120 innate talent points, the host continues to activate the limit Return to Origin...]

"The Elders don’t need to panic, the pulse burst, the king has his own measure. You just Absorb this power with peace of mind!"

Lin Chen's eyes are divine light, and the fighting intent is soaring!

"When Azure Dragon Clan goes out, even the Immemorial Dragon team will not be able to stop us!"


"What, burst pulse "

"This kid is crazy? Unless the dragon is a healing holy product, the broken Dragon Vein may not be repaired, and the cultivation base plummets!"

"No way , This kid’s power breakthrough is several grades!"

A crowd of Dragon Clan can move!

This new king of Azure Dragon, really dare to fight and fight, this temperament is so decisive and ruthless that it will burst without blinking the eyelids!


The vast sea, the battlefield of three thousand miles to the south.

The battlefield of the vast sea is still chaotic, Sacred Dragon flies, and the battle is endless!

The black giant shadow descended from a high altitude and turned into a black robed man, said with a malicious smile: "hahaha, big brother, I have eaten another ancient Dragon clan, so cool!"

"I almost hunted down an Immemorial Dragon clan. These guys are really hard bones. They will be perish together just now..."

long haired man Now, with flesh and blood residue hanging from the corner of his mouth, his legs turned into a pair of gray and white claws, like the feet of a beast, standing proudly in the void.

They were the two criminals in Silent Valley, and they belonged to the strongest Level 1 number in the criminal class!


Suddenly, the sea tide surged, and the brothers felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in an instant!

"Not good! Something..."


A beam of monstrous dragon breath rushed up like a storm, and a dozen azure light dragon blades and azure dragon arrows shot through their bodies!

"pu chi ~!"

Two Xeon criminals were blown into the air, vomiting blood and wounded!

"It turned out to be the two, sorry, I accidentally let go of a fart, and didn't expect hurt you."

A young boy’s laughter echoed. Sea surface.

The water was sprayed and decorated with silver robe. The boy held two holy beast cores, put on his Silver Dragon mask again, and stood proudly on the sea.

long haired man eyes shrank, those two holy beast cores belong to the criminals of the Dragon Prison!

"Yingbangbang, is it you? You who are in the center of the vast sea are not dead?"

Lin Chen indifferently smiled.

"Death? You are the dragon prison criminals who will die next!"

A bunch of azure lights rise in the sky and arrive at Lin Chen's side, Azure Dragon Clan Elder!

They are full of violent dragon's breath floating, as if they are hiding mountains, seas, sun and moon, countless giant dragons are in general, and even the power in the venue is horrified!

"80...8 billion dragon power!"

"This kid drained the energy of the seabed of the vast sea, and the strength of all clansman in Azure Dragon Clan was temporarily increased to 80 by him. Yilong power?"

Azure Dragon Clan, start to play!

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