When Lin Chen teleported into the Dragon Tomb of Taizhou Ancient Dragon, the space of the Dragon Tomb was gray and white, and Lin Chen floated in the sky alone.

He is a little dumbfounded, why don't there be any hairs here?

"Did I bet wrong? Lost 500 dragon points?"

The space is recessed, and Lin Chen is trapped in the space vortex. When reappears, it turns out to be another one. Layers of gray space!

"This...this is a large number of space stacks?"

Lin Chen is shocked, Battle Sovereign can open up the space plane of the mortal world. Saint can open up a small space plane in the holy realm, but if you create this endless space stack, I am afraid that even the 9th layer Peak Saint is impossible!

Lin Chen seems to be trapped in endless void, but he is not panicked. If he holds the Wanlonghui jade token, he can send it back to the Divine Dragon ruins at any time.

"I didn’t come to the wrong place. It should be said that this is the Dragon Tomb of Taizhou Ancient Dragon. This Dragon Tomb is in an endless plane of space!"

The stack takes itself to endless void. Lin Chen has gone through a long time, and finally after thousands of shuttles, the space has a bright rays of light!

Lin Chen reaches out!

It is a piece of dragon scales. It has several ten zhangs, like a millstone, and azure gray, like ancient artifacts of prehistoric civilization.

Lin Chen just touched it, seeming to be caught in the endless vortex of time and space.

There, time seems to be forbidden, Lin Chen almost lost his consciousness!

The very terrifying Dragon's Might, just a piece of dragon scales has such a formidable power, but unfortunately I can’t take this thing with me..."

Lin Chen frowned. It’s impossible to hold this unique thing with such a powerful Dragon's Might in the jing and Qi Luck planting bag. The system space can only store things related to the system.

A little bit of attribute brilliance suddenly flows through the gray azure dragon scales. Incorporate into Lin Chen's body!

[Host gets a new bloodline attribute: Taizhou Ancient Dragon bloodline 30 points.]

Lin Chen's eyes shine!

In the Dragon Vein of Sacred Dragon, there is a kind of primitive Dragon's Might that is connected with time and space, but the bloodline is too weak and does not cause too much mutation.

second Ancient Dragon bloodline!

When Lin Chen tried to activate the bloodline of the'Taizhou Ancient Dragon', the huge dragon scales unexpectedly responded to the call. They spun in the sky rapidly, shrinking and transforming into palm-size dragon scales!

"Activate this bloodline, can I take away this dragon scales? "

Lin Chen's heart trembled!

He is an eighth rank Casting Item Master, and his vision is very comparable.

This dragon scales involves'time' and ' If the space' is used in casters, it will definitely have a miraculous effect! The premise is that his casting skills can be used for this stuff!

"Keep waiting! "

Lin Chen stayed in the Dragon Tomb of the Ancient Dragon for another ten days, letting space shuttle and take him, after traveling through hundreds of thousands of space planes, Lin Chen got three pieces Dragon scales, each dragon scale has very few attribute values, which add up to just 70 points.

After staying for three days, Lin Chen confirmed that no dragon scales were left and sent away.

This time Lin Chen came to'Fu Tianlong' Totem, but Dragon Clan does not even have Dragon Tomb, and it is the least documented in Dragon Clan documents, just like Torch Dragon and Chi Dragon.

"In the system version 7.0, I can absorb seven types of bloodlines, and now I have six types of bloodlines: Purple Gold Eye, Tianyu Rain Dragon, Hongyan Saint Phoenix, Eternal Dragon, Taixi Ancient Dragon and Taizhou Ancient Dragon , The two ancient dragon bloodlines are temporarily unavailable, in addition to upgrading the rain dragon bloodline, I can absorb one attribute bloodline again! "

Lin Chen's eyes are shining. This is a crucial moment to improve Sacred Dragon battle strength!

Walking between Totem, Lin Chen came to the ancestor of Tianyu Rain Dragon, extremely In front of the Totem of the Divine Dragon of the prison water!

The jade token arrives in the Totem, and the old voice comes.

"After deducting the 500 points of the dragon, enter the Dragon Tomb, the remaining 17,300 dragons Offer value. "


Lin Chen disappeared, and the next moment appeared above a vast ocean!

The sea was blue. Lin Chen saw it when he looked down on it. There are several different Water Element energies in the seabed!

Some of the waters are clear and bright, some are like hell springs, black like an abyss, and some are like the surging Yellow Springs, exuding a yellowish silence.

A stream of water rises and condenses into the dragon’s head. It opens the dragon’s mouth and spit out a piece of Dragon Qi covering Lin Chen!

Dragon Qi contains a lot of rays of light with attribute light balls. Lin Chen sits crouched on the surface of the sea and absorbs the Dragon Qi!


The bloodline belonging to Tianyu Rain Dragon skyrocketed, and Dragon Vein throbbed, glowing with new brilliance!

1 month later.

Dragon Tomb, the sea is raging, and I don’t know when, a light screen pops up in front of Lin Chen’s eyes.

【Congratulations to the host for the advancement of bloodline Level to: Hell Water Dragon bloodline, Grade: Grade 8 high level (Enhancement +15), all Rain Dragon bloodline divine abilities have been upgraded to: Peak and Perfect level. Awakening new bloodline divine ability: Hell Heavenly Prison.]

[Heavenly Prison: Adjust the Water Element energy from a certain distance to condense the Dragon Vein to create a Heavenly Prison to trap and kill enemies. It can drop a variety of attack methods such as blue waves, dragon's breath, and cleaved blades. Heavenly Prison is impeccable inside and outside, and can be cracked. The method can only be restrained by attribute. If activated on the Water Element energy-sufficient plane, the entire plane can be transformed into the Heavenly Prison range, grade: Super Ordinary Level.]

Another Super Ordinary Level divine ability!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lin Chen opened his eyes, and the sea actually set off a series of explosions! In the remains of Divine Dragon, the strength is sealed!

"really strong, Sacr ed Dragon's control of the Water Element energy has soared several levels. Even if the cultivation base is sealed, I only need a thought to detonate the nearby Water Element energy! "

Lin Chen's heart is shocked!

"If the previous Rain Dragon is the king of the Water Element fierce beasts, the Hell Water Dragon is the absolute overlord! Any Water Element attribute technique is useless in front of my Sacred Dragon! "

Lin Chen looked around Dragon Vein again, and was affected by Dragon Qi tempering, and finally blasted 850 million Dragon Vein!

8.5 billion dragon power!

Sacred Dragon has entered the ranks of the'quasi-eighth rank intermediate Sacred Beast'. Next, you only need to accumulate enough to enter the eighth rank intermediate!

Lin Chen teleported away again and returned to the Divine Dragon ruins.

At this time, he found that many of Dragon Clan’s powerhouses have left, and they have completed bloodline baptism.

"My Sacred Dragon can also choose a bloodline, hehehe... …"

At this moment, Lin Chen smiled coquettishly.

His Sacred Dragon has both offensive and defensive speed. Even if the speed is not cream of the crop, it is enough.


But he can still inherit another kind of bloodline, if this bloodline has...

There is a kind of Dragon Clan, which is very strong. It is very handsome to Lin!


In the Wanlong venue; many Dragon Clan candidates have been out!

"This Crown Prince has been instructed by the ancestors, hahaha, has mastered the Three Perfect divine Ability, this fourth test, the Crown Prince's potential will surpass the Immemorial Dragon clan! "

"Very good, Dragon Qi body tempering helped the Crown Prince's pure power breakthrough 8.5 billion dragon power, and the bloodline reached Grade 7. Against any genius, this Crown Prince is not afraid of it! "

" As Royal Father said, my bloodline fits the ancestor's cultivation method very well! I also obtained the divine ability close to the perfect Peak Level number. This time the Wanlong will fourth test, there must be one of my clan! "

Crown Princes of all races can be described as fighting intents. They have obtained the bloodline baptism of Divine Dragon Totem, or they have obtained great opportunities in Dragon Tomb, all have a qualitative leap!


At this time, a team descends in the air!

The powerhouses take a closer look. Generally, the longer they stay in the Divine Dragon ruins, the more opportunities they will get. Big.

That team is radiant, restrained, leading a woman, heroic, like a sonorous rose on the battlefield, cold snow lotus, it is actually Mu Tianqing of Azure Dragon Clan!

When a group of Dragon Clan powers saw the current Azure Dragon Clan, their expressions of chat and laughter froze instantly!

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