Azure Dragon Clan entire group, a natural phenomenon!

Dragon Qi is a sage, like the sun, menstruation, and the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, as if a single gaze can suppress most of the same level powerhouse!

They just stood there for a while and they gave people a kind of oppression of calm as water and high as a moutain!

Mu Tianqing, with a dragon mark on his glamorous cheeks, his strength has surpassed 6.9 billion dragon power!

Nine Elders, all have over 600 million Dragon Vein in full bloom!

Elder is even more radiant, returning to his youth, and returning to his 30-year-old appearance, some are handsome and straight, some are still charming and radiant.

Among them, Great Elder, Second Elder, Fourth Elder, all advanced to 8 billion dragon power! And there is always a sign after the breakthrough 800 million Dragon Vein!

What's more terrifying is their bloodline coercion, which is stronger than any Immemorial Dragon team!

"He...their Dragon's Might is not inferior to the Immemorial Dragon team!"

"No, the bloodline pressure alone is stronger than the Immemorial Dragon team ! Immemorial Dragon Elder, but there are not so many abnormal bloodline grades!"

The many old-sighted Dragon Clan powerhouses are shocked!

Azure Dragon Clan now, and when I first saw it, it is like the difference between Heaven and Earth!

When the gray-clothed old woman's heart throbbed, she immediately touched her eyes on her palm, her dragon pupils contracted, and a few sharp rays of light shot out, scanning the Azure Dragon Clan entire group!

Next moment, the old woman's discoloration changed in horror!

"Six...Grade 6?"

Azure Dragon Clan, there is a Grade 6 bloodline?

The powerful expressions of the Dragon Clan are also very solemn!

It should be said that it is unprecedented seriousness!

However, next moment...

When they carefully scanned each Azure Dragon Clan Elder, their expressions changed from solemn to fright!


A Dragon Clan is so scared that he can breathe fragrantly.

The stern-faced mighty power can't help but open the fragrance--"His uncle, this... how damn it is!"

This is no longer a shock level, it's a shock!

Azure Dragon Clan, all members with Grade 6 bloodline and above!

No, it should be said that it is all Grade 6 intermediate!

What is the potential of Grade 6 bloodline?

Grade 1 bloodline, after belonging to Sacred Beast, has little potential, but it is equal to the Level 1 number of Holy Land, and it is at the bottom.

Grade 2 to Grade 3 bloodline, the basic future belongs to the Elder level in Ancient Dragon Clan.

When it comes to Grade 4 bloodline, it will begin to undergo a qualitative change. It is placed in the Far Ancient Dragon clan, which is also a mid-to-high-end Elder level heritage, and it can barely get a place in the Immemorial Dragon clan.

Grade 5 bloodline is the Dragon King potential of Ancient Dragon Clan, and it is no more than this level.

Grade 6 bloodline, second only to the Dragon King of the Ancient Dragon clan!

The dragon kings of the Ancient Dragon clan are basically the bloodline potential of Grade 6 Peak. The Dragon Clan genius in the middle and lower reaches of the Immemorial Dragon clan is also in this level.

And Grade 7 bloodline, as long as it is born, it is basically the strongest Heaven's Chosen of the Immemorial Dragon family.

In other words, for all Azure Dragon Clan Elder, every future height is very likely to be second only to the Dragon King of the Ancient Dragon clan!

Similar to the Green Great Elder Long Grade 6 Peak Level number, the future achievement is close to the Ancient Dragon King!

More outrageous is Mu Tianqing, a little girl, who has the potential of bloodline to directly break through Grade 7, which is close to Grade 7 Peak!

Grade 7 Peak, that’s the potential of Xuanzhen Crown Prince, who is known as the successor of the next Immemorial Dragon clan!

At first, the bloodline grade of Azure Dragon Clan was between Grade 2 and Grade 3. In the entire Azure Dragon Clan, Mu Tianqing is the only one who breaks through to Grade 3 Peak.

After Lin Chen's [bloodline enhancement], all Elder's bloodline grades have been increased by four times, basically reaching or barely comparable to Grade 4 bloodline, which is still insufficient in front of the Immemorial Dragon family.

But now, it is Heaven and Earth turning upside down! Azure Dragon Clan, which has been promoted to the bloodline of the'Eternal Dragon', is not lower than Grade 5 Peak!

This level is enough to equalize most of the Immemorial Dragon patriarch. In the old days, it inherited the effect of the enhanced level [+15], which was quadrupled!

The bloodline of Eternal Dragon bloodline is quadrupled, and the bloodline of Wanza Azure Dragon bloodline is quadrupled, which is not at the same level at all!

It is as if you have a four-fold "one million" silver sacred dollar coin. It is two concepts that you have four times the silver sacred dollar coin of'ten million'!

"I have never seen such a terrible transformation!"

"In the past, there were also Dragon Clan geniuses who entered the Divine Dragon ruins and obtained fortuitous encounters. The bloodline level soared to the sky, but it was just A very isolated existence, this Azure Dragon Clan came directly to a group? This coincidence is not such a coincidence!"

"Azure Dragon Clan was originally just a group of Grade 2 and Grade 3 bloodline dragons patriarch old, even Even the Dragon King of Grade 5 bloodline is not there. How can it be so terrible to rebound so suddenly?"

When many Dragon Clan's powerful discussions, Chen Xie's eyes shined!

"Is it the handwriting of the new king of Azure Dragon, Yingbangbang?"

The powerful guys were shocked!

He? Does this young Dragon Clan really have such an unbelievable method?

Just as the Dragon Clan powers were anxiously looking for the silhouette, he was not in the Azure Dragon Clan team!

"Hey, the new Azure Dragon king passed away?"

"hahaha, the old man knows, this guy must have multiple bloodline upgrades. The heterogeneous bloodline is confused and can't be controlled. It's inside!"

"This is called persisting in evil brings about self-destruction!"

"It seems that this guy is just a flash in the pan, I said he can't turn it over What kind of waves are there."

The Dragon Clan couldn't help but sneer and sneer, and their hearts were full of joy, as if they were punching a hole and finally rushing to the end, and finally refreshed.

Many of their teams were eliminated because of Gilin State, and they were eager to kill this guy soon. Now he has finally got his braids!

"The new king is really okay..."

"We spent so long searching the entire ruins, and it seems that we haven't seen him."

Great Elder and the others secretly sound transmission and talk.

"He is fine." Mu Tianqing said.

She opened the azure dragon ball in her palm, and a bright smile appeared on her cold cheeks: "I can feel that he is getting stronger and stronger."


At this time, a variety of powerful powers descended on the venue!

Immemorial Dragon team is back!

Lian Wan Fire Dragon clan, Nine Nether Dragon Clan, Jique Thunder Dragon, Fengsheng Winged Dragon and other Peak Immemorial Dragon clan have also returned!

They have Elder breakthrough shackles, reaching 9 billion and 9.5 billion dragon power!

Some Crown Prince Princess bloodline grades are further advanced, or Grade 7 high level, Grade 7 Peak, with the cultivation base of the breakthrough 900 million Dragon Vein boundary, the power is pressing, and the edge is emerging!

As soon as the Immemorial Dragon team returned, they suppressed the entire Dragon Clan team!

Swipe~! A mysterious yellow light beam descended, and the young dragon robe laughed frantically!

"hahaha, this Crown Prince has been instructed by our ancestors, the bloodline grade has broken through Grade 8, and the cultivation base exceeds 1 billion Dragon Vein. This time, this Crown Prince will have to see how this British state died!"


It is the Crown Prince of Xuanzhen from the Prison Dragon of Xuanyue Town!

Elder and Dragon Servant of the same type as him also gained a lot, some breakthrough Grade 5 high level bloodline, some even reached Grade 6 level!

Hearing his wild laughter, many Crown Prince Long and Dragon Clan powerhouse looked shocked!

Grade 8 bloodline is rarely seen in the history of the Immemorial Dragon clan! If it does not die, the Immemorial Dragon clan will be the leader in the future!

Xuanzhen Crown Prince's gaze is like electricity, and a momentary turn locks the Azure Dragon Clan in the venue!

The power of terror was overwhelmed at once!

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