However; the imaginary bloodline suppression did not appear, Azure Dragon Clan all parried the Dragon's Might of Xuanzhen Crown Prince!

Even, headed by Mu Tianqing, she stared directly at her with cold eyes, her sharp edge was first revealed, and the dragon mark on her eyebrows was glowing, forming a brand-new dragon force, counterattacking the Dragon's Might of the Profound Crown Prince, and fighting completely. , Does not intend to give in at all!

"What? Azure Dragon Clan's trash bloodline has evolved to this level?"

Xuanzhen Crown Prince trembled a few times!

He face doesn't change, still arrogantly sneered—"What. Where is your Azure Dragon new king? Is it because you are afraid of death and dare not show up?"

Mu Tianqing's cold and bright face, faint smile, said calmly: "My dragon king just looked at the scenery in the Divine Dragon ruins and lingered for a few more times. For a defeated, how can he be stage fright?"

"You?" Xuanyin Crown Prince sprinkled salt like a wound, and instantly exploded his hair!

Mu Tianqing's beautiful eyes squinted slightly: "Do you want to do it? This is the Wanlong Club, private fight?"

Xuanzhen Crown Prince squirmed his veins, glanced at the high platform, skin Laughing but not smiling: "What an Azure Dragon Clan, I hope your people don't die in the fourth test all of a sudden."

Mu Tianqing smiled: "Thank you for your concern. If you meet your Excellency Xuanzhen Crown Prince , We will definitely put a few more shots on your previous wounds. We Azure Dragon Clan has no other abilities, but it’s very good when we take out the gun."

See Mu Tianqing angry with Xuanzhen Crown Prince. Like eating Xiang Xiang, the corners of Elder Qing Long’s lips twitched...

This lady is learning very fast!

It's only been a few months now, so I learned everything about the new king!

Azure Dragon Clan returns to the rest area.

At this time, even Dragon Clan is wondering, what happened to the new Azure Dragon king?

The ruins of Divine Dragon are no longer the level they can snoop, all they have is the qualification to open the space channel.

Time passed, and in the past twenty days, fewer and fewer people returned.

On the 25th day, even Ji Shaochuan turned back, and his breath became even more evil and weird. There was even a Dragon Clan who couldn't see his taste!

In the last three days, the three of the Dark Sky Dragon Clan also appeared!

The headed Yang Anran, with a restrained aura, seems to have entered the Divine Dragon ruins without any improvement.

However, all of you Dragon Clan has a solemn expression!

This woman has reached an extremely terrifying realm! Even the mighties can't see through her details out of thin air, unless Dragon Qi is released into her body.

Yes, the atmosphere in the venue is even more weird!

In such a difficult first test and second test, the new king of Azure Dragon, who took the lead, has not yet appeared!

The next day, there was still no natural phenomenon in the venue. Seeing that the time limit for the third test is approaching!

Some Crown Prince Long and Princess couldn't help laughing.

"The bottom layer will always be the bottom layer. At best, it is an unorthodox upstart."

"Recalling that he was able to deal with us in the first test and the second test, it was nothing more than using Assessing the special and characteristics of the plane that's all, real thing, if you do it, who of the Immemorial Dragon clan can't run him to death?"

"It's good if you die, don't come out to make people annoying."


Questioning, sneer, disdain, verbal abuse, filled the entire venue.

Azure Dragon Clan All Elders are a little restless, but Mu Tianqing is calm, but there is a trace of doubt in his heart.

Why hasn't he been out for so long?

A Dragon Clan Princess, with a veil and a crown, stood up, with a curve of disdain from the corner of her lips, and spoke frankly.

"Various seniors, let us so many Dragon Clan warriors wait for a low-level Dragon Clan who knows nothing about life or death. Isn't this an insult to our Immemorial Dragon clan? Why waste time? Why not just announce the result?"


As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted a lot of echoes.

"Ai, it seems that we are expecting too much from him."

The old woman in gray sighed and stood up and announced.

"The old man announced that the time limit for the third test is over..."

The young man’s laughter echoed in the venue before the words were finished.

"No matter how white the girl is, there is always one place that is black. No matter how sweet the girl is, there is always one place that is salty. No matter how fragrant the girl is, there is always one place that is fishy. Just like the one you just said The skin is white, and the heart is black."

Silver robe fell from the sky alone and stepped into the venue. He took off the Silver Dragon mask and made a smirk.

A Princess of the Ancient Dragon clan asked her Imperial Brother shyly: "Imperial Brother, what does he mean?"

Imperial Brother said solemnly:" What he said is that the heart is black and the tears are salty."

"What is fishy then?"

"I will tell you when I come to my room at night."



Bingbang is not dead!

Many powerhouses in the audience moved!

"Are you not dead?" the previous Dragon Clan Princess scolded angrily.

Lin Chen shrugged, jokingly said with a smile: "You're such a dark woman who is not dead, how could something happen to this king."

An old woman in gray and Chen Xie's The complexion is very exciting!

They can't see through Lin Chen's details, they can't see through it at all!

"Good fellow, this child has a new fortuuitous encounter!"

The gray-clothed old woman has a rare eyebrow and smile.

At this time, a red face and powerful eyes ejaculated, and he got up, locked in Lin Chen's silhouette, and looked like he wanted to ask questions.

"en? What are you doing, don't you want to move his eyes at this moment?"

The gray-clothed old woman narrowed her eyes, and the murderous aura was exposed!

Chen Xie stood beside the old woman in gray, and said casually: "If you have anything, you have to wait for the Wanlonghui to end."

There is evil in his eyes. Surging.

The red-faced old man sneered: "After the Wanlong Club, the senior management has their own decision."

The gray-clothed old woman declared: "Since the last candidate has returned, Wanlong The assessment will officially enter the fourth test, the representative competition, please send a representative from each ethnic team to participate in the representative competition draw!"

The palm of the old woman turned over and countless arrows made shua~ shua~ shua~ shot in. Inside the venue!

All ethnic groups immediately sent representatives to enter the venue and draw lots.

The number of people is not too much, just 32 people!

"Representatives of various races listen to orders, and the rules of the representative competition are very simple. Fight until the opponent surrenders or can no longer fight, life and death are fateful. If you do not surrender and choose the dead fighter, take responsibility for the consequences. This time The delegates are forbidden to use all means. Only their own Dragon Clan means can be used. If the token is drawn to the same token, enter!"

With a wave of the gray-clothed old woman's sleeve robe, many delegates turned into a stream of light disappears!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Hundreds of light screens emerged, and the representatives of Dragon Clan of the fourth test were teleported to a new battle plane.

Everyone stared at hundreds of light screens.

The opponent of the new king of Azure Dragon, Ying Bangbang, was actually Dragon Clan Princess of Nine-Nether Yellow Spring Dragon, who just proposed to speed up the end of the third test!

enemies on a narrow road!

"Oh? This Princess will deal with you. From the first test, you have been annoying. A wild dog who was born halfway, dare to wait for Da Ya Tang? Give this Princess to die!"

Nine Nether Princess smiled coldly, her shoulders trembling sharply, and her body Dragon Qi skyrocketed!

The imposing manner of bursting with anger and swallowing mountains and rivers, one after another Hell Yellow Springs, the breath of the dragon swept across the mountains, entrenched beside the Nine Nether Princess, like a horse in the wind, swimming and dancing, shaking the plane. Shaking!

"This woman is also a Grade 7 bloodline, 8 billion dragon power, chasing the Human Race enchanting list, the Princess of the Immemorial Dragon clan..."

Lin Chen laughed, sharp First revealed.

"I want to see how dark she is!"

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