Scalp tingling!

Have a cold sweat!

Think of subscribing!

This is the current state of all Dragon Clan powerhouses!

Including the powerful Dragon Clan is no exception!

Because of this scene, it is too weird!

Gil Yingbang spins the Yin and Yang Dragon Qi, one black one white, like two flying giant dragons dancing beside him, every rotation will accelerate the healing of his injuries!

This kind of efficient cure, this sign of perfect integration of Power of Yin-Yang, this tenacious life force, can’t be wrong, it’s the Dragon Transformation bloodline made by Yin and Yang!

Moreover, it is also Grade 8 bloodline!

Three kinds of Grade 8 bloodline? Four kinds of bloodlines coexist as one?

This scene is even more terrifying than the Dark Sky Dragon body of Grade 9 bloodline that I witnessed with my own eyes!

Grade 9 bloodline, although extremely rare in the Immemorial Dragon clan, it is not uncommon in history!

However, in the history of the Immemorial Dragon family today, no Dragon Clan can achieve the coexistence of the three Grade 8 bloodlines!

Chen Xie was shocked and muttered to himself: "No wonder, no wonder the battle between him and Xuanzhen Crown Prince made me a little weird. How can I leapfrog the offensive of Xuanzhen Crown Prince by relying on defensive power? It turns out that he has a Dragon Transformation bloodline body made of Yin and Yang!"

When you taste a little powerhouse, a stormy sea hits your heart!

Yin-yang creates Dragon Transformation, the dragon of life creation, natural Yin-Yang Dragon Qi protects the system veins, powerful life force ranks at the top of Dragon Clan, far surpassing the same level Dragon Clan, and its resilience can even be achieved in battle When the severed limb grows, the stumped body recovers.

This type of Dragon Clan has weak attack and defense, but its life force is extremely strong, especially its healing power can also heal other Dragon Clan. This is a true "baby" Dragon Clan. !

There was no Yin-Yang Good Fortune Dragon Clan attending this Wanlong Meeting, because this kind of Dragon Clan is absolutely precious!

This kind of Dragon Clan will lose one if one die. It is the Princess of this clan, and the ten thousand clan robs it. It is the Crown Prince of this clan, and there are hundreds of clan to propose marriage. It is the Immemorial Dragon sought after by countless Dragon Clan Clan!

But the new king of Azure Dragon Clan, Gilyingbang, integrates the eternal dragon, the infernal water dragon, and the dragon transformation made by yin and yang, the three major Grade 8 bloodline, what does it mean?

Meaning that he will have the defensive power of the eternal dragon, the attack power of the hell water dragon, and the life force of the Dragon Transformation created by Yin and Yang!

The key is this guy's spiritual attainments. Even the shadow-burial magic dragon Ji Shaochuan of Grade 8 peak bloodline can't beat him!

True perfect one!

I don't know which powerhouse blurted out the fragrance.

"I'm Gan! Isn't this fucking shameless!"

"Attack, defense, recovery, and perfect one, fuck this book? This is the history of the Immemorial Dragon clan There is no ridiculous Dragon Clan!"

The Dragon Clan powerhouse that has been experienced for a long time can't calm down! Bullshitting on the spot!

Some Dragon Clan Crown Princes are even more crazy, which is too annoying! Dragon than dragon, mad dragon!

Grade 8 bloodline, one kind is rare enough, is his grandma's one person exclusive to three? Isn’t Jill afraid of Heavenly Retribution?

Someone Lin chuckled and said: "Are you surprised, surprised, stabbed or irritating?"

The Dragon Transformation bloodline made by Yin and Yang was the last choice he chose when he left the Divine Dragon ruins. A bloodline that makes up for the final shortcomings of his Sacred Dragon!

The only flaw in the beauty is that this bloodline is a new bloodline, which has failed to inherit the level as the previous bloodlines, and now it can only increase the level of +12 when the enhancement points are exhausted.

Yang Anran, who is stronger than he can, also feels an unprecedented oppression!

"Trinity, what an Azure Dragon king, you are worth my Yang Anran gamble to fight you all!"


The dark sky dragon soars into the sky, even though the dragon blood is surging, it is like a shocking dragon, splitting heaven and earth apart, the dragon's wings are swept by a thousand miles and the wind is raging, rolling out ten thousand zhang dark storms, destroying The incomplete Heavenly Prison!

Lin Chen rises into the air, with golden brilliance covered in the top of his head, forming a film, and the Yin and Yang Dragon Qi is born and extinguished, and Dragon Vein recovers as he consumes it.

His injury recovered more than half, close to 60%. It is already surprisingly fast to recover in such a short time.

Even if they eat Longqingguo and Bodhi Seed fiercely, they can't keep up with this efficiency. Sacred Dragon's body and Human Race's Saint Physique's injuries are still different.

"Ultra Ordinary Level divine ability, you are not the only one!"

Yang Anran's dragon's mouth is steep, and the dark and ink-like abyss dragon's breath gathers like a vortex, and a bit of destruction The breath of the face quietly diffused!

Lin Chen sighed and ignored the attribute light ball dropped by Yang Anran, concentrated attention completely.

The cultivation base between him and Yang Anran is very different, the difference between 9 billion dragon power and Grade 1 bloodline.

His two major Grade 8 bloodline enhancements are +15, and in terms of monomer potential and innate talent, they are also inferior to Grade 9 bloodline.

To be able to fight until now, it depends on Rune of Slowness and a few big orange innate talents to support it!

Able to force Lin Chen So far, Yang Anran is a well-deserved monster!

"My Dragon Vein can only make one move beyond Ordinary Level divine ability, one move sets the universe!"

Lin Chen condenses all the Dragon Vein, azure light 氤氲, Yun Zhengxiawei, left Arm Saint Mang conquer the world, right arm yin and yang clutch!

Many Dragon Clan powerhouse hold their breath...

This will be a historic scene!

Wanlong will not know how many eras there is no Grade 9 bloodline. This time not only the Grade 9 bloodline appeared, but also an unprecedented talent!

"It's all here, what is this Gilying State doing, does not change the dragon body?"

Dark Black Dragon raises its head, the destruction aura in the dark vortex is fierce. The ground erupted, and a black dragon's breath spear straddling the sky was blasted out!

"Dark Abyss·Falling Gun!"

The destruction aura of the tip of the gun is like a hurricane of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, directly locking the breath of Lin Chen's dragon , There is no escape!

This spear makes many eighth rank mid-level Dragon Clan powerhouse smell the smell of death. If they face this spear, they will definitely die!

Boom~! A gray and white talisman turned out, and the rune energy dropped by 200,000 points!

pu chi ~! Tear~!

The black gun pierced the gray talisman's stagnant power, and when the formidable power was reduced, it pierced Lin Chen!

"Blink light and shadows·Evening claws!"

Boom~! The azure light dragon claw, which resembles the sun, menstruation and the sky, has been violently crushed and smashed into the sky!

Boom! boom! boom!

The entire plane exploded in an instant, all the crystal walls of the space were fragmented, all turned into fragments and flickering!

The two were blown away by the aftermath!

Before the battle plane shattered, dozens of divine light beams descended and took away all the attribute light balls dropped by Yang Anran!

The battle plane strengthened by Dragon Clan's power is enough to withstand the destruction of the 4th layer of the Holy Land in the middle and even later stages, and it collapses and ruptures at this moment!

"Shoot! Both of you have to die like this!"

Swipe~! Brush~! Brush~!

Chen Xie and the gray-clothed old woman walked directly, fleeing into the void and set out.

The other great powers sneaked into the void with one hand with one hand to stabilize the aftermath of the battle and prevent it from spreading to the Wanlong venue.

bang! bang!

The two of them were brought back to the venue by Dragon Clan's great power. Everyone had lingering fears. The two guys even shattered the battle plane. How much is it? Abnormal attack power...

But more people are concerned about who wins and who loses?

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