At this time, both of them were seriously injured. Yang Anran returned to human form, his lovable body was covered with scars, his black skirt was soaked and blurred by dragon blood, and his beautiful eyes were slightly loose.

On the other hand, the king of Azure Dragon, although he is weak in energy and blood, he can cover the golden brilliance sacred aura on his head, and the Yin and Yang dragon breath walks around and recovers his injuries!

One trades and the other grows, the outcome is already divided!

Lin Chen walked to Yang Anran and asked boldly and boldly about fighting intent despite the gasping for breath.

"Will you still fight? In terms of long-term, this handsome is worthy of anyone."

Yang Anran's heart throbbed, looked towards towards with a distracted look, grinning in front of his eyes, mouth picking A mad and smiling teenager...

"I...I lost..."

Yang Anran was extremely unwilling to say those three words. This is the first time since she was born. Lost to clansman of the same age once!

Her injury cannot be cured, but the other party can quickly heal the injury, and the result is clear at a glance!

Hearing Yang Anran's answer, everyone Dragon Clan can startled!

The gray-clothed old woman reacted the fastest and shook Hah loudly!

"The old man announced that the champion of the Ten Thousand Dragons will be the champion; Azure Dragon Clan!"

"Congratulations on the birth of the new King of Wanlong, Gil Yingbang!!"

The Wanlong venue is full of boiling!

Some were dumbfounded, some shouted!

This is a fantastic counterattack!

The King of Ten Thousand Dragons, once belonged to the aura of the Immemorial Dragon clan countless times, the Ten Thousand Dragons Club does not know how many years there has been no King of Ten Thousand Dragons below the Immemorial Dragon clan! There is only one historical record, and it is the stunning talent of the Far Ancient Dragon clan.

On bloodline innate talent, on resource potential, on cultivation base divine ability, Immemorial Dragon clan can completely suppress the Ancient Dragon clan and Ancient Dragon Clan!

Even if the right time and place are right, and standing in the latter two types of Dragon Clan, it is almost impossible to counterattack!

In short: the Immemorial Dragon clan and below will have to overcome numerous difficulties in the Wanlonghui, and take the top spot in the final assessment, which is almost impossible!

Today, Azure Dragon Clan has broken this record!

The most exciting one belongs to the Azure Dragon One family. It is dreamlike and dazzled by ecstasy!

Even when they got the bloodline transformation, they never expected such glory!

"We, is our Dragon King the King of Ten Thousand Dragons..."

Azure Dragon Clan Elder are always in tears and weeping with joy.

"Imperial Father, have you seen it, we have become the head of Wanlong..."

Mu Tianqing cleared two lines of tears, tampering with her delicate hands.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Lin Chen walked slowly to the podium before the Dragon Clan abilities personally presented the award.

He stood proudly on the championship, and said with a smile indifferently and domineeringly.

"All the participating teams, who else wants to play, at this moment, whether it’s a battle or Life and Death Battle, whether it’s heads-up or group selection, as long as there are challenges, this king will take it together. Next!"

Choke~! Boom~!

He suddenly pulled out the Azure Dragon flag, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World, Lin Chen held the flag with one hand, and the dragon flag was dancing in the wind!

"This king has always used morals to convince people, and those who dissatisfied will fight until they are satisfied. Now that Azure Dragon Clan has won the King of Ten Thousand Dragons, who has opinions and who opposes. Whoever feels dissatisfied, now You can come up and win me, and the King of Ten Thousand Dragons hand in hand!"

The corners of his mouth rose, Lin Chen was evil and enchanted, and smiled awe-inspiringly!

There was an uproar in the venue!

The young man's figure is as tall as a gun, his face is pale and cold, the Yin and Yang Dragon Qi is like a double dragon dancing, coiling around his body, endless golden brilliance covering the top of his head, a silver robe flutters, the dragon flag flutters, domineering Italian hurricane. Just like a king, watching the world!

All previous doubts, disdain, ridicule, ridicule, all disappeared!

There is no dragon in the conference hall!

Whoever disagrees can challenge him now!

No one dares to move, as proud as you Crown Princes of Immemorial Dragon clan, they dare not even say a word!

Domineering! powerful! Free and easy! The new King of Ten Thousand Dragons, vividly and thoroughly interpret it!

Yang Anran’s beautiful eyes was in a daze, staring blankly at the silhouette of the dragon...

"hahaha, my clan is immortal, what a new king of ten thousand dragons!"

"This kind of courage is the son of the new era that I am waiting for, Yingbangbang, you have exceeded the expectations of the old man and the others..."

At this time, the void There was a few laughs and applauses that shook the sky!

A group of Dragon Clan's powerful expressions have changed slightly, and it is the'high-level' who has spoken!

"Dust evil, give a reward."

Dragon's Might was vast and shocked the world when a high-level sound transmission.

At this time, the cold, red-faced man with his face like a knife slowly stepped forward, and the red-faced man cup one fist in the other hand, earnestly said.

"High-level, there is still one thing unresolved, this child has a lot to do with this matter..."

After finishing speaking, Chimian Da Neng turned around abruptly, before the high-level reply could reply. question!

"Gil British State, tell me your origins! And your relationship with Human Race Lin Chen, the old man suspects that you are colluding with Human Race, poisoning the Crown Prince of the Ancient Dragon clan, if you don’t Actually, even if you are Heaven-blessed Genius, the old man has to abolish you and put you in the Dragon Prison!"

The words of Crimson-Blessed Genius stir up waves!

Collaborating with the Human Race will harm the Crown Prince of the Ancient Dragon clan far away?

Before the'high-level' could speak, the red-faced man invited two more slender and graceful shadows, one of whom was still charming and charming. A beautiful and charming, charming and charming.

The two girls have several points of fear and lingering palpitations in the beautiful eyes of the two girls, and they look at Lin Chen earnestly.

"Yes, it's him!"

The mother and daughter said in unison!

"oh?" Lin Chen's heart jumped. They were the Dragon Clan Princess and Mrs. Fantasy?

"How do you explain this?"

The high-level sound transmission questioned, Dragon's Might is permeated, and the powerhouses are choked...

"The high-level, that's it , A few months ago..."

The red-faced powerhouse briefly explained Lin Chen's "sports" in the magic dragon of fantasy...

The powerhouse in the venue heard about it.

Some were surprised, some were angry, and the Human Race teamed up to murder the Crown Prince of the Ancient Dragon clan. This matter can be big or small!

Forget it if the British killed the man himself, the key is that he is involved in the Human Race. The Dragon Clan powerhouse present is more or less involved in the Human Race, but they basically don’t. Will unite with Human Race to murder their own clan!

If you have any grievances, you will solve it yourself! If Human Race intervenes, the nature of the matter will be different!

In the process of Crimian Power’s explanation, Lin Chen quietly switched on the system.

Once the East Window incident occurs, he will be impossible to kill, super-dimensional teleportation and the maximum Rune of Slowness will be instantly displayed, and the only blue-level top nirvana and War God set will all be used!

"What? This kid has something to do with Human Race Lin Chen?"

An Elder of Dragon Clan stood up suddenly with a cold expression!

Once, one of the Crown Prince Long of their clan died at the Human Race four-party meeting. The bloodline of that Crown Prince was not fully stimulated, but there is a chance to impact the aptitude of Grade 5 bloodline in the future.

The murderer is a Human Race named Lin Chen!

"Oh? There is such a bizarre thing."

When the voice in the sky sounded, it was slightly surprised, but it didn't seem to mean much anger or blame.

"Gil British State...what is the relationship between you and Lin Chen..."

High-level sound transmission, everyone looked towards Lin Chen!

Everyone in Azure Dragon Clan, their hearts suddenly tightened!

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