So, the meaning of Lin Chen, for all Peak forces, is the unpolished jade!

Who can recruit him, whoever can rise up a powerhouse against the sky in the near future!

Becoming a 100,000 genius on the genius list without the support of influence is rare, but it’s not uncommon.

There are not many that can reach the height of Lin Chen!

Since ancient times, without the support of influence, one hundred thousand geniuses from the genius list emerged in a short period of time. The geniuses close to the enchanting list can be counted with two slaps!

These unsupported'monsters' almost all survived in the end, and became the dominance of the Holy Realm.

That's how the Haotian Saint King rose up!

Now Lin has become the wavest and most eye-catching one on the cusp of the storm, and the forces of 36 domains are all staring at him!

Lin Chen ran all the way from the Second Layer, wherever he passed, the brilliance of his eyes flowed, and he constantly launched the'God Steal Omen' to the passing Saint to steal the attribute value.


Boundary Tower, Third Layer.

The Blue Territory Tower was created by the Immemorial Era Human Race Sage. The space is self-contained, stable and not chaotic. The internal space is countless times larger than the naked eye outside. A small continent in the boundary.

This is also the reason for signing up for Elder to let Lin Chen speed up. Under the premise that he can't travel through the space, Lin Chen has to fly to a continental plate.

Third Layer; five void islands, connected to East, South, West, North, the largest central island!

Each Void Island covers an area of ​​100,000 acres, and each Void Island has more than 10,000 Saints!

Just the Saint of Third Layer, there are more than 40,000!

The pomp is unprecedented! Witness the birth of the evil spirits of the new era, and see the evil evil spirits of the new era against the old evil evil spirits!

The central island is the largest, with 431 people standing there!

Their temperament, natural phenomenon, characteristics, and maverick! Even if they are gathered together, they can remember the characters among them at a glance!

Men or calm as water and high as a moutain, sword eyebrows and stars, you will have everyone's demeanor after a short stop, thunder under your feet, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World!

Or cold and arrogant, his body is like Asura coming to the world, with hundreds of Blade Qi tornadoes spinning on top of his head, with the potential to stand up to the ground!

Some are introverted, peerless, saint sword enters sheathe, and the pupils have endless sword qi to derive disillusionment, and if they don’t get out of the sheath, they will be like a mortal man, and the sword will move the sky!

Some are as cruel as the Immemorial relics, with several feet tall, the third vertical eye opened and closed, and Dragon-Tiger and Dragon Snake swiftly walked between heaving and breathing.

Some are holy and pure, Buddha light illuminating everything, robes draped, hands clasped together, a thousand Buddha wheels rise behind the head, eyes closed tightly, every word seems to be an extraordinary and refined to enlighten the world meaning.

Some are weird and unpredictable, with a black robe, the wind is everywhere, and the Nine Headed Demon Dragon is entrenched at the foot, a pair of cold eyes seems to make people fall into hell!

Some Blood Qi Fury is extremely mad, carrying a bloody single knife to tear the sky open with a blood glow, the saint of sword is coming, and the overbearing between the eyebrows looks at the world!

Female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, devastatingly beautiful! The beautiful ladies are either Bi Yu Linglong, or hot and charming, or unearthly, cunning and intelligent, or charming and glamorous, or extraordinary, solo playing the piano, and the heart is like a mirror.

They are the geniuses of the cream of the crop from the entire 36 domains!

These 731 people perfectly explain what a genius is!

They don’t need any proof, they just need to stand here, and all Saints will agree that they represent this era, peerless genius!

The top 1000 geniuses in the genius list gathered in the tower, but only one third person can actually participate in the playoffs.

There are not many geniuses holding alternative orders. Most of these seven hundred geniuses have withdrawn or given up their original rankings on the genius list, focusing on closed-door cultivation or collecting alternative orders. .

So among them, there is no ranking genius, but it is even more terrifying. No one knows what realm their closed-door cultivation has reached!

At this time, 731 geniuses stared up ahead.

In the distance of the central island, the mountains are misty!

A silhouette stands proudly on each mountain top!

Speaking of 731 geniuses, they have distinct personalities and natural phenomena. Each of the characters on the top of the mountain has opened up a new piece of Heaven and Earth!

The evildoer list evildoer!

Every silhouette of the people on that mountain is an enchanting evildoer!

Having a holiday with Lin Chen, Xiao Jing and Long Yijing are among them!

As long as you pass the alternatives, you are eligible to challenge the enchanting list and plunder the opponent's ranking!

The raging fighting intent that permeates the entire central island, everything is said without saying!


Like the stunning flames above Nine Heavens, descending straight to the mortal world, descending on the Void Island in the east, amazed many geniuses!

"This Young Master has seen this kind of peerless core method, that is; the natural phenomenon of the Divine flame palace!"

One of the geniuses, Young Master in white, exclaimed.

The geniuses urged the Holy Force a little bit to see through the void and look thousands of miles away.

At this glance, all geniuses, both men and women, amazed!

On the east side of Void Island, a white skirt Heavenly Immortal descends, quiet, beautiful, peerless grace and elegance!

How can such a person belong to the mortal world! Regardless of men and women, the first thoughts of geniuses are the same!


A holy light shining list popped above the heads of the geniuses, and many names began to scroll.

The old sound transmission resounded all over the Five Great Island, and it was Mr. Shen who spoke.

"The alternative officially begins, and the drawn opponents will enter the battle plane in turn from the space gate."


Twenty silver space doors, ten zhang high, opened out of thin air.

The geniuses stared at the scrolling list.

At this moment, 40,000 Saints have their eyes concentrated, and every battle here will have extremely high specifications!

Om~! Sparkling, holy light changes, one after another names start to line up neatly!

"No. 299 on the list of geniuses, Fei Long Jingyun · Ji Wushuang. A genius with no ranking; Beiming Cangdao·Mo Yihai."

"No. 455 on the list of geniuses, Peerless Sword · Sword Qingcheng, ranked 410 against the genius list; Wanli Xuanbing·Wind Qingxue."

"No. 1 on the genius list, the son of surprise Han Yizhi, against the unranked genius; Qin Lian."

"Besides the 1000th in the genius list, Heavenly God descends to Lin Chen, against the unranked genius; Dragon Boxing, the most sage Yang Wanli."

"The genius list..."

When I saw the name of the fourth row of combinations, Saints from all walks of life were a little dumbfounded!

Heavenly God is down?

Lin Chen?

How did his name appear? Isn't he absent?

Previously in charge of all influence, they are still discussing why this child is absent from this alternative conference.

Many Saints look around, and there is no silhouette of Lin Chen in the central island.

Swipe~! Brush~! Brush~!

After the geniuses got their opponents, they entered the space gate one by one, and a series of light screens appeared, fully displaying the plane situation inside the space gate.

Only in the fourth space gate, there is only a hidden genius, Yang Wanli.

He both hands crossed near chest, his mouth picks and disdain.


"What's the matter, the list is displayed, where did the people go?"

"Could it be a false alarm? Maybe the boundary tower Internal Elder broke Lin Chen to sign up first, and then this child failed to come..."

The Saints of the Sifang Void Island, their faces were full of doubts.

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