When the Saints of the Four Islands discussed spiritedly--

Boom~! Bang~!

The sound of breaking the wind burst into sound, and when it whizzed up, the Qingyou battle spear came down like a lightning bolt!

On the west side of Void Island, a lady in a beautiful red dress showed an inexplicable smile.

"It seems that he has completed the cooperation between us..."

It is Scarlet Fairy.

In Dongdao, a beautiful lady in a white skirt suddenly stood up, her eyes showing deep thoughts!

It's him, he is here!

"Goddess, what are you..."

The handsome young man next to the lady in the white dress wanted to ask, his heart was shaking. He had never seen Goddess showing such a moving appearance!

The beautiful lady ignored him, turned into a wisp of smoke, and the young man was horrified!


In front of the door of the 4th space, a blue Saint You gun is inserted upside down. If the Nine Phoenix is ​​reborn, soaring through the Nine Heavens!

Big snowflakes floated under the sky, and the young man strolled in the courtyard, strolling in the heavy snow.

Snowflakes adorn the boy's body, full of silver and gleam. He is dressed in a brand new silver robe, about eight feet tall, and he is as tall as a gun. The waist is tied with a purple sapphire belt, and he is wearing a blue bow and red sword. The blue bow embellishes the starlight, vast and mysterious. The red sword surging with flowing flames, from time to time glowing like a king!

The jade belt of the young man wears an as thin as cicada wing flying knife and a blue knife. He walks with the knife, his face is like a crown jade, the corners of his mouth are raised, his eyebrows are glowing, and he says no. It is so handsome and elegant, and faintly reveals a kind of absolute confidence, which is amazing. What a free and easy young man like a fairy in the painting!

Standing proudly on the list of evildoers in the distance, Xiao Jinghe


The young man drew up the Youqing gun, slightly smiled.

"Sorry, I just went to the Ten Thousand Dragons Club next time. I picked up a few Dragon Clan Princess, ordered a few Dragon Clan Crown Princes, found some Dragon Clan young women, and picked up a few dragons. Clan Bloodline, when he came back, he watched a few love videos, took a hot bath, and changed new clothes by the way, so there was a slight delay."

His conversation turned around--"If anything It’s not right, please hold me back. I won’t change if you tell me. A handsome wise man once told me that if he is handsome, he can act wilfully."


All geniuses: "??"

In these years, being handsome can be bragging without thinking about it?

What kind of event is the Wanlong Club? The scale is not inferior to the alternatives at this time, and it is even worse!

According to the Sage literature, most of the people who can enter the Wanlonghui are eighth rank Sacred Dragon, and their battle strength is equivalent to the Human Race 4th layer!

You won the Ten Thousand Dragons Club as a Human Race? Could it be that you didn't eat a peanut after drinking a peanut last night?


a streak of divine light Vertically and horizontally, the exquisite figure fluttering down from the sky.

All the geniuses were shocked. The person who came was the peerless beauty who had competed against Heavenly Immortal in the Divine flame palace!

At this time, the beautiful lady stared at Lin Chen, with countless thoughts and joy.

Lin Chen slightly startled!

"Sister Ruoyan..."

"Lin Chen younger brother..."

The two looked at each other; they ignored everything between Heaven and Earth Things that only see each other.

One month in the mortal world, one year in the holy world. Although Bai Ruoyan left Nine Provinces not long ago, the time spent in the holy realm is far more than that in the mortal realm.

After Bai Ruoyan was once possessed by the will of the Holy Fire, when Lin Chen rescued him, the two of them “be honest with each other” in the spiritual world, and through their experiences and feelings, they also experienced spiritual The water and milk are in harmony, and the hearts are mutually agreeable.

Bai Ruoyan landed in front of Lin Chen. The two were like people in the painting. Regardless of everyone's gaze and surprise, Lin Chen held Bai Ruoyan in his arms fiercely!

Beauty Xia Fei’s cheeks, let the boy hug her, said with a beautiful smile: "I knew you would come, I came here to wait for you..."

Before the words were finished, the boy's lips were domineeringly printed with the beautiful woman's cherry lips!

At this moment, the audience fell into a strange silence!


Between the mountains on the East Island and the Central Island is even more exploded!

The green veins of Xiao Jing on the top of the mountain were exposed, and Long Yijing's teeth were almost crushed!

Damn, this kid has an inexplicable and complicated relationship with his sweetheart, the Little Demon Empress, and this relationship with the Goddess of the Divine flame palace?

"My God, I'm afraid that it will send back the Divine flame palace to make those peerless evildoers crazy!"

"The position of this woman in the Divine flame palace It's not ordinary. I can't think of having such a relationship with Lin Chen this child..."

Some old voices hiding the void of the Four Islands clicking one's tongue in wonder.

The lips are divided, and there is a crystal clear arc between the two.

Bai Ruoyan is charming and glamorous--"Others are still watching..."

Lin Chen said with a smile ——"That means no one is watching Is it time? Well, I don’t think I know enough about Sister Ruoyan. I finally meet up. I will learn more about it when there is no one."

Bai Ruoyan glared at him pretending to be angrily. At a glance, the style is peerless.

Lin someone shrugged, it doesn’t matter—"Some people just want to watch it, I just want everyone to know that you are mine, what kind of shit Divine flame palace, sooner or later I will be justified I will take you back!"

"You..." Bai Ruoyan scraped his nose, gently tidying up his clothes—"What's the hurry, the elder sister can't run. Even if Heavenly Immortal meets you, you have to go down to earth, even more how elder sister is a mortal......"

Lin Chen said seriously: "Don’t~elder sister, I like the way you do Heavenly Immortal, down to earth It doesn't matter, can you be a fairy occasionally part-time..."

"cough cough cough..."

Shen Lao's light cough sounded.

Let these two people get bored again, the youngsters and evildoers who follow the Divine flame palace will probably all run away.

"Little friend Lin Chen, the playoffs have already started. If you don’t participate in the challenge, you will be deemed to have abstained."

Lin Chen cursed without a trace in his heart, except for the incomprehensible style. Chong Bai Ruoyan said with a smile: "Sister Ruoyan, wait a moment."

Bai Ruoyan smiled: "Well, I want to listen to what happened after you came to the Holy Realm."

She did not remind Lin Chen to be careful, as if she had absolute confidence in him!

Lin Chen stepped into the 4th space gate under the eyes of many stunned, suspicious, jealous and concerned eyes!

Bai Ruoyan rises from the wind. Floating like an immortal, return to the guest official position on the East Island.

"Goddess, you..." The handsome young man who had a dignified appearance was both shocked and angry, gnashing teeth.

"I will take care of my business, or do you want to point fingers at me?" Bai Ruoyan glanced at him and the people behind him indifferently.

"I really don't understand, there are so many peerless evildoers in the palace, even this Young Master is ten times better than this child, why are you still..." The handsome young man was a little excited and flushed. I forgot to use my face and honorifics.

Bai Ruoyan shook his head slightly, leaving only one sentence.

"In my heart, he is the best man in the world. Everything I have is given by him."


Combat position In the face;

Yang Wanli is wearing a holy armor, majestic and majestic, with a pair of tiger eyebrows slightly raised, with great interest——"Are you Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen said with a joke smile.

"Why, not as handsome as the legend?"

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