"hahaha!" Yang Wanli looked up to the sky and laughed wildly!

"You are so handsome or not until you know that after playing, Yang Wanli only recognizes powerhouse, let me try to see if you can be worthy of the praise from the great powers of the Holy Realm!"

Yang Wanli's shoulders shook sharply, the Holy Force fist strength erupted, and 25 holy caves gleamed all over his body. An Azure Dragon rushed from the holy cave and stirred the wind and clouds. Clouds rising in the ten directions!

Holy Force Azure Dragon wielded with fist strength, and its power surged towards Lin Chen, a full force of "Dragon Boxing" stirred the plane to turbulence, and hit Lin Chen completely!

See what Lin Chen casually looks like. Many powerhouses and talents from 36 domains are looking forward to it.

What kind of strength does this legendary teenager possess? How would you take this move? Most of them have only heard of the legend of Lin Chen, and have never seen the daoist. The curiosity about this child is extremely strong!

Although Yang Wanli is not ranked, he was once ranked 230th in the genius list. After that, closed-door cultivation has quit the genius list for a hundred years and won an Immemorial boxing classic "Dragon Boxing". There are few opponents in the combat field, and close combat is almost invincible at the same level!

When he came up, he was spare no effort, obviously he didn't underestimate Lin Chen!

"One shot is his orange-level cultivation technique, the Azure Dragon boxing style in Seven Dragon Boxing!"

"Good domineering power, how should this fist this child take it? "

"I have heard that Lin Chen could play against Long Yijing of the enchanting list before. Isn't it easy to fight Yang Wanli?"

"I guess, Lin Chen is estimated to be able to take care of him within 50 strokes."

"Who do you look down on? Look down on my brother Chen, fifty strokes? Let me say, up to 20 strokes, you are believing or not Yang Wanli. I’ll have to get down!"

"I’m full of wealth and stud, I buy Lin Chen to win! I lose, I stand upside down!"


next moment; What makes everyone dumbfounded is——

Lin Chen is about to raise his hand, but his face suddenly changes!

Bang~! hong long long ~!

The plane shook, Azure Dragon slammed Lin Chen's body hard, and the earth was shaken. Lin Chen was blown away with a punch! Falling straight into the abyss of the battle plane!

pu chi ~!

A sacred old man in the West Island who was drinking hot tea directly sprayed the face of an old friend next to him?


Many powerhouse mouths twitched slightly, Lin Chen was beaten up without even taking a move?

Some geniuses who have received'professional training' can't help but laugh out loud.

"Is it Avatar?"

Yang Wanli reacted very quickly, the holy cave brilliance ten thousand zhang, the Holy Force enveloped the body, and immediately entered a state of alert and defense.

He has heard of the legend of Lin Chen, with a super-defying Avatar cultivation technique, powerful enough to deceive even the genius list.

However, there is no Avatar to attack him.

"cough cough cough..."

The dust was full, Lin Chen coughed and pushed a piece of gravel away, with surprise in his eyes.

"No Avatar?" When Yang Wanli found that there was still only one Lin Chen, he took the lead and took a step to urge the movement method, such as Dragon Transformation flying to the sky, a few breaths flashed in front of Lin Chen!

Boom~! Yang Wanli raised his hand again, hit Lin Chen in the chest, and sent him to the sky with one punch!

Swipe~! Yang Wanli's movement method is a must, the powerhouse for melee combat, flashes straight into a dark yellow light, and hits Lin Chen with fierce punches, while not forgetting to guard the surroundings!

Boom! boom! boom!

Yang Wanli was like a squally storm, blasting Lin Chen all the way, and Lin Chen was crushed and beaten by him!

Nothing to fight back?

"I'm stubborn, I was wrong, Lao Tzu has put all his wealth on it!"

"Hey! This kid has a false name, I rely on it!"

Many powerhouses in the sacred realm yelled at them, their vision is extraordinary, how can they not see that Lin Chen was completely beaten unilaterally!

Finally, Lin Chen stepped on the movement method in Yang Wanli's stormy offensive, dodges his attack, and while pulling the distance away, he drew his knife!

The spirit of the powerhouse in the four islands is mentioned again!

Here comes! Lin Chen has finally drawn his sword!

According to the legend, he has a Blade Technique to slaughter more than a dozen Saints. Is he finally able to open his eyes today?

Tear and pull~! Lin Chen holds the blue moon and cuts out a moonlight that reflects Heaven and Earth!

However, at the moment when Zhanmeng was cut out, the formidable power dropped sharply, and the speed became several times slower, and it seemed that it was several times virtual in an instant!

Grass! Can you do it? I'm afraid it's not a kidney failure?

Boom! Yang Wanli punched his "Jingyue Evil God" and couldn't help laughing—"Isn't it, the legendary Lin Chen, just this ability?"

Yang Wanli stepped on a Dragon Qi, and then moved towards Lin Chen With a fast kick, Lin Chen was knocked back again!

Even some of the hidden abilities of Grade 7 Aristocratic Family are dumbfounded!

What's the situation? This plot is wrong!

They have thought that Lin Chen's strength might not meet their expectations, but it's not so ridiculous!

"hahaha, what is embroidered pillow, what is precious on the outside and despicable on the inside. This Lin Chen is a perfect interpretation, so funny."

"I was caught It’s amused. Is this the legendary one. Use the most handsome appearance and get the most venomous beating?"

"hey hey hey, Yang Wanli, he is still a child, don’t let him go and face him Slap on the face!"

In the central island, many unplayed geniuses and many holy realm geniuses teased said with a big smile.

East Island, VIP seats.

The handsome young man who has a dignified appearance in the Divine flame palace sneered: "This is it?"

"Goddess, this is what you said, the best man in the world?"

The handsome young man looked towards Bai Ruoyan, and the ten beautiful maidservants couldn't help looking around. They heard Bai Ruoyan mention this young man countless times, is it true?

I saw that Bai Ruoyan didn't hear the handsome young man at all, staring at the light screen of the space plane, could not help but let out a slight exclamation.

"It's been a long time since I saw it. I didn't expect that the Lin Chen younger brother looked so handsome when he was beaten..."

Everyone was overwhelmed.

On the top of the mountain, Long Yijing and Xiao Jing unanimously showed their doubts.

They have had direct contact with Lin Chen, is this kid not that weak?

"Could it be that something has happened to this kid in the past few months, and he can't show his strength?"

Long Yijing was ecstatic.

In the battle plane;

Lin Chen has just unlocked the seal of'Taiyi Time and Space'. Before the power of the holy cave has been used, a holy force burst through Lin. All of Chen's holy caves indirectly led to his inability to play out!

“I’m Gan, this is too funny, I’m going to explode at this juncture?”

Lin Chen laughed and laughed, mobilizing all Avatar’s dedicated efforts to provoke the holy force surging in time and space. , Rush to the next holy cave!

"That's all, Lin Chen, I don’t know what you’re playing, you have only this kind of strength. I’m so disappointed!"

The situation changed suddenly, Yang Wanli mobilized four With the power of a different crystal, the wind, clouds and thunder and lightning are all in their fists, as if holding a four-headed giant dragon, one punch hit Lin Chen's body!

Boom~! Bang~!

Suddenly, the whole plane trembled!

A terrifying explosion exploded from the center of the two, as if Heaven and Earth had overturned, the plane collapsed, and the imposing manner was so strong that it shocked many powerhouses!

This is a battle plane that can withstand the late attack of the 4th layer of the Holy Realm. Although Yang Wanli's boxing skills are strong, but the formidable power is far from this point, right?

Swipe~! In the dust and smoke in the sky, a silhouette like a falling meteor flew up, vomiting blood directly, and was unconscious!

To everyone's surprise, that person turned out to be Yang Wanli?

What's the situation!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

At this moment, many hidden old monsters got up!

Their gazes were puzzled and horrified, and they fixed their eyes on the fourth battle plane.

That expression is like seeing a ghost!

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