"Extreme Yin Thunder!"

The brilliance of the eight Thunder Element crystals in the dragon instrument crystal skyrocketed. Wanjun, where lightning passes, there is Yin Demon’s air adsorption space, and dozens of throwing knives and giant palms that burn down the void with one sword!

"There is snow in the world, thousands of miles in the mountains and mountains!"

The thousand zhang illusory shadow behind Xiao Jing drew his sword, and the eight-treasure Sword Dragon box sheltered him from the offensive of nirvana Zhong is safe and sound, with one sword drawn out, sword qi is vertical and horizontal!


Xiao Jing smashed Lin Chen's two avatars with a single sword. Just as he was about to make another sword, there was a burning dragon with spirit strength condensed in the space behind him, angry roar!


Long roar is transformed into five, such as the 5th layer sonic storm crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, shaking Xiao Jing and Long Yijing at the same time. Back, look pale, and the spirit is burnt!

"Damn, why can't this violent feeling of mental burning be cured..."

Xiao Jing and Long Yijing looked at each other and saw each other's shock.

At this time, the thundercloud dissipated, and Lin Chen's blue-level top nirvana began to dissipate!

The two of them used each other's life-saving cards to resist the nirvana! It also resisted the five offensives of "Lin Chen", and the details of the enchanting list are fully revealed!

However, they have also paid a sufficient price. Internal injuries and mental injuries have accumulated continuously. More importantly, some of the injuries are'incurable'? Only let the injury worsen!

The two are not entangled with the blue-level top nirvana, they are preparing to destroy Lin Chen's five Avatars in a spurt of energy.


Ten rounds of blazing sun rise in the plane of the desert, and the temperature and destruction aura it emits, even the faces of the two enchanting evildoers are rare and solemn, even revealing a bit of fear!

Long Yijing's demeanor is gloomy and uncertain, and can no longer maintain the past graceful and extraordinary demeanor, unwilling to gnashing teeth.

"Lin Chen actually pushed Mo Qingxu to this point. The power of this move is probably the peerless battle skill with the core method. The Divine flame palace really surpasses other sects!"

So arrogant such as Xiao Jing! He was born in a superb sect, stood out as the culmination of countless monster-like geniuses, and ranked on the list of evildoers, but at this moment, both he and Long Yijing are feeling frustrated!

Because even if the two are promoted to the Acupoint Expansion Realm, unless they have an eternally disturbing encounter, they will enter the Acupoint Expansion Realm, at most between Mo Qingxu's cultivation base.

Lin Chen can force the Mo Qingxu of'Expanding Acupoint Realm' to the bottom, and they will not be better!

Unless the second holy cave of the expansion point realm can be opened, the high acupuncture point expansion multiple requires more vigorous accumulation, and it is by no means so easy to break open!

In other words, they can no longer suppress Lin Chen, at least in terms of battle strength, Lin Chen truly surpassed them!

As a result, even if they become acupoint expansion state, it is impossible to change! This was a huge blow to the two pretentious evildoers.

Boom~! With arrows shining, Lin Chen’s Avatar came again, and the two fought hard to face Lin Chen’s five Avatar bodies!

On the other side; Mo Qingxu is in the ten rounds of the sun, the fire sea is like a robe with his body, the holy power is overwhelming, like the holy monarch of aloof and remote, overlooking the innumerable living beings, there are Sovereign millions and between the eyebrows The majesty of millions of creatures, when looking towards Lin Chen, the fingertips wave!

The holy cave in the territory of his expansion is like a sea like a sea, but at this moment it seems to be completely drained, injecting all the Fire Element crystals, and blessing within ten rounds of the holy sun.

chi! chi! chi!

The entire plane began to ignite endless fires, the flames of the desert were raging to the sky, the yellow sand melted rapidly, and there were thousands of flames. Began to be burned into nothingness!

"Why, Lin Chen is going to lose!"

"Old Shen, if we don't save people, our Human Race will lose a peerless evildoer!"

"To be able to do this, Lin Chen is already against the sky, there is no need to fight anymore!"

"Yes, Lin Chen this child, all that is lacking is the silence of time and experience , The future will definitely surpass Mo Qingxu. The age difference between the two cannot be compared at all!"

"Notify several Sages of the auxiliary healing system that there is something wrong, and immediately rescue Lin Chen! "


In the world tower; many Saints who belong to the world tower acted one after another, guarded strictly, and looked solemnly!

Sacred battles, unless it is Life and Death Battle, generally seldom do their best. Unlike Battle Sovereign, although Saint has the ability to destroy heaven extinguishing earth, it takes a lot of resources and time to make up for the depleted holy cave.

But Mo Qingxu’s move was extremely strong, and almost emptied his Holy Force by 80%!

Take all the power of different crystals and integrate your own core method, orange-level cultivation technique, and even your own bloodline, and use this move to expand the cultivation base of the cave realm!

The ordinary Saint faces this move, unless there is attribute restraint or special killing move, otherwise there is no background of the 4th layer Perfection of the holy realm, and it is basically impossible to survive the offensive of that move!

Don't talk about the geniuses who passed the alternatives, even the enchantments of Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection who were forced to come to the scene, the look is so solemn!

They asked themselves, even if they advance to the Expanding Acupoint Realm, they may not be Mo Qingxu's opponent.

The foundation of Divine flame palace, too terrifying!

"Goddess, this..."

With a hoarse voice sound transmission, Bai Ruoyan in the Dongdao Palace remained indifferent, staring at the light screen with brilliant eyes, blue waves flowing.

Including the great abilities of Grade 7 Aristocratic Family, everyone thought that when Mr. Shen would make a move, he stood still!

Shen Lao's eyes were very deep, his palm shook a little, and there was no more movement.

Mo Qingxu's face was slightly pale, he bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a blood arrow, and shot it into the ten rounds of'sun'.

"With my hard work, sacrifice to the prestige of the ancestors, the ten suns are absolutely flames, and listen to my orders!"

Mo Qingxu pushed it across the sky, and the ten groups blazed across the sun. Sora crashed into Lin Chen!

hong long long ~!

The ten suns spread in a fan shape, sinking to the plane, burning away hundreds of millions of stars!

"Very powerful, Ji Shaochuan in the Wanlong Meeting may not be his opponent..."

Lin Chen's mouth is slightly raised, and the nine-color starlight in his palm suddenly resembles a roulette wheel. Like overflowing!

The 17 low-grade crystals are like glittering stars, and Lin Chen’s Taiyi holy cave and the main holy cave skyrocket infinitely nine-color divine light!

The nine-color divine light poured into the palm, and all the Holy Forces of Lin Chen poured into the nine-color starlight, and the palm was shaken!

【The host activates the instant light splitting to exterminate the innate talent of the rift wound, and consumes 100,000 innate talent points. ]


The streamer flashed across the sky, as if the nine-colored meteors fell into the sky, and the nine-colored meteors were divided into five, shaking the ten rounds of sacred sun directly!

Shih~! bang! bang!

The nine-colored stars collided with the holy sun and revolved into ten thousand zhang. The nine-colored beams of light rose into the sky!

Under the rotating nine-color divine light, there is a wave of world-destroying energy. Each rotation of the beam of light absorbs the Star Refinement, and absorbs the exploded holy sun energy into annihilation!

Boom! boom! boom! Ten rounds of the holy sun exploded wildly, and the after-wave energy was continuously absorbed by the nine-color beam of light, and annihilated to nothingness.

The plane is overturned and shaken, billion absolutely ton of yellow sand is annihilated to the end by two blasts of world-destroying energy. The battle between the two Great Demons is affected by this, and they are forced to stop and continue to retreat to the other side of the plane!

If it were not the space plane opened by Old Shen himself, this wave of offensive alone would be enough to destroy the battle plane prepared for the enchanting list into nothingness!

"This Lin Chen can burst into such Absolute Art..."

The two Great Demons were dumbfounded, and their hearts trembled.

What kind of cultivation base is this kid? Saint Realm 3rd Layer is not there!

If he is allowed to advance to the 4th layer of the Holy Realm, once he expands his acupuncture point, would he not subvert the enchanting list?

Everyone held their breath and looked forward to the outcome of this battle...

Only a few powerhouses creded out in surprise in their hearts!

"It turned out to be a tie?"

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