The great talents of Grade 7 Aristocratic Family, such as Ying Taotian and Peach Skirt Beauty, stood up.

They didn't look at the light screen that transmitted to the plane, but stared deep into the void somewhere, seeming to see through the battle in the desert plane.

"It turned out to be a tie?"

Ying Taotian and the beautiful woman in peach skirt almost immediately exclaimed. This result was beyond their expectations!

Yes, Lin Chen's performance exceeded their expectations! They didn't even think that Lin Chen would be able to take the powerful blow of the enchanting in the expansion realm with the cultivation base of 20 holy caves!

This is outrageous to the sky!

The more two tiers to take the strongest blow to expand the acupoint realm? This kid’s killing move is too strong to subvert all common sense!

The strength of Lin Chen's "Nine Tribulations Stars" formidable power depends on Lin Chen's overall strength.

After the battle of the Wanlonghui, his elemental energy and the number of alien crystals skyrocketed, and his cultivation base was far more than before, with 20 holy caves in full bloom, and the double superposition of the "Taiyi holy cave" made him The'Nine Tribulations Stars' formidable power hurricane!

After possessing the'Taiyi Sacred Cave', Lin Chen can adjust the formidable power of the Nine Tribulations Stars. If it is a normal Nine Tribulations Stars, Lin Chen can use the effect of'Transfer the Sacred Caves' for a short time. Four times, but not this time.

This story of the Nine Tribulations stars facing Mo Qingxu is Lin Chen's all-out effort.

He mobilized all the Holy Forces in the main holy cave and the'Taiyi holy cave', and poured the nine calamity stars that can be used four times a day on this blow, which is almost the most at this stage. Strong attack!

Boom! boom!

With two explosions, Lin Chen and Mo Qingxu retreated violently and suffered varying degrees of backlash. Lin Chen was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and Mo Qingxu was a'vomiting in the mouth' attribute. Big and small.

Boom~! After the ten rounds of the holy sun were crushed by the Nine Tribulations Star Light Column, it shot in the direction of Lin Chen and sprinkled the afterglow. Each ray of sunshine was extremely hot and could easily burn through the Holy Force of Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection!

"Old Shen, it's time to make a move!"

Ying Taotian coldly shouted sound transmission, both of them are now trying their best to be in idle time. The aftermath of this second wave may be A direct threat to Lin Chen's life!

However, Shen Lao's Motionless As Mountains, his old eyes glowing with unprecedented brilliance staring at Lin Chen's back.


Swords roared, Lin Chen’s Avatar appeared beside the body like rain in time, the blue moon swung a knife across the sky, and another flash of light and shadow of the "tears of God" killed five records Aurora blade glow!

The blade glow spins and flashes longitudinally, and when it explodes from the void, it wrings out Blade Qi fragments in the sky!

Boom! boom! boom!

Blade Qi fragments and the afterglow of the sacred sun continue to pour and collide, such as two world-destroying storms colliding, crazily offsetting.

The nine-color beam of light and the energy storm of the holy sun slowly dissipated after a while.

Everyone can see clearly, in the sky's silhouette, Lin Chen's mouth is bleeding, and the overbearing madness has not dissipated.

Mo Qingxu's body is full of blood. Although the holy light is still protecting his body, it is covered with scars. What makes the powerhouse watching the game somewhat puzzled is why he doesn't use the Holy Force to heal his injuries?

shua! shua!

Two figures came, one left and one right surrounded Lin Chen and the last Avatar.

It is Xiao Jing and Long Yijing.

Previously, Lin Chen used Nine Tribulations Stars and spent five full Avatars to protect him from the aftermath of the collision. His cultivation base is not as good as Mo Qingxu, who bursts out such terrifying energy at close range. The strength of the body cannot be stopped.

The Avatar fell, and the battle strength that prevented the two Great Demon evils disappeared.

"It was a tie?"

"No, his Avatar has almost disappeared, and the unavoidable thunder attack has also disappeared. It is him who loses next! "

"Lose a fart! Lin Chen has been able to fight by the strength of oneself and the three evildoers until now, I think he has won the most thoroughly! Think about how old he is, what cultivation base Huh? If this child expands its acupoints, I am afraid that the enchanting list will also be shaken three times!"

"My Yutiange wishes Lin Chen the strongest!"

All geniuses and even enchanting evildoers!"

"I Yutiange wish Lin Chen the strongest!"

The evildoers of the list are all talking about it!

Mo Qingxu is full of bloodstains, endures the pain of many injuries, stands proudly in front of Lin Chen, his breath is still strong, said with a malicious smile.

"How can you compare the background of my Divine flame palace, Lin Chen, even if this Young Master is injured, I have to knock you over with one hand, with no difficulty! You can use it again now! The offensive is not successful?"

Facing the siege of three evildoers——


At this moment, Lin Chen looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

The geniuses were taken aback, and he could still laugh now.

"It's refreshing, I didn't expect myself, and now the strength of the body can reach the level it is today."

Although the holy cave was hollowed out, Lin Chen felt a sudden. My heart is lithe and graceful and carefree!

Before entering the Great Wilderness, a Long Yijing had to force him to do his best. With the exception of the War God arm armor, he had to use almost all his hole cards, plus the Avatar siege to delay an evildoer. List evildoers.

But now, the 4th layer of the Ordinary Holy Realm is no longer his opponent. Non-expansion geniuses, ordinary evildoers are even more difficult to stop him from Lin Chen's offensive. Even if the evil geniuses below the expansion genius join hands, he can fight three with one!

The gap between before and after, at least ten times the gap!

Boom~! sword qi Vertically and horizontally, Long Yijing and Xiao Jing made their swords and hit Lin Chen behind!

"Well, if you consume a huge amount of rune energy and create Avatars, you may not be able to win them, that's all, let me play another trump card!"

Lin Chen smiled evilly and snapped a finger casually

Tear and pull~!

A azure blue dragon light slashed across the air, like a sword edge, a sword blasted off the two men's offensive, and even the two Great Demon evildoers retreated several thousand zhang, with a look of horror!


"What's the matter? Lin Chen, you cheated?"

Behind Lin Chen, a man appeared!

His long hair shawl, the tips of his hair are light, his pupils are like treasures, his face is like a jade tree, his facial features are highlighted, his nose is high, his eyebrows are cold, his mouth is raised after his hands are held. The arc and the charm are exactly the same as Lin Chen!

Everyone was taken aback!

This is not Lin Chen’s Avatar!

Are you still called a helper?

What's even more frightening is that the Great Desolate overlord that exudes the breath of this person is pure and fierce, with a look in his eyes as if there is a Sacred Dragon roaring and roaring, just standing there, it is like an insurmountable mountain!

Only Ying Taotian and the beautiful woman in peach skirt and the others, along with a group of Grade 6 sect Elder, froze instantly when they saw the man's appearance and temperament!

A chill that is almost numb from the scalp rises from the soles of their feet and rushes directly to their top of the head!

"Zong...Sect Master? Are you?"

The exquisite young girl in Tsing Yi sitting in Ying Taotian couldn't help asking in surprise, she had never seen Sect Master Guo reveal Make this look!

"Shen, he is an obvious foul, right?"

When Shen was old, some powerhouses just discovered it; Shen is like a hidden giant For the first time, Qing was shocked by the error, and was even dumbfounded in place!

After half a breath, Shen Lao returned to normal with his eyes like a sword, staring at Lin Chen's back firmly!

This boy has too many secrets! There are so many seniors that he can't help but want to get to the bottom of it!

"Can't be wrong! This look, this temperament, this breath is the new king shaking the old illuminating the new, sweeping the Wanlong! The King of Wanlong, the British nation!"

Ying Taotian's heart set off a stormy sea!

A generation turned out to be the King of Ten Thousand Dragons, who swept countless Dragon Clan Heaven's Chosen, is actually by Lin Chen's side? This information made the Sect Master of the eternal giant bewildered!

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