Fourth Layer, Central Island.

The four island powerhouses gathered together. The 134 talents who passed the alternatives this time were selected for the enchanting list. Although they have not fully become the enchanting list, they have enjoyed most of the enchanting list rights.

The normal step is to be a candidate for the enchanting list. In the next hundred years, it can reach the twelve assessment standards, and when there are places on the enchanting list, it can be promoted to a positive election.

From the common sense, the enchanting list candidate is basically impossible to defeat the enchanting genius.

If you use the alternative way to defeat the positive selection to select the evildoer genius of the new era, I am afraid that the evildoer list will never be able to add a few seats.

The gap between the current monstruous talent genius and the candidate monstruous talent genius is as wide as a shocking gap. Regardless of the level of cultivation resources and contacts obtained, the growth rate is not an order of magnitude at all.

Alternatives can challenge the regular election and it is the first time that this year's vacancy on the enchanting list broke the routine.

At this time; Mr. Shen is absent for the time being, and another lady in green comes forward, the human eyebrows, female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts, but the vicissitudes of her eyebrows have revealed her age. His face is so young.

The lady in green declared calmly.

"The geniuses who passed the selection this time can come to the tower to complete 12 assessments within a hundred years. The content of the assessment will be different from before. Please prepare enough before you participate."

The geniuses in the Central Island cheered, some weeped with joy, some cried with excitement, some sighed, and some mixed feelings finally became candidates for the enchanting list! From that yearn for something even in dreams position, there is one last step left!

There are also many veteran holy realms in the four islands with sighs and sighs. As soon as the available places are available, they are the leaders of the holy realm in the new era!

Holy realm genius, there is no shortage of holy realm, but these genius who have aptitude and become enchanting list!

"This little fellow has finally become a candidate for the evildoer, and then you can give him the treasure coordinates of the Grade 6 Secret Realm that the old man found when he was young."

"It's not easy, the enchanting candidate. It's more difficult to choose one year. This time you can stand out, and luck is also a lot..."

In the four islands, some Grade 6 sect Elder and hidden The old monsters sighed in relief and become candidates for the enchanting list, and the level of contact will be radically changed from before!

When the young woman in green was about to award the reward--


The entire Fourth Layer of the world tower, the space in the four islands shook a bit!

"What happened?" The green-clothed woman frowned and asked immediately by sound transmission.

"Lin Elder, it’s not good. Someone has trespassed on the tower!"

"He has injured dozens of Elders of us, and several Elders are in danger, Wang Lin senior Send someone to save your life first!"

One after another Holy Force sound transmission directly to the Fourth Layer without regard to the private sound transmission. The faces of all the powerhouses in the Fourth Layer are very wonderful!

"Someone has trespassed into the tower? Who is so brave, is it a Grade 7 giant?"

"Wait and see, Mr. Shen and the others went to the next level. See what Xuanlin Elder did."

Sidao powerhouse watched the changes. When the tone barely fell, the entire Fourth Layer space trembled!

Shock it~! !

The void cracked with a golden light crack, and a sword intent of breakthrough Nine Heavens ascended into the tower!

A white clothed youth with a five-color sword qi spinning behind it, walking with a sword, wandering through the void, extraordinary and refined, arrogant and cold, and walked to the top of the central island!

He has a pair of golden eyes that are noble and extraordinary, and he seems to be looking for something when he looks down at everyone below the central island.


"This youngster......"

"It's not right, it's not right!"

Some cultivation base profound The hidden old monster made a sound of surprise at the same time.

Too young! The life fluctuation of this child is much younger than that of Genius, the enchanting list present.

The trespasser of the tower, is such a young sword saint?

Sidao Powerhouse did not express its position, just watch the changes. The younger generation’s grievances against the powerhouse of the older generation will not easily deal with the powerhouses of the older generation. The forces behind each other are extremely involved. If they make a move without authorization, it’s not a servant’s substitute. The master can easily end up as a thug.

"youngster, why did you break into my world tower and hurt me Elder. You know this is the holy world enchanting list candidate!"

The youngster in green is walking on air with deep eyes, Standing thousands of miles away from Lin Xingchen, he scolded coldly.

"The enchantment list? Do you dare to call the enchantment by any rubbish, a group of ants that's all."

Lin Xingchen disdain to the extreme, sneered, a single word aroused the anger of all enchantment list genius And the shock of four island powerhouses!

Today’s Human Race in the Holy Realm, who knows that the enchanting list is the most unique cream of the crop group of geniuses in the 36 domains. Who dares to pretend that the enchanting list is rubbish? This tone is madly out of the sky!

"What a big breath!"

"How many cups did this brother drink? How can I drunk my mind?"

"this The Young Master boldly guessed that he might have been stimulated by the enchanting list as a child, so he lost his mind."

Many enchanting genius faces are full of disdain, and what’s more, a red-haired teenager grinned. Evil smile, spurred the power of the different crystals, a palm blasted out, the palm prints of the six-pointed star glow like a fire covering Heaven and Earth, the sky fell in disorder, and the holy glow shone!

Swipe~! A snowy silver sword qi slashed towards the wind and slashed towards Lin Xingchen!

Shih~! Thousand zhang The azure light like a grinding disc stirs the wind blades to dance wildly, covering all the way of Lin Xingchen's retreat!

The three violent evildoers genius shot directly!

"Heh." Lin Xingchen was extremely cold, his pupils flashed sharply, his energy rushed into the sky, two strands of sword glow like spiral thorns, brushing across the sky!

peng peng peng!

The attack of the Three Great Monsters easily penetrates and crushes into nothingness!


The evildoers and geniuses were surprised!

Lin Xingchen stepped out, and the situation changed suddenly! The five-color sword qi like a sword wheel spins into the sky starlight, and in a short time it becomes the Sovereign of Heaven and Earth!

"I came today just to find Lin Chen that ant, you trash, you don’t even have the qualifications to die in my hands. If you want to find something, let’s go together."

Lin Xingchen's words made all the evildoers angry!

The other party’s words are a real step on their heads!

"today i would like to see, what kind of crooked melon and jujube are you, dare to speak wild words!"

"This Young Master will hit you today. Open!"

"It’s been a long time since I made a move. I can’t think of it as an act recklessly idiot."

More than half of the enchanting list Genius was provoked, and he moved the movement method. Fly!

This scene is extremely mysterious and magnificent!

Hundreds of evildoers genius stood on the opposite side of Lin Xingchen!

The beautiful woman in green clothes fell into hesitation. She could vaguely perceive that this young man is no small thing.

"Go and inform Mr. Shen, this child has a deep and unmeasurable breath, don't take it without authorization, I have never seen such a character in the enchanting list! I will protect these little fellows in the enchanting list!"

The beautiful woman in green, sound transmission, several desire shots besieged Lin Xingchen Elder.

At this moment——


Lin Xingchen suddenly draws his sword!

As soon as the sword was unsheathed, the mountains and rivers moved, and the space of the Fourth Layer of the world tower throbbed and dimmed, as if all the brilliance between Heaven and Earth would be dim under this sword!

This is a peerless sword. No one in the room can see the rank. The sword body is radiant and colorful, and the five fingers of Lin Xingchen are entwined in a vein, and the sword edge and sword edge are flowing in five colors. Clouds, shining, like Divine Sword!

"To deal with you, I only use one sword."

Lin Xingchen is indifferent like ten thousand years of profound ice, looking at all enchanting eyes as if looking at the dead!

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