There are not many old powerhouses in the world tower, but they dare not take it lightly!

It's very simple; in the holy realm, the more powerful the genius, the more terrifying the background is. Similar to Lin Chen, the stranger who has no power to kill the enchanting list, since ancient times, he is the only one!

This young man is not on the enchanting list, but his strength is so terrifying, which proves his extraordinary background!

The enchanting list can judge the life and death of Grade 4 sect in one word, and it can attack the sect below Grade 6 without any punishment. This is the privilege of the enchanting list, and the same is true for higher Level 1. !

If this young a sage ranking! The background is not to the extent that the Cangyu Realm Tower can afford it!

The beautiful woman in green did not immediately make a move. The enchanting list has already been angered. If she forces her to stop, maybe the enchanting will continue to persuade her to make her move. At that time, she will be embarrassed on both sides and want to Stabilizing the situation and protecting people, on the contrary, there will be accidents in front of various sects.

What she has to do is to protect the enchanting list first, if one of them dies is the sin of the tower!

Lin Xingchen and a hundred evildoers genius are standing opposite each other.

They have never been the only ones who bullied others, and no one has bullied them!

When Lin Xingchen sneered, the enchanting list took the lead!

"Wanhuo Lishun Gun!"

A enchanting genius with two spears in his hand, dancing the fire to sacrifice to the sky, falling down like a meteor shower, every stream of light is like a lore spear, all over the week!

"The Great Profound Dragon takes the hand!"

Another evildoer slapped a palm, the palm of his palm evolved into the Great Desolate, and ten giant dragons swept the mountains and rivers, and the earth was shaken!

"Golden sword dao ·Wind sword dao!"

have a dignified appearance of sword saint Destroying the edge, the sword qi, which is mixed with green and yellow, slashes to Lin Xingchen more sharply than a sword!

"True Sun-Cracking Sky Arrow!"

A sky-shaking arrow that penetrates the stars and breaks the moon shoots through the void from ten thousand zhang, pointing directly to Lin Xingchen’s top of the head!

"Light and split shadows!"

"The Devil's Palm of Ten Thousand Buddha Town!"


One trick to move the orange The level cultivation technique, a kind of Supreme killing technique, has performed countless Martial Dao Shengwei, one after another pouring Lin Xingchen, the spectacle of the scene can be described as the ultimate, all from the hand of evildoers, it is hard to see!

In today's 36 domains, there has been no sign of hundreds of enchanting genius besieging anyone in the 100,000 epoch!

Even though all of them only have 30 holy cave cultivation bases, they have not yet expanded their caves, and the formidable power they can play is no inferior to the expanding cave realm Saint!

"A bunch of waste wood, see clearly what is a real cultivation technique."

Lin Xingchen's shoulders shook sharply, and the sword intent stretched across the sky, splitting the sky!

At this moment, time seems to be forbidden!

one after another ten thousand zhang Five-color sword qi spewed out from his sword, he carried his sword and stepped, like the Sword Immortal outside the sky, a sword monument disappeared out of thin air, standing around him, dozens of bundles sword qi Storm is like a tornado Heavenspan, thousands of sword saint’s illusory shadows evolve Supreme Sword Art from his side, like a cloud over the moon, he is the mainstay!


In Dongdao, a drunk old man suddenly opened his eyes, staring in the direction of Lin Xingchen, his whole body trembled with fear!

"This is a natural phenomenon of ten thousand swords worshiping the gods, a realm that even the old man has not reached!"

West Island, the white eyebrows old man in azure clothes looks terrified !

"Ten thousand swords worship God, sword intent communicates with God. Ancient and modern, both at home and abroad, can only be achieved by the approval of Sword God! In each era of the Holy Realm, there will only be one sword intent with the sword intent! "

Another old man who looks like an eagle in the South Island is shocked!

"Today, in the holy world, there is only one generation of Sword Intent, and only one generation of Saint King, Fang Xiaotian senior who is known as the land Sword King! Is this child the second sword intent?"

At this moment, the hidden sword saints on the four islands are all discolored in amazement!

"Dawn breaks."

Lin Xingchen strikes out with a sword!

This sword makes all the evildoers genius black!

As if the entire Heaven and Earth had been cut off by him! Only a little starlight kept zooming in their eyes, and finally they clearly saw that that little starlight lingered around the five-color sword qi, which was exactly the point of Lin Xingchen's sword!

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

All the offensives of a hundred evildoers exploded into one in an instant!

The central island of the Fourth Layer of the world tower trembled. If it was hit hard, it instantly shattered into countless pieces. All the enchanting candidates were affected and suffered varying degrees of injury!

At the crucial moment, the beautiful woman in green stood in front of all the evildoers genius, raising her delicate hand, condensing the blue waves and ripples, and blocking the five-color sword light that pierced the plane of space!

Boom! boom!

When the jade green Guanghua collided with the five-color sword qi, the sword edge was finally blocked, but the green-clothed beautiful woman's face was slightly pale, and she was shaken back by several dozen li by the aftermath.

The broken dark green brilliance is like a celestial flower, shooting into every enchanting genius and enchanting candidate, protecting their lifeblood!

"pu chi ~!"

The five-color sword qi offensive is broken, the starlight is vertical and horizontal, and when the aftermath is backlash, the faint starlight shards penetrate all the evildoers genius, and they vomit blood and retreat at the same time!

Tens of thousands of Saints from the four islands are shocked!

"The situation is wrong, save people!"

"Save Young Master first!"

"Don't go to deal with that guy, hand it to Jieta On the one hand, rescue Young Master and withdraw immediately!"

"Train Sect Master, don’t take action without authorization, save others and run away!"

All sects who have their own geniuses to participate in the election have one after another. Send out your own powerhouse, immediately save people!

The key is that the strongest group of powerful people all went to the 5th floor to see Lin Chen’s Jill!

Now the people here are singlehanded, no one can hold this child, everyone's idea is to save people first!


5th floor; while the powers are still discussing the issue of Lin Chen fiercely,

"en? Someone comes to the tower to make trouble?"

"What happened to that kid? What, was he injured?"

"Wait a minute, things are not right!"

Almost all powers rely on their own means Receive the message immediately.

"en? What's the situation?"

Lin Chen has long been bored. Seeing these guys don't bother him, he was eager to find a reason to go around.

Shen Lao, who has always been divine poise and sagelike features, stood up suddenly, his eyes crossed the meaning of killing.

"Someone came to the tower to make trouble. Since the old man took over, such a thing has never happened. It is still a youngster......"

Shen Lao tore the void flashed, The great powers also left the secret room, and Lin Chen and Bai Ruoyan were left in an instant.

"Damn, everyone is so fast when it's time to leave!"

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, Bai Ruoyan said with a beautiful smile.

"It's okay, let's be together."

With a thin hand, Bai Ruoyan took Lin Chen away.


The Fourth Layer of the boundary tower, the fragmented central island high above the sky.

Wearing white clothes lightly, the five-color sword qi lingers around him, Lin Xingchen steps on the sword qi storm and stands with a sword, like the undefeated Sword Immortal standing between Heaven and Earth, no one dares to strike its edge. .

He didn’t chase the enchanted list of people, and received the sword enters sheathe,

Lin Xingchen hadn’t looked at the enchanted list genius that was wounded by him, walking in the sky Among them, a sharp sword light flashed through golden's eyes.

The pupils of those unsuccessful evildoers trembled in fear, urging the movement method to retreat, and their scalp exploded!

Hundreds of evildoers, Genius, were defeated by his sword!

This person, who are you on earth? ,

One hundred genius of evildoers, can't even take his sword?

one man one sword, who can stop?

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