shua! shua! shua!

The streamer moves, and in the sky is a series of light and shadow floating. The injured genius or candidate genius were all rescued.

Lin Xingchen wandered through the void, not caring, Golden's pupils scanned the four islands.

After a moment, his brows frowned.

"People are not here? Didn't you mean that kid participated?"

Swipe~! He stepped on a sword light and came to the space above the head of the beautiful woman in green clothes. After holding his hands, he asked indifferently.

"Women, what about Lin Chen. Didn't you say that you participated in the conference here? If you can't give a satisfactory answer, I will kill you first, and then slaughter the rubbish just now."

He is condescending, as if he was born like this.

"He actually came for Lin Chen? What did this little fellow do to provoke this kind of character..."

The green-clothed beautiful woman trembled, she could I expected Lin Chen to be a troublemaker, but didn't expect to provoke people of this level!

But this time it was the beautiful woman in green that was wrong. Only this time, it was not Lin Xingchen who was provoked by Lin Chen, but the latter who provoked him, or there was a fight between the two. , Until the dead!

"How did Lin Chen provoke such a character? What is the origin of this little fellow..."

A drop of crimson water droplets dotted the void, and the crimson Fairy eavesdropped in the air, making it clear. Lin Chen couldn't help but take another high point.

"Hehehe, this guy is really a monster, and he came here."

In the South Island, a complexion pale boy laughed strangely, his eyes flashed strangely. mango.

In order to stabilize Lin Xingchen, the green-clothed beautiful woman frowned.

"If you want Lin Chen, he will follow the tower master..."''

Before he finished speaking, the boy laughed loudly in Lin Xingchen's ear.

"This handsome is here!"

In the East Island, a silhouette is floating in the air, Lin Chen stands up ahead, Bai Ruoyan follows him closely, holding his palms tightly. Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looks directly at Lin Xingchen with both eyes; for this person, he also has a taste of inferior calamity!

Lin Chen doesn’t believe in fate, but he can vaguely feel that if he continues to grow, one day he will meet Lin Xingchen again. It’s just that he didn’t expect this day to come so fast !

He is very curious, how did this guy hit here? Just to chase yourself?

I'm afraid, it's not that simple! Perhaps there is a deeper meaning and motivation!

"He is a tower trespasser?"

"You are too young...old man has never seen such a evildoer, is it...the person of the world?"

Like the tens of thousands of Saints in the four islands, the great powers of the Grade 7 giants and the Elders did not dare to easily attack Lin Xingchen!

If it is a reclusive old man or a veteran powerhouse, they are not at all afraid of it, and they should do it. But if it is a young evildoer, it is not necessarily!

If you hit a small one, maybe a bunch of monsters will be offended afterwards!

Two Elders shuttling through the void and came to Shen Lao. The beautiful woman in green retreated to his side and whispered a few words into his ear. Shen Lao frowned and understood the situation.

"Your Excellency dare to blatantly kill people in the tower, come and announce your name, no matter what your background, you are impossible to retreat."

Shen Lao swept his sleeves, calmly Asked.

Lin Xingchen frowned. The strength of the people present could not arouse his attention much, and this old Shen was one of them.

"Don't answer, that's all, if you let you act recklessly like this, it will damage the reputation of my world tower! The old man captured you today and let the forces behind you lead the people!"


Shen Lao's sleeves shook, and there was no Holy Force fluctuation in his hands. He shot Lin Xingchen completely, but the entire Fourth Layer space throbbed and twisted!

shua! shua! shua!

Lin Xingchen's space seemed to be locked by imprisonment, and the transparent cubes sealed him up!

Shen's strength is deep and unmeasurable. Let Lin Chen can't help being emotional!

He can vaguely perceive that Shen's realm is almost the same as those of Grade 7 sect Elder and Ying Taotian.

But realm is realm, and strength is strength. These are two different things. It is like the same as Perfection in the expansion state. Normal Saints bloom with 40 holy caves and expand 25-50 times.

The enchanting list is in full bloom with 40 holy caves, which can be expanded 150 times, 200 times or even higher! The same as the 4th layer Perfection of the Holy Realm, the Enchanting Acupoint Realm of the enchanting list can defeat the ordinary Acupuncture Expansion Realm with one finger. This is the difference in strength!

When Lin Xingchen was imprisoned, he browsed tightly frowns.

"That's all, this old bastard can't be killed unless I'm at the peak period. Because of the Fiend woman, I haven't fully recovered from my injuries, so I can only borrow some external force first."

Lin Xingchen suddenly drew his sword, bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on the sword, as if the sword intent entwined with five colors of clouds grew!

"Five emperors sword qi · Baidi's sword!"

Lin Xingchen swung his sword quickly, sword edge glowed with dazzling white sword glow, and split the sky!

Choke~! Boom~!

Bang~! Bang~!

The seal imprisonment set by Mr. Shen himself has been breached!

What's even more frightening is that countless white sword glows are like ten thousand swords flying to the sky, cutting through the void, cutting the space of the Fourth Layer of the world tower completely!

Lin Chen and Bai Ruoyan, standing in front of many powerhouses, still had time to move in the future, and they were cut off by the white light sword glow.

At this moment, the expressions of Shen Lao and the other powerful people have also changed!


The space plane of the Fourth Layer of the world tower collapsed and separated, and was cut into all split up and in pieces by this sword!

"This sword has a strong space-time trajectory, which cannot be used by this child!"

When Mr. Shen's expression changed slightly, he immediately sounded transmission everyone: "Everyone, please Everyone has taken action to stabilize this space for the old man. Afterwards, our tower will have a re-report! Otherwise, the middle of the tower will collapse and things will be extremely troublesome!"

Tens of thousands of Saints and various sects looked at each other. At a glance, ignoring the others, a piece urged the Holy Force, poured into the divided space from all directions, and stabilized the Fourth Layer plane that was about to collapse.

However, Shen Lao, Ying Taotian and the others are more worried about Lin Chen!

The current Fourth Layer space plane is cut into five parts, each part is covered with a white sword glow, East, South, West and North are four parts, the central island The area is the fifth part!

On the Central Island now, there are only Lin Chen, Bai Ruoyan, and Lin Xingchen!

"Oops, Goddess is trapped!"

The old woman of the Divine flame palace tried to tear the space of the central island, but couldn't get past the area covered by the white light sword glow, complexion slightly changed.

When other Grade 7 sect Elder attacked the imprisonment in the four islands, Ying Taotian stepped out, his handsome face full of dignity.

"This friend of the Divine flame palace, Senior Shen, let’s take a shot. Don’t keep it, or the people inside will be in danger!"

"Add me one more, Lin Chen, a little fellow who died, is also a loss to us."

The beautiful woman in a peach skirt walks in a lithe and graceful posture.

"Thank you." Shen Laoyi cup one fist in the other hand. It will take some time for him to break the white light sword glow alone. If the four strongest people on the scene join forces, maybe Can break through the obstacles of this sword intent as quickly as possible.

But the premise is that Lin Chen and Bai Ruoyan must persist until they break the Space Imprisonment! Otherwise, when the time comes, Bai Ruoyan has three longs and two shorts, and the Divine flame palace will also have three shocks, and the responsibilities of the tower will be even more!

The four people stand on each side, the holy cave in the body gathers the endless Holy Force, pushes it horizontally, and blasts it on the white light sword glow like a silver waterfall!

bang! bang! bang!

The Fourth Layer of the entire world tower trembled!


In the space of the central island.

Lin Xingchen’s mouth is bleeding, "It seems that it is too early to use the Five Emperors sword qi, even more how is hurting himself, but now it should not be a problem to take this person back and regain the Aya of the Scarlet God! "

On the other side; Lin Chen and Bai Ruoyan looked at each other and smiled. It's amazing that I didn't feel the slightest pressure, as if the two were together, no matter how big the difficulty was.

"Sister Ruoyan, how long have we not joined forces."

Lin Chen took the Fairy jade hand and chuckled.

Bai Ruoyan smiled peerlessly-"The last time we joined forces, it was when we dealt with the pseudo-god Aristocratic Family."

"Then let's go crazy this time!"

Lin Chen's ten thousand zhang laughed, a golden light flashed vertically, and War God's arm armor was born, suddenly wearing it!

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