"Oops, although Lin Chen is shocked, he is far from able to compete with that monster!"

"What should I do? Old Shen They won’t be able to attack this sword qi for a while!"

The major Grade 6 sect Elders are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They have to break through the sword qi and protect them. My own dísciple is hard to take care of.

Suddenly, a glimmer of golden light divine splendor skyrocketed! Shine on the 4-Layer of the entire world tower!

"This...is this?"

"My God, is Lin Chen?"

"He still has a hole card!"

All Saints are horrified!

[The host uses the War God right arm armor. The increase in the War God suit depends on the number of parts and the degree of recovery.


Golden light shining sky, an invincible imposing manner that explodes All Heavens and Myriad Realms sweeps the entire space plane!

Lin Chen releases the golden divine splendor all over, he rolls up in a silver robe, his eyes are like gold, and the strong golden brilliance engulfed his whole body, flesh and blood, and even a single hair. Heaven-shaking occurred. , The transformation of earth-shattering!

Lin Chen’s pure power raged all the way, unstoppable, and rushed to the sky, breaking through Nine Heavens!

20 billion dragon power, 50 billion dragon power, 100 billion dragon power, 200 billion dragon power, 500 billion dragon, 700 billion dragon, 900 billion dragon power!

Golden light is shining, countless golden radiances are incorporated into Lin Chen's arm armor, like a Spiritual God boarding, at this moment awakened completely, the power shook Nine Heavens, like War God is alive!

Still soaring!

Lin Chen's pure power has broken through the trillions of dragon power!

1.1 trillion dragon power, 1.3 trillion dragon power!

hong long long ~! hong long long ~!

The entire Fourth Layer of the Realm Tower is roaring and trembling, as if it can't bear this power!

All Saints in the four islands are stunned!

They were still worried a moment ago, how will Lin Chen support Mr. Shen in this person's hands to save them?

Now, whoever wins or loses is not always certain!

Lin Xingchen finally moved!

In the meeting a year ago, there was a hurried battle. He remembered the bracer on Lin Chen's body. Now it turned into a pair of arm armor?

"Although I have been injured this year, I am not incapable of making progress. I have grown from a small Battle Sovereign to the Holy Land in just one year. If I don’t kill you today, the future will be true. Great trouble!"

Lin Xingchen became rare and solemn, and sword edge picked Lin Chen horizontally. In the dim moment of Heaven and Earth, a ray of starlight ten thousand zhang shines directly on Lin Chen!


golden brilliance flashed, Heaven and Earth overturned, sword glow burst into pieces!


Lin Xingchen narrowed his eyes. This sword was enough to instantly kill any Saint Realm 5th Layer Peak, so he could crack it so easily?

Lin Xingchen’s five-color sword qi surges again!

The moment the sword glow burst, Lin Chen stepped out slowly.

All the saints who were distracted and focused on the battle looked dumbfounded for a moment!

He is full of golden brilliance, strands of golden divine glow are like dragon shadow dancing, and his eyes have become like forest stars, shining with gold.

The golden divine splendor is everywhere beside the peerless beauty. An epic picture scroll slowly unwinds, just like that War God Might is invincible, Heaven and Earth in the world seems to be no one can shake his edge!


Lin Chen's eyes condensed and he exhaled a little.

Huh~! ka! ka! Bang! boom!

With a breath of 100,000 storms, the space around several thousands li in the central island was destroyed beyond recognition, the space burst, and countless space fragments wandered away!


The scalp of all Saints exploded!

Just a sigh of relief at will, it is as if a world-destroying storm swept across the space plane, blowing the space crystal wall to pieces!

How strong is Lin Chen now?

"This power is probably around 1.5 trillion dragon power, which is also the limit of War God's right arm armor now..."

Lin Chen felt lithe and graceful in his heart, he did not No doubt, now he can hold Sun, Moon and Stars between his hands!

"Origin...So we all underestimated him..."

"Too terrifying, I thought that Sacred Dragon was his final card, didn't expect him He still has a hand..."

"Don't say he hits three, even if all the evildoers on the scene go together today, they will not be his opponent!"

"What's in this world? There will be such an unreasonable guy..."

The demons genius felt frustrated for the first time!

They asked themselves anyone who is not inferior to between Heaven and Earth, but when they saw the two monsters Lin Chen and Lin Xingchen today, they suddenly felt how far away they were!

This remoteness is the gap of a lifetime!

"It is indeed the man Goddess is fond of, indeed Heaven-blessed Genius, in time, he may come to the Divine flame palace!"

Protecting Bai Ruoyan's Divine flame palace old woman was happy for a while.

"Is it troublesome to such a degree? It's a bit tricky. But if this child really has the red god's silk, all the price is worth it!"

Lin Xingchen’s five-color sword qi, Split a white light sword glow into his sword.

His face is even paler!

"Last time I let you run, it didn't end so easily this time."

Lin Chen moved his body and spurred trillions of dragons to Space Jump!

"Bai Di sword qi · Sacrifice Heaven Slash!"

Lin Xingchen slashed horizontally with one sword, white light sword qi is like a moonslash, splitting the entire central island plane!

"Reward you for a punch!"

Lin Chen raised his hand to the sky and blasted his fist. The golden divine splendor of War God's arm armor soared sharply and forcibly hit the sword qi. The place!

Boom~! boom!

Jieta is on the verge of collapse, both sides retreat violently, Lin Chen and Lin Xingchen vomit blood at the same time!

All Saints felt like they were turned upside down. The five planes that were divided were as if they had been rotated a few times at a high speed. They were dizzy and dizzy. When they saw clearly, their mouths were slightly open, as if they had seen a ghost. !

In the space of the central island, the space of the tower has cracked a large hole of thousands zhang, leading directly to the outside world?

"The world tower was actually beaten? My mother!"

"The space inside and outside the world tower may not even be able to open the 6th-layer of the holy world, these two Is this guy still a human?"

A group of old powerhouses are air-conditioned!

According to legend, a powerhouse of the Holy Land 6th-layer once had a grudge with the tower, and he personally launched a surprise attack on the tower, but failed to break the Space Formation. Now it was broken by two young men?

At this time, a pure white flame fell from the sky and turned into heavy flames, instantly binding Lin Xingchen!

All Saints were surprised, it was Divine flame Goddess·Bai Ruoyan!

"Lin Chen younger brother!"

Bai Ruoyan shot with all his strength, and Lin Chen jumped into the air when he screamed, silhouette like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, trillions Long Li crushed a Space Crack!

Lin Chen came to Lin Xingchen in an instant, War God's arm armor was like a mountain hammer, a top of the head that slammed Lin Xingchen angrily!


Lin Xingchen broke free from the shackles of this moment, pointed his sword at the sky, and struck out with a sword!

Clang~! Boom~!

The country has fallen, and the sun and the moon have faded. Lin Xingchen came out with stamina this time, and Lin Chen took the lead, smashed into the air with a punch, and blasted people out of the tower!

crash-bang ~~!

Lin Xingchen was injured and dropped a lot of attribute light balls. Lin Chen summoned Sacred Dragon to take away.

Lin Chen didn't care what he got. He stepped on the golden brilliance flashed and rushed out of the boundary tower. Bai Ruoyan followed closely from behind, and the three of them rushed out of the boundary tower.

Lin Chen has no time to break Lin Xingchen’s sword qi bondage for others. He uses the War God armbands, and the power he can use is limited. He must be defeated or killed before the essence of the suit is exhausted. !


With a loud noise, Lin Chen and Lin Xingchen went to war again outside the tower!

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