Six Avatars replace Lin Chen to run the Supreme Beginning Sacred Sutra, take the divine fruit, and Lin Chen concentrates on opening the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 7.0 version

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Saint Realm 3rd Layer Early-Stage (Holy cave 21)——high level essence : 10266 billion points

Ultimate strength: 6.8 billion dragon power (husk awakening + 100%)-high level vitality: 454.5 billion points

high level spirit: 587 million Point (Peak in the middle of entering the holy realm)

high level cultivation technique essence: 10.99 million points-advanced talisman energy: 19.95 million points-intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 6.22 million points.

Intermediate innate talent points: 11.2 million points-set essence: 6.36 million points

Blank attribute: 0 points-strengthening points: 1.865 million points-refining different Crystal: 17 pieces.

High level elemental energy: Fire Element 4.1 million points, Earth Element 4.15 million points, Wood Element 3.99 million points, Gold Element 4.33 million points, Water Element 4.41 million points, Thunder Element 4.35 million points, Wind Element 4.33 million points, 3.46 million points for light system, 3.52 million points for dark system.

Set column: Golden War God set, holding parts·Ultimate right arm armor——Ultimate left leg armor—(production picture)Ultimate right leg armor.

bloodline status bar-cultivation technique status bar-life awakening bar

Active innate talent bar-passive innate talent bar-nirvana bar-special rune bar- —Innate talent combo skills]

"system, I choose to awaken spirit strength and consume 6 million Heavenly Dao."

[Host awakens spirit strength in the second stage of the second stage, spirit strength is instant The speed is increased to 8 times. 】

Lin Chen has used up more than 90% of the Heavenly Dao value, and his mental perception and reaction speed have been much faster!

At this time, Lin Chen's Divine Consciousness Sea is like a gathering of thousands of Star Rivers, a vast and mighty shore!

Compared to the Early-Stage in the Holy Land, it is almost Heaven and Earth turning upside down, which is more than a hundred times stronger!

"It’s very close to the next realm in the holy realm. Now I can release a spirit strength casually and can damage or even repel the 4th layer in the holy realm! I don’t know if it can threaten the 4th layer Perfection or even Saint Realm 5th Layer?"

Lin Chen is very satisfied and continues to mobilize the system.

"system, I want to use all the kit essences equally on the right arm armor and left leg armor!"

【Consuming 6.36 million kit essences, the War God kit is extremely charged Right arm armor: 2.3%. Ultimate left leg armor: 2.4%. 】

Seeing that the War God arm armor is one step further than the previous one, Lin Chen's hanging heart is half relieved.

That day, he used the War God armbands in full view. Although the power of Grade 7 Aristocratic Family will not covet him, he will eventually get into trouble. He has the strength in his hands, and he is still safer.

As for the left leg armor, it is the back hand in the killing move left by Lin Chen!

As the number one'handsome' in the holy world, he needs to keep a few more hands! In order to prevent others from launching a strong murderous intention and ignorance of his handsomeness and talent.

Qingxue planting sac; five spirit plant seedlings are planted to give birth to new life. This is Lin Chen’s reward for the enchanting list. The five spirit plant seeds will all produce different characteristic spiritual objects. Did not sell it.

The spirit plant seeds sold by Lin Chen are all produced by sapphire sticks. Except for the non-characteristic spiritual object, the output of Tiancai Dibao and Silver Sacred Dollar Coins is the same as that of ordinary low-grade spirit plants.

Lin Chen looked at the little shadow who slept when he was full, feeling helpless.

"This little fellow divine ability is getting stronger and stronger, and the appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Half of the holy pill will be used to raise this little fellow."

Lin Chen looked towards Taoyuan planting sacs, except Divine Tree which only produces divine fruit, other spirit plants are shining, steamed with clouds and full of natural treasures and characteristic spiritual objects.

"I have been taking these treasures such as Chijinvine, Longqingguo, and dragon blood. Sacred Dragon does not spare any energy. I eat as much as I can. But now the cultivation base is too high, but progress is slow."

When it was in Battle Sovereign and the First Saint Realm, the resources produced by the lower-grade spirit plant can still satisfy Lin Chen and his Sacred Dragon, but now one man one dragon has transformed greatly, and Long Qingguo and Dragon blood can't keep up with the salivation.

In fact, it's not that it can't keep up. It's just that the efficiency that Lin Chen requires is a bit high. He is not like other Saints who can secluded cultivation for several decades.

When I look at Qingxue planting the sac again, a peach red seedling grows quietly!

Lin Chen couldn't help but be overjoyed!

"Growing out, this is..."

Lin Chen carefully looked at the peach seedlings. This is the reward of Crimson Fairy, the seeds of the middle grade spirit plant!

Middle grade spirit plant, the holder only has Peak's Grade 5 sect and Grade 6 forces. And the quantity is even rarer, the spirit plant has reached the middle grade, and the resources only produce gold sacred dollar coins and a small amount of eighth rank medicine ingredient.

And Lin Chen learned from Mr. Shen that the high grade spirit plant is only in the hands of the Grade 7 giants!

Every Grade 1 of the spirit plant is a brand new Heaven and Earth! It is said that there is only one high grade spirit plant in Grade 7!

As for the top grade of Grade 1, there are very few records, which can be traced back to the history of the Holy Realm billions of years ago.

The exquisite spirit plant has never appeared before.

Lin Chen looked at a few ten breaths before he recognized the spirit plant body!

"The root is like a dragon's beard, the seedling is like an ancient grass, its leaves are dark green, the shape is pink, and the color is like the red of a rose...this...this is the flat peach Holy Tree?"

Holy flat peach, nirvana rebirth, mortal consumption, can transform Life Level, life essence increases ten thousand years, and even has the magical effect of impacting the holy realm!

Taking Saint, can Cultivating Body Strengthening Essence, Holy Force skyrocketing. Impact on the cultivation base, making a breakthrough, the scope of application, even the 6th-layer of the Holy Land, has the miraculous effect of making a breakthrough!

"It is actually a holy peach, what is the origin of Scarlet Fairy? In order to break a magical heart stone, even this kind of spirit plant seed can be handed out!"

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, his heart is ecstatic, Saint Pantao will have a huge improvement effect on his Sacred Dragon and his body!

"Just wait for the Tianyi holy water in the world tower. Before that, I have to cultivation and turn over my medicine refining skills."

Lin Chen sat cross-legged and took out The medicine ingredient is all over the sky, start pill concocting!

Although he has no orange-level pill concocting mudra, the enhanced "True Dragon Sacred Hand" should be regarded as the first pill concocting mudra in the orange-level mudra!

For seven consecutive days, Lin Chen was unable to retreat, Avatar cultivation spirit strength, the body focused on improving medicine!

During this period, a storm was set off in the towers, dozens of spirit plant seeds were auctioned, hundreds of divine fruits were born, and all influence bidding for purchase was in full swing!

The reason is very simple. The seeds of spirit plant are rarely circulated on the market, and most of those who actually obtain the seeds of spirit plant rely on chance and luck, or the inheritance of power.

Even the most common seed in the lower grade, because once cultivated into the Peak stage, its value will continue to grow over time.

If the inferior spirit plant is properly protected, it can live for 10 million years, and the benefits and resources it brings during this period is a huge number.

On the eighth day, when the two beautiful women Elder went to the Secret Realm where Lin Chen was with the auction proceeds and Lin Chen's list materials, they were even more stunned!

In the medicine ingredient floating all over the sky, there is a dazzling array of natural phenomenon, and the streamer is gorgeous, like entering the ocean of heaven, material and earth!

The large number of seventh rank treasures are not enough to move them. What really shocked the two beautiful women Elder was the young man below the treasures!

He sits alone, the Divine Flower petals of the sea of ​​flowers flying all over the sky around him, his temperament is like the birth of an immortal, and he is aloof from the dust.

His gaze is turning around, turning up and down, sometimes staring, sometimes closing his eyes, the sky full of medicine ingredient such as spirituality, remove the shell, purify, condense the pill!

The two beautiful women, Elder, have their eyes twinkling and peach blossoms.

"He actually...pill concocting with his eyes!!!"

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