The medicine ingredient is swirling, turning upside down and refining, flowing through clouds and flowing water, like enjoying an artistic feast.

The last time I participated in the pill concocting feast of the genius list cream of the crop, Lin Chen’s single pill concocting skill, but Grade 3 Peak, if all the Avatars are used together, the Grade 4 holy pill should be refined The larger success rate, this is his previous limit.

There is a huge gap between Grade 4 and Grade 3. Just like the difference between Saint Realm 3rd Layer and 4th layer expansion, the value of a Grade 4 sacred pill is often equal to ten Grade 3 sacred pills!

However, Lin Chen at that time, his spiritual realm has not yet broken through the middle stage of entering the holy realm. Since the Great Wilderness Dragon Clan, his spirit strength advanced by leaps and bounds is now only far from the late stage of entering the holy realm. One step away!

"Well... if I pill concocting the main body and refine most of the Grade 4 sacred pill, I can guarantee a large success rate. If all the main bodies cooperate with the pill concocting, I may be able to challenge the grade 5 sacred pill. Dan, I just don't know what the success rate is..."

When Lin Chen exited the pill concocting state, he had an estimate of his pill concocting skill in his mind.

Grade 5 Sacred Pill, the difficulty is extremely large, and the rarity of Pill Recipe is straight up to the orange cultivation technique!

Lin Chen currently has only two volumes of Grade 5 Pill Recipe, one is the Pill Recipe given to him by Bai Ruoyan, and the other is the Five Elements Heaven Pill Recipe, opened for the attribute treasure chest dropped by Lin Xingchen.

If you really want to rely on buying, Grade 5 Pill Recipe will at least discount the spirit plant seeds he sold for more than half!

"The top ten in the past dynasties are all Grade 5 Saint Level alchemists. With my current strength, it is not easy to rush to the front row, let alone win the championship..."


Lin Chen was frowning and thinking, only to find the two beautiful women Elder staring at him dumbfounded.

"Uh...I'm sorry, the two Elders are too focused, so what, I got my stuff done?"

The two Elders are only slightly slower, although they I heard the rumors of Lin Chen, but when I saw it with my own eyes, it was still too shocking!

There is actually a Pill Refinement Master in this world who can pill concocting with your eyes without the need for concocting! Simply outrageous!

It's another 2nd layer of the holy realm. It's a continuous burst of holes. It's another hit of three evildoers genius. It's another punch through the tower, and it's pill concocting!

Nothing seems normal to what happened to this young man!

"Fortunately, we have tried our best to auction and search for the tower. Excluding your 30% discount and handling fee, as well as the purchased materials and requirements, there are 1.42 million gold coins left."

The two beautiful women Elder bowed down respectfully, and one handed out a ring and Lin Chen's emerald token.

1.42 million gold sacred dollar coins, calculated in proportion, is equivalent to 14.2 billion silver sacred dollar coins!

The point is that this is the remaining wealth after purchasing the resources requested by Lin Chen!

Lin Chen is not surprised. During the peak period of a low-grade spirit plant, the accumulated silver sacred dollar coins in ten years exceeded 100 million silver sacred dollar coins, which is 10,000 gold sacred dollar coins. .

Of course, the value of a spirit plant seed can’t be calculated by the resources it produces. A period of several million or ten million years is also a long time for a Saint. Years.

Lin Chen sold 39 spirit plant seeds and 400 divine fruit, which was naturally a high price at auction.

"Well, Elders are interested."

Lin Chen was not surprised. When he took the ring, the two Elders looked at each other. One of them took out a set of scrolls from the white and full gap and handed it to Lin Chen cautiously.

"Shen Lao ordered it to be handed over to Your Excellency Lin Chen."

Lin Chen took it curiously and released the spirit strength to read it, can't help being emotional!

"If you have an order, please let us know, Your Excellency Lin Chen."

The two Elders were tacitly aware and retire immediately.

"Shen Lao is really willing to pay for the capital..."

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, inside the scroll is sealed a mysterious Pill Recipe and a hundred classics!

Each scripture is written by a high-level pharmacist. It is written by the pill concocting Elder of the world tower. The Hundred Scriptures are hundreds of Saint Level pharmacists! Every pharmacist is no less than Grade 4!

Although the content was burned by Shen Lao with spirit strength, it can only be read once, but this is more than a hundred copies, which is of extraordinary value!

In the past, Lin Chen will certainly not accept such a precious thing lightly, but this day election conference is related to the process of his'War God suit', he must spare no effort and do everything. Extremely!

"It seems that I owe a favor to the tower!"

When Lin Chen sighed, when he opened the two rings, one side was piled up like a mountain of gold coins, like a small mountain range like.

On the other side, there are 3,400 cubic meters of Tianyi holy water encapsulated by Holy Force. Tens of thousands of eighth rank medicine ingredients are arranged and arranged. There are also more than 40 precious eighth rank holy beast cores.

There are also 4 low-grade alien crystals, two of which are the most precious bloodline alien crystals, and 1 middle grade Fire Element alien crystal!

It's not that there are so many powers and Business Groups in the tower with so many alien crystals, but Lin Chen explained that the primary goal is Holy Artifact, followed by the purchase of alien crystals.

However, there are a lot of raw materials for different crystals! In this ring, there are the'Nine Suns' Treasure Qi in the outer starry sky, the heart core marrow of the glazed earth, and the'Darkness Origin' with the dark lair. These are all the prototype energy for the generation of alien crystals!

It's just that they are taken away and picked when they are discovered, so their value is not as good as that of real alien crystals. They fall into the hands of others and are sold as a special energy body at most, but Lin Chen is different!

He is the one who controls the Ancient God Secret Technique, and he can use the spirit plant to cultivate alien crystals by himself! Just give him a period of time, all these prototype energies will become his different crystals!

Apart from this, there is a dazzling array of Holy Artifacts in the second ring!

Yes, a lot of Grade 2 Holy Artifact! There are 281 pieces!

This is the largest amount of Holy Artifact purchased by the power of the world tower. Holy Artifact is not a bad street, on the contrary, it is a very precious resource.

Similar to the Grade 5 Holy Artifact on Feng Tianxue, although it was beaten by Lin Chen War God's arm armor, it is not that it is not good, but Lin Chen's power Too powerful that's all, if you really want to talk about it, all the Holy Artifacts in Lin Chen's hand are not as valuable as the Grade 5 holy armor.

"To make the right leg armor, more than 700 Grade 2 Holy Artifacts are needed. It's really arduous and heavy!"

After Lin Chen sighed, all the days One holy water was poured into his flat peach seedlings, followed by his five newly cultivated spirit plants!

Being nourished by the holy water of Tianyi, spirituality skyrocketed, and the spirit plant seedlings grew rapidly.

Lin Chen enters the second stage. Tianyi holy water irrigates the Divine Tree to speed up the production of divine fruit. Now he has a thousand divine fruits left.

A divine fruit tour can get about 10,000 to 20,000 high level spirit strength points. Whether it can break through the next spiritual realm depends on the remaining retreat time and the accumulation of divine fruit!

Next, Lin Chen issued the order.

"System, learn all the contents of the scroll!"

[Consume 510,000 points of high level cultivation technique essence, integrate the memory of hundreds of elixir books, and integrate the memory of Pill Recipe... 】

When Lin Chen merged with the memories of Pill Recipe, his expression changed again!


More than twenty days passed in a flash. Lin Chen has been in the spiritual Secret Realm for one month, and the forces in the tower have not left much.

For Saint, one month is like a snap, not worth mentioning. For Lin Chen, it is an urgent cultivation time.


At this time, a terrifying Spiritual Fluctuation came from the tower!

The spirit strength is so powerful that it even shocked Mr. Shen!

"This spirit strength...could it be that the little fellow has gone out?"

Shen Lao body flashed and disappeared in the Ninth Layer.

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