"The squad leader is out?"

"Really strong Sheng's Spiritual Fluctuation is no more than those old monsters."

"It's a monster, the speed of progress is beyond common sense..."

Han Yizhi, Crimson Fairy and Jian Qingcheng were waiting outside Secret Realm. When Spiritual Fluctuation came out from the door of Secret Realm, they were surprised and sighed. !

More than a dozen Elders in the world tower were alarmed, and Shen Lao appeared in a flash, come and go without a shadow or trace.

At this moment-the door opened, and a slightly embarrassed young man pushed out the door, his robe was broken, his eyes were flying, and his charm was handsome.

Before everyone had time to marvel, when they saw the cultivation Secret Realm behind the gate, they couldn't help but twitch their lips!

I saw that the space crystal walls in Secret Realm are full of big holes, big black Space Cracks, all split up and in pieces!

Are you still sabotaging after this cultivation?

"cough cough, so what, I tried the new Pill Recipe method, accidentally overwhelmed."

Lin Chen scratched his head, showing embarrassment. A polite smile.

"What is your new Pill Recipe method...for such a big battle..."

Shen Lao was speechless for a while, this space Secret Realm would be unusual to repair Space plane.

"That's all, neither too big nor too small, this matter is revealed, little fellow, there are still 13 days left before the Danyu Tianxuan Conference. It will be very rushing to take the normal route, which is not suitable for you Conserve strength and store up energy To prepare for the conference, the old man has opened a good space channel in the 9-Layer of the world tower. If there is nothing to do, let’s set off."

Shen Laoman waved his hand indifferently!

Lin Chen looked serious and solemn suddenly, and said to Shen Lao cup one fist in the other hand.

"Lao Shen, Lin Chen remembers your cultivation of the boy. What is the trouble with him, Lin Chen will definitely help!"

Shen Lao startled, Eyebrows opened and smiled: "It's not worthwhile that the old man is optimistic about you. Go ahead and let more people in the election conference see your talents."

Lin Chen grinned with a smile: "There is not much talent. Handsome is number one."


Ninth Layer; in front of thousands of zhang’s silver vortex space channel.

Lin Chen put on a brand-new robe and looked radiant. He kept the clothes that Sister Yan embroidered for him.

"This long-distance space channel, at least the 6th-layer and above of the holy realm, can be opened overnight. The people in this tower really look up to you."

Crimson Fairy Clicking one's tongue in wonder, Lin Chen was a little speechless: "I said, why do you follow me so naturally."

The beautiful lady has curving eyebrows, sly like a fox, "Can't you? I suddenly I just want to follow you."

Lin Chen touched the chin: "No, I prefer to be behind you."

Since Jian Qingcheng looked at the two of them, Han Yizhi Tao.

"Squad leader, are you really ready. Medicine ingredient Pill Recipe, you have to prepare these before you can participate."

Lin Chen suddenly realized that he clapped his hands:" Yeah! Why did I forget!"

Immediately, he raised Han Yizhi’s chin, "What medicine ingredient to bring to the conference is enough to take you."

The second daughter rolled her eyes. , Han Yizhi's eyes dodged.

Sword Qingcheng spread out his palms, and a giant spaceship filled with silver light unfolded. This is a space Holy Artifact.

"Use this, the Holy Artifact, the space of our family."


Lin Chen sighed more and more as the giant space ship shuttled at high speed. What is the origin of this sword Qingcheng!

The Holy Artifact in this space is not a mortal thing. No wonder she dared to go to the realm of the Magic Heart Dragon by herself to perform missions.

"This is the next one."

In the spaceship, Lin Chen took out two bloodline crystals, and put them into the holy cave, and started refining!

Time goes by, the Blue Territory Tower needs to go through a thousand territories to reach the Dan Territory, and then to the Dan Territory, across the two major regions.

If it weren’t for the help of Mr. Shen, Lin Chen and the others would have to travel day and night on their own. Not to mention ordinary Saints, even if they are equipped with space channels from other high-level forces, they wouldn’t be able to reach them without a about a year. .

After 12 days.

Dan domain, Qing Tian City.

The vast crowd outside the city is full of voices. Most of the people who cannot enter the city are low-level forces below the 2nd Grade Sect faction and Battle Sovereign.

At this time; there are too many great characters in Tian City!

As long as a pharmacist is impossible, I have never heard of the Alchemy Sect masters appearing in the city!

Everyone on the outside world is like a Grandmaster and Mount Tai Big Dipper.

Now that the registration time for the election conference is coming to an end, more Peak alchemists are appearing one by one!

Qing Tian City Square; a crowd of silhouettes gather, although there are only a hundred people, but everyone is a resounding character!

This is part of the candidates who signed up later!

On both sides of the square are the heavyweight VIPs and candidates who completed the test ahead of schedule. They have already entered the venue in advance, and you can wait and see the test results!

There is also a beautiful and breathtaking figure that attracts countless lights in the VIP seats on both sides!

The hot devil figure, the beautiful and pretty girl face, the charming and mature temperament between the eyebrows, the beautiful eyes look forward to the blue waves.

That was a girl with a beautiful and pure face like an angel, but she had a devilish figure that made her eyes unremovable. She smiled and frowned, but exuded the charm of inverting sentient beings, her enchanting to the extreme!

There is a beautiful charm in the pure and pure, and it is the Little Demon Empress who is known as one of the ten most beautiful in the enchanting list!

Her breath is far surpassed before, and she seems to be promoted to the expanding acupoint realm!

In the square; are the participating pharmacists who are about to participate in the test.

And the geniuses Lin Chen once met, there are also here!

Chi Meier of the genius list, Shangguan Liuli who pill concocting with foxes, and Fei Xiaoyu who is known as the god of evil!

What’s more surprising is that in the square; there is azure clothes like ink, with long hair tied up, and Long Yijing, who is always gentle and elegant, is also there!

He is full of breath, and the power of the holy cave is surging, like mountains, seas and big prisons suppressing a party, and Sheng Wei faintly leaks a little bit, which is actually the cultivation base of the expansion of the cave?

Seeing this scene, many pharmacists of the older generation couldn't help casting surprised eyes.

The name of the enchanting list, they have never heard of it, let alone Long Yijing of Pill Concocting Genius.

"Long Yijing of the enchanting list is here too? The old man received the news, isn't this child seriously injured and paralyzed in bed?"

"Strange, his breath is unexpectedly I have broken through the 4th layer of the Holy Realm, how can I be promoted in such a short time?"

Several Alchemy Sect masters glanced at each other, and sound transmission were surprised.

At this time, Long Yijing is swallowing mountains and rivers, and there are many natural phenomena!

Yes, Long Yijing really has a breakthrough, and what's even stronger is that he is a dual breakthrough of cultivation base and spirit, and his spirit has advanced to the middle stage of the Holy Realm!

In his body, Lin Chen's "extinction rift" effect caused his body and spirit to fall into a state of incurable serious injury, which lasted for a full 29 days!

But, he got over it! Moreover, this life is not as good as death, which made him stand after breaking and rebirth from Nirvana.

This is the talent of the enchanting list! The uniqueness and potential of the enchanting list is recognized by the holy world!

Fighting with Lin Chen, he not only lost his body, but eventually turned into accumulation in the line of life and death, which made him rush through the bottleneck and successfully stepped into the expansion cave realm, blooming the 31st holy cave. The first expansion of the hole 17 times, shocking and stunning!

Whenever thinking of that hellish month; Long Yijing shivered unconsciously.

But nowadays, the love in my heart is also on the scene, Long Yijing is high-spirited and vigorous showing her'new life'!

I just don’t know whether Xiao Jing, Mo Qingxu, and Feng Tianxue who have encountered the same thing can do like him. After all, everyone has different injuries and different levels of torture, let alone Speaking of luck, it also accounts for a large part...

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