Long Yijing was full of embarrassment in front of the hunched old man, but no one felt strange or surprised, because this old monster really wanted to suppress the younger generation, just a few thoughts!

Can Lin Chen, face doesn't change!

The hunched old man has repeatedly put pressure to increase his mental stress, but Lin Chen's appearance has not changed at all! Calm and calm, besides calm and composed, the corners of the mouth slightly raised, profound mystery is extremely!

The contrast with Long Yijing is completely as sharp as the difference between Heaven and Earth!

Even, he took out a few silvery lingering fruits, peeled them and put them in his mouth, chewing them.

There is no simple person among the alchemists and all influences present, and they instantly recognized the silver fruit in his hand!

"You divine fruit?"

"Is this kid crazy? Shouldn't this sacred relic be taken at the critical moment of pill concocting? He just took it at his fingertips ?"

Many alchemists’ mouths were frantically pumped, and their hearts trembled. Reckless waste of natural resources!

Lin Chen said with a smile to the humpback old man with a smile.

"Senior, what's wrong with you? Eyes are so big, is it dim-sighted from old age? If you have problems with your eyes, you can pour some sand, it is very effective."

The latter glanced at Lin Chen deeply, the pressure dissipated, and a touch of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

"Well, Lin Chen of the enchanting list, right..." The humpbacked old man coughed a few times, but it was very clear to everyone's ears: "This time the registration test is performed by the old man. , You all person listen well."

His old and dry fingers grabbed the void, without any Holy Force fluctuations, but crushed the entire void to pieces, the light was dim and drifting away, and a big mountain came all over!

Boom~! A huge mountain as high as hundred zhang descended from the shattered space, and all the powerhouses and Alchemy Sect divisions present were all with solemn expressions.

Even the arrogant enchanting geniuses are extremely solemn at this moment!

This huge mountain is extraordinary!

It is created by pure spirit strength!

The spirit is free from the virtual and real, and all things are created with one thought! Such spiritual attainments have reached certain'fields' of the Saint Realm!

"Within a quarter of an hour, anyone who climbs to the top of this mountain will pass. Remember, you must not use any foreign object, and you cannot operate the Holy Force, you can only use spiritual means, and you must not use spirit strength to help. Others, the offenders roll immediately."

The hunchbacked old man dropped a few words. As soon as his silhouette retreated, he sat on the seat at the next moment and lay down tremblingly, snoring within two breaths. Get up, appear and disappear unpredictably.

The geniuses such as Fei Xiaoyu and Shangguan Liuli looked up at the huge mountain, their pretty faces were solemn.

Dozens of Saint Level alchemists who signed up swallowed their saliva, gritted their teeth and walked to the huge mountain!

Hundreds of divine light lines are irradiated from the giant mountain, shooting into the eyebrows between the eyebrows of the Saint Level alchemist who stepped into the giant mountain at the same time!

Om! Hum! Hum!

The Divine Consciousness Sea kept roaring and trembling, and everyone gritted their teeth, as if someone was shaking their brain fiercely with their hands, and it took a lot of effort to stand still.

Swipe~! A silhouette rushed up!

It's Long Yijing!

His spiritual realm seems to be able to support him to resist these fine divine light lines and point straight to the top of the mountain!

Chi Mei'er and Shangguan Liuli also started to act, but they are no better than most Saint Level alchemists.

Shangguan Liuli just walked ten steps and was suppressed by the divine light line and swayed to perfection. Divine Consciousness Sea Divine Consciousness Sea was dizzy, struggling!

After 20 steps, Chi Meier's actions gradually slowed down. Only Fei Xiaoyu can continue to move forward slowly, but the pressure is also multiplied!

At this time, a voice came into the ears of the three women.

"Don't deliberately resist these divine light lines, loosen the condensed spirit strength, let go of your mind and body, and imagine that your spirit strength is the ocean."

startled, it's Lin Chen's voice!

They immediately tried to loosen the tense spirit strength. At first they were almost knocked over by the divine might that swept away like a flood, and they were almost eliminated!

However, after the hurricane, calm was ushered in. The three women were immediately stable. The influence of the divine light line on them was still there, but they were able to move forward steadily!

"This...this is!" Shangguan Liuli smiled with joy.

"Lin Chen Young Master~"

Chi Meier stared at Lin Chen with magical eyes, charming and charming.

Fei Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Thank you Big Brother~"

Lin Chen walked slowly, laughed relaxedly-"Let's go."


Many pharmacists noticed this scene, can't help being emotional!

"Is it the handwriting of this little fellow?"

Everyone was surprised and suspicious. The middle-aged man expression congeals next to the hunched old man said with a smile with great interest.

"Awesome, I grasped the main point at once. I also helped three other applicants. It has been a long time since such an interesting young man has appeared, but is he not against the rules?"

After all, he looked towards the humpbacked old man, who slept deeply.

The man shook his head and laughed: "That's right, he didn't use spirit strength to help, but just a sound transmission reminder. It really doesn't count as hahaha!"


In the midst of talking and laughing, Lin Chen has walked into the middle of the giant mountain, unconsciously surpassing most of the applicants.

Some applicants saw the peculiarities of Fei Xiaoyu and Chi Meier's three daughters, and quickly figured out their own tricks, speeding up gradually.

"Damn it!"

Long Yijing watched Lin Chen catch up and couldn't help gnashing teeth.

"Brother Yijing, what's the matter, a look of kidney deficiency?"

At this moment, Lin Chen walked to Long Yijing's side with a joking expression: "Why bother, There is no end to being a dog licking. Sometimes being a cow and a horse doesn’t necessarily lead to grass."

"Shut up!" Long Yijing is angry roar!

" Shut up? Okay, don't you want to be number one? Come on, I will teach you."

Lin Dashuai forced a smile on his face, and rushed up the mountain with a stride!

next moment, many Saint Level alchemists’ lips twitched slightly...

shua! shua! shua!

He actually stood in front of Long Yijing , Sprint back and forth to the top of the mountain at Long Yijing's position, walk like flying, and jump two zhang on the arduous mountain peak!

In that way, it seems that it hasn't been affected at all!

But he Lin someone will not reach the top!

Just don’t be the first person to reach the summit. After running back and forth more than a dozen times, he sat on the top of the mountain without blushing and breathing, both hands crossed near chest, waiting for the dragon. Yijing walked hard step by step!

Long Yijing was so angry that her face turned green!


Lin Chen is completely pressing his arrogant self-esteem who desires to win the top spot on the ground and rubbing hard!

But Long Yijing had to move forward again! His spirit strength is tight, and he is greatly affected by the divine light line. If he delays for a second, there is an extra probability of elimination!

Finally, Long Yijing became the'first' person to climb the spiritual mountain!

The moment Long Yijing reached the top, Lin Dashuai forced to look up at the sky forty-five degrees and sighed.

"The Peak we yearn for is actually already uneven. The tree-lined trail we thought was already busy. Even though the place was left by countless people, we still yearn for it. The tree-lined trail that we yearn for, Every morning and night, it is covered with white dew. The pink you think has long been tarnished by the years."

Lin deeply sighed: "Being number one is a very tiring thing."

After that, he was beckoned with one hand, and the Divine Attribute light ball that fell into the spiritual giant mountain was taken away into his palm.

Everyone startled.

A white-skinned Heaven's Proud Daughter curiously asked the Senior Brother next to her.

"Senior Brother, who said these famous words?"

"It seems to be said by a man named Kanwardkiel British State?"


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