After a quarter of an hour, only 13 people passed the test here! Compared with the previous few times, the number is several times lower!

In this extremely difficult test, the younger generation of pharmacists won the first place!

If it was a few days ago, it will definitely cause a sensation. But after Lin Chen this "monster", everything is so dull!

However, Chi Meier and the other three girls passed all of them. Facing this difficult test, it was difficult for ordinary Grade 3 Saint Level alchemists to pass. For these three, only Fei Xiaoyu could.

Thanks to Lin Chen's guidance, all three women passed and participated in the race!

The race is very simple and very important. The final round will be clear. Right above Qing Tian City, Raising Heaven Island pill concocting, see the high and low at once!

Lin Chen left the field. At this time, he stared at him with a very uncomfortable gaze.

He turned around and looked straight at the line of sight. The master of his gaze was an evil boy with a look pale pale!

He has seen this person!

That day, in the enchanting alternatives of the world tower, this person has repeatedly won and became one of the enchanting alternatives. After that, he never challenged anyone.

Seeing Lin Chen staring at him, the latter grinned, revealing a strange smile!

"This person can't see through the cultivation base, but it gives me a sense of danger... His age may be far more simple than the surface..."

Lin Chen left it in his heart With a heart-to-heart, at this moment, the boy got up and left.

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, he saw clearly that the boy was walking on his toes.



Lin Chen and the others are the last batch of applicants, this time the total number of Saint Level alchemists who signed up For 391 people!

This number, I dare not pretend to gather Peak alchemists from all areas of the Holy Realm, but at least in the 36 domains, they are all famous and famous, the great character of the four directions, the Grandmaster Level, Mount Tai Big Dipper, get together!

Everyone is a heavyweight! Below Grade 6 sect, VIPs! Even Grade 6 sect, Saint Level alchemists who lack this level are all steamed buns.

On the contrary, even if the young pharmacists participate in the enchanting list, their aura is still no better than the older generation of pharmacists!

The registration is over, Lin Chen meets with Zixia Wanggu.

"Little friend Lin Chen, meet again. If you need help, just speak up."

"When will you come to the Southern Territory Wanggu to sit down? You can come if you have nothing to do. That's right."

The two kings Elder Gu asked with a warm smile, and when they saw the young man, they sighed a lot!

Once, this young man who still needs their help, has grown into a figure on the evildoer list in less than a year! This kind of growth arc is simply unique, unprecedented!

On the ranking of the enchanting list, he only has a gap of more than 700 places with his own lady, and this gap may continue to shrink!

"The two Elders are grateful for their help in the past. The kid is grateful. If there is a need for pill concocting, the kid will do his best."

Lin Chen smiled, he didn't know whether he was good or not. Reporter.

"hahaha, thank our lady if you want to. We also follow the rules."

The two Elders winked and smiled knowingly.

Lin Chen smiled and shook his head, then turned to look at the Little Demon Empress.

Today, she wore a light orange long dress. No matter how many times she looked at it, she was still astonished. Her pure and beautiful face revealed the enchanting charm of sentient beings.

As soon as the two met, the little demon queen's charming and peerless face burst into a smile, and asked Lin Chen with great interest.

"How is it, how sure is it? They are all old friends, so you can't be unclear about this, right?"

She was referring to Lin Chen's confidence in winning the championship. The Little Demon Empress is a rare type of congenial fellow with Lin Chen. They have not been in contact for a long time, but they know each other very well.

Lin Chen touched the chin, "From a normal point of view, you can use all your hole cards with less than 50% assurance."

The two Elders of Zixia Wanggu Think about it for a moment, and move instantly!

Are you close to 50% sure of winning the championship? This is an election conference! It's not like the Pill Refining Convention, which competed with Heaven's Chosen, a genius of the same age!

What level has this little fellow transformed to now?

"However, there may be accidents this time. So I am preparing for a killing move. If it succeeds, it should be more than 90% certain, but if it fails, I am afraid that I will not even be able to enter the top 100. Go."

Lin Chen shrugged, frightened the two Elders very much, looking at the monster completely!

90%? Are you still a person?

"Qing Wu..." At this time, Long Yijing appeared beside the seat of Zixia Wanggu.

He first swept Lin Chen vaguely and bitterly, then stared at the Little Demon Empress, with deep affection, holding the gold hazel jade box in his palm.

"This is the birthday gift I prepared for Qingwu. On the birthday 36 days later, I have to congratulate you in advance during the pill concocting contest..."

After all, Long Yijing didn't even give the Little Demon Empress the time to refuse, so she opened the jade box, which was actually a piece of pure white ginseng! The roots are thick and long, and the brilliance is different, and there is an inexplicable attraction exuding.

"Colorful Dragon King Ginseng? Or the second only to the highest White Dragon King Ginseng!"

The second Elder eyes shrank of Wanggu, shocked and trembled!

As soon as this thing appeared, many powerhouses in the registration venue cast surprise and shocking eyes!

This thing helps to increase the Holy Force, opens up the holy cave, and makes a breakthrough when it has a miraculous effect. Especially for the 4th layer of the Holy Land, this thing has a certain effect and can help the 4th layer of the Holy Land to break through a holy cave, there is a certain probability to increase the expansion multiple!

Yes, increase the acupoint expansion multiple!

To be honest, this is the highest sacred item that is enough to make the 4th layer of the Holy Realm in the world crazy! It is not surprising that the two Elders of Wanggu are so moved, because they are also in the bottleneck of the late 4th layer.

The preciousness of this thing, in terms of single value, even Lin Chen's divine fruit is inferior!

"Long Yijing is crazy, right? Give this kind of Rare Item to someone? He keeps it for the next time he expands his acupuncture point and hits the higher realm, isn't he fragrant?"

" Even if he and us are both on the list of evildoers, it is impossible to easily take out this thing. This guy has lost his blood! At least this Young Master is not confident that he can buy this thing..."

"Hey, If you can get the beauties, why not give it to you? You don’t look at who he gave it, the little demon queen of the enchanting list! This is recognized as one of the ten most beautiful in the enchanting list. If you can hold the beauties back, I’m afraid. Dreaming and waking up with a smile."

Some enchanting genius and Saint Level alchemists were surprised and sighed.

This handwriting is too heavy!

Long Yijing firmly believes that there is no Enlarging Acupoint Realm that can withstand the temptation of this thing. This is passed to him by his Old Ancestor. It is for his own use, but he has made up his mind to chase it. (Lick) Until the Little Demon Empress!

But next moment——

"Yeah~he gave me a gift~"

The little demon queen is like a pure girlfriend, with her beautiful lips rising, Twisting his slender waist, he shook Lin Chen's arm and murmured.

"He is so deliberate about this kind of pervert, Lin really handsome guy must have a better gift, right? Hurry up and let people have a look~"

Male geniuses Almost nasal bleeding!

The pure and beautiful face of the Little Demon Empress, coupled with the charm of sentient beings, and the hot body, who can stand this coquettish?

Looking at the sly smile at the corner of the Little Demon Empress’s mouth, Lin Chen twitched the corner of her mouth...

Wipe, this is to draw the fire to me!

At that moment, Lin Chen, who was full of justice, wanted to scold her loudly!

But she is too big.

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