
Long Yijing's eyes narrowed, and the look at Lin Chen became more provocative!

He really doesn't believe Lin Chen can give a better gift than him!

Many evildoers and participating alchemists looked towards Lin Chen with great interest.

For this teenager full of Legendary and mysterious, they are also curious, what kind of background will this child come up with to compete with Long Yijing?

"Gift? I didn't prepare it."

Lin Chen shrugged surprised everyone who was waiting for the theater with anticipation!

"hahahaha! Lin Chen, you are still a little self-aware,"

Long Yijing is high-spirited and vigorous, and even his friends on the enchanting list can't stand it , Is this the scheming and calm Long Yijing they knew?

As long as Lin Chen is involved in anything, Long Yijing will seem to be ignorant.


As soon as Lin Chen's conversation turned, he smiled playfully, "Although I don't have a gift, I have prepared a surprise."

"What a surprise!" The Little Demon Empress immediately got excited, staring at him with bright eyes.

"It's not a surprise to tell you, you will know when the day election begins."

Lin Chen laughed.

"Lin Chen, are you stage fright? Hehe, I don’t think you are only this. Don’t get out of the way if you can’t get something decent, don’t be embarrassed here."

In the seat behind Lin Chen, a young man stood up. He stood with a knife on his waist, dressed in azure clothes, have a dignified appearance, and sneered at the corners of his mouth.

It is another genius of the enchanting list, a friend of Long Yijing, and one of the participants in this election.

"This little fellow is in a hard-holding scene."

"It's normal for youngsters not to accept defeat."

Even some old Saint Level alchemists think Lin Chen's strong support scene, the difference is that there is no treasure.

"Just show your big baby out for everyone to see~~" The Little Demon Empress refused to forgive her.

"You can't think of me as the second fool over there, I won't be used as a tool by you so easily."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed, staring at many jealous eyes Next, don't remove the slender jade hand that the Little Demon Empress grabbed his arm.

"Cut~" The Little Demon Empress put out her tongue.

When she turned to look at Long Yijing, her tone was neither salty nor light--"Take it back, I am not interested in you. If you try to bother me with these things, I will interrupt your third leg. !"

"Qing Wu..." Long Yijing shook her head and closed the jade box, but the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

He'confidently thinks' that he has already recovered his face.

Even the other evildoers think that Lin Chen is completely'escape from the battle,' but he is more ruthless than others?

"Lin Chen!" Long Yijing screamed, pointed finger towards Lin Chen, with sonorous words-"I will fight you in the name of the enchanting list!"

Lin Chen almost laughed out loud, at what age are you still playing this set?

"Duel? Your skin itchy again?" Lin Chen raised an eyebrow.

"Heavenly Election Conference, fight and kill, what kind of style." Long Yijing said righteously. On the contrary, some people looked at him with contempt. Who doesn't know that you have lost to Lin Chen. .

"I want to compare with you, it is pill concocting! You and I are in the election conference, whoever refines the medicine pill with higher quality will win, and the loser will never be close to Qingwu. How?"

Long Yijing took out the enchanting order, rays of light are flourishing!

The gambling agreement on the enchanting list. This is a gambling agreement in the name of gambling on the enchanting list. Violators will lower the ranking, and serious ones may even be impeached from the enchanting list.

"Oh? Do you want to get your confidence back from the pill concocting, it's okay."

Lin Chen peaceful, also took out his enchanting order, two primitive tokens rays of light Excited, the agreement is established!

"Big Brother!"

"Lin Chen Young Master, don't be impulsive!"

Fei Xiaoyu and Shangguan Liuli exclaimed in unison.

Long Yijing’s pill concocting skill is extremely scary! Some cultivation Dan, the evildoer who ranks higher than him may not be his opponent!

"Don't worry, he will never do reckless things."

Han Yizhi stroked Fei Xiaoyu’s Qingsi, the most beautiful young man in the holy world and a cute and cute little boy. The girl stands together, and the picture is very warm.

Long Yijing believes: "I know that you have a spiritual cultivation technique, which can reduce the divine might pressure from the spiritual giant mountain just now, but the pill concocting is more than just spiritual strength!"

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile to Han Yizhi: "Yizhi, how do you describe his behavior in our 66 class?"

Han Yizhi slightly smiled, showing that the woman is also jealous Yijing said with a smile: "The rain stopped and the wind slowed down. The squad leader kept a low profile, and Brother Yijing felt that he could do it again."


At this time, a cyan spirit cone thorn came and shot Lin Chen directly!

This mental thorn is extremely powerful, and it is only aimed at Lin Chen alone, and the spirit is controlled by Major Perfection!


The crimson Fairy standing behind Lin Chen let out a breath, blowing away the Spiritual Fluctuation.

"Oh? Someone wants to engage in a sneak attack?" Lin Chen smiled playfully and turned to look at the owner of the spirit strength.

On the seat, the beautiful woman's skin is better than snow, cold and arrogant, like snow lotus in the sky, clear as ice and clean as jade, but with deep coldness.

"Will you only hide behind women?"

The beautiful lady sneered, it was Princess of the Holy Kingdom, Zi Yunqing.

She saw Lin Chen's performance from the initial test, and she was very curious. She wanted to give him a shot, but was blocked by Crimson Fairy.

Jian Qingcheng whispered beside Lin Chen: "She is the Princess of the Holy Kingdom of Grade 7, Ziyun..."

"Okay, I don't want to know her name. If you don't have a body, you don't look good, and you take the initiative to find trouble."

Lin Chen directly raised his hand to stop Jian Qingcheng's introduction, and simply ignored Zi Yunqing.

He sees too many women of this kind. Haughty, indifferent, believe oneself infallible!

Jian Qingcheng's ears are slightly red, and Zi Yunqing's face is even more indifferent!

Lin sighed deeply.

"Why do I go wherever I go, there will always be countless people trouble me, is it so handsome, is it destined to be jealous and framed. It's so annoying, if God gives me another chance, I He must choose to hide himself and hide in the mountains to cultivation him for eight thousand years!"


There was a round of applause.

"Well, little fellows, if you have any grievances, please use pill concocting to solve them at the conference. This is not a place for you to fight."

One is dressed in Purple An old woman with a kind face in Gold robe walked up and smiled round the field.

The Spirit, Soul and Qi breath has a black hole-like deep and unmeasurable taste, which makes the arrogance of the enchanting list genius present.

Dan domain, crouching tiger hidden dragon. Some of these old monsters were also members of the enchanting list back then, so terrifying to the extreme! Even if they cannot threaten their lives, it is very easy to teach them some profound lessons!

"Hey, it seems that this day's election conference has to be watched."

"Some little young gangsters that's all. The first ten, the old man booked one It’s gone."

"Qingshan old ghost, don’t rush to brag, drink two more glasses at night before blowing."

"hmph! A bunch of smell of mother's milk not yet dried The hairless brat, who knows what pill concocting, let the old man tell them the greatness and profound mystery of refining medicine!"

The older Saint Level alchemists should watch the show and leave.

"Hey, what exactly is the surprise you said? Tell me a little bit in advance!"

At this time, the Little Demon Empress couldn't help sound transmission and asked Tao.

"The surprise is..." Lin Chen approached the Little Demon Empress. She immediately moved her ears and sniffed the tip of Lin's nose lightly.

It's so fragrant, so big.

"A surprise is an explosion."

Little Demon Empress: "?"

Lin Chen smiled confidently.

"And explosion is art."

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