
Fei Xiaoyu and Chi Meier and the others were taken aback!

Pill concocting, why did you get involved with the explosion?

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile to the Little Demon Empress: "By the way, if I defeat Long Yijing, you won't need to see him anymore. How about I drive off a nasty ghost for you. I did a good thing for you, how do you plan to repay me?"

"Then come to my room, I will tell you~" The Little Demon Empress smiled charmingly, her beautiful eyes streaming with sly blue waves. The beauty was so breathtaking that even women were fascinated by her.

Someone Lin said indignantly: "You treat me Lin Chen as who! Why can't you open up and say something? I have to go to the room and say, I just like being outside!"

Girls: "..."


When Lin Chen's registration is completed, the registration time for the Tianxuan Conference officially ends. In the Tian Xuan Conference, participants are left with seven days of preparation time.

The Business Group in Tian City is very busy. They have received too many medicine ingredient lists from Saint Level alchemists. The medicine ingredients listed are all rare treasures. An expensive thing.

During the period, Han Yizhi and Jian Qingcheng frantically purchased medicine ingredients for Lin Chen.

3rd day, when Qing Tian City is still busy and lively, just brush it up and a natural phenomenon soars into the sky!

A natural phenomenon of a hundred zhang beam of light illuminates the side of Qingtian Western District, and the whole body is wrapped with two holy rings!

Grade 2 Holy Pill, who is refining it?

Alchemists from all walks of life urged spirit strength one after another, and when they stared thousands of miles away, it was actually the place where the young enchanting list lived.

A closer look, is that Lin Chen's position on the enchanting list?

"That's not right!"

"Refining the Holy Pill requires a high degree of mental concentration. He is pill concocting at this juncture, isn't he afraid of mental fatigue?"

"This youngster, do you want to create momentum first and put pressure on us? Naive, naive!"

Many Saint Level alchemists dismissed the natural phenomenon caused by Lin Chen’s temporary residence. , Or shook his head and laughed.

Regardless of the reason, this critical pill concocting is an irrational choice, with no benefits at all. Even if you want to adjust the play and feel of the pill concocting mudra, it is definitely not at this point in time.

Qing Tian City, a high tower.

The hump-backed old man carries a hip flask, his eyes look like piercing through the void, and he has an insight into the autumn.

"It seems that the old man looks at this youngster highly. Could it be that he is really the one who fights for this moment?"

The humpbacked old man, the one who once came to the evildoer The drug refining giant on the list also failed to see Lin Chen's pill concocting.

Purple Bamboo Forest, a beautiful and glamorous lady, Ziyunqing authentic reading Danjuan, when seeing the two holy rings rising into the sky, her eyebrows can't help but frown.

"Which direction is Lin Chen? At this juncture of pill concocting, what does he want to do? Isn't he good at this?"

Pingyan Pavilion, Long Yijing is looking up to the sky. laugh!

"Lin Chen! Sometimes when you lose your mind, you still have pill concocting in your eyes, fancy, and now you are refining the Grade 2 sacred pill. On the day of the game, I see how you can win this Young Master!"



The star pavilion, the stars flicker, and there are many natural phenomena.

A handsome and tough young man opened his eyes, and the demonic energy surged into his pupils. When perceiving the natural phenomenon of Sacred Pill, he turned to look at the young man sitting in the attic.

"It's that kid, what does he want to do?"

The boy shook his head, his pale face, and an immortal sneer appeared!

"The pill concocting in the eyes? hmph! It is nothing but a manifestation. In this meeting, the king personally suppressed these pharmacists!"


For Lin During Chen's pill concocting, hundreds of schools were puzzled, but no one was optimistic about Lin Chen.

Everyone agreed that he was wasting energy.

However, Lin Chen seems to never follow his routine.

boom~ boom~ ~~!

In the next three days, Lin Chen’s temporary residence had a natural phenomenon again and again! one after another The holy ring was born, which is a sign of the success of holy pill refining!

At first, everyone was still very disdainful. By the fourth day, they were surprised. On the fifth day, it was shock!

shua~ shua~ shua~ ~~!

On the sixth day, the sky above Tian City can be described as Danxia skyrocketing, holy light lingering, the clouds steaming and the clouds, releasing the diffuse fragrance of Danxia!

"Have you stopped? My mother, what does he want to do?"

"This damn is already the 31st Grade 2 Holy Pill and 29 Grade 3 Holy Pills. Dan!"

"Impossible! Is it possible that there is a great medicine refining engine? This is the efficiency of what the hell is that! It's ridiculous fast!"

All the forces, all evildoers, and a group of Alchemy Sect teachers can be described as scalp tingling!

This efficiency is too abnormal! No one can produce so many sacred pills so quickly like this child!

The problem is that none of these sacred pills have surpassed Grade 4 at a time. No matter how efficient he is, everyone does not feel too much pressure. Grade 4 and Grade 3 have as different as heaven. and earth!

Finally; on the seventh day, the natural phenomenon finally ceased, and the election ceremony officially began!

Qing Tian City, the vast crowd of twelve squares.

"In the past, I heard that the Grade 5 sacred pill was born. What kind of super medicine pill was like?"

"Today I participated in Goddess, Lao Tzu pulled one hundred geniuses from the list of geniuses to cheer for her, and she will become a pill later. If anyone shouts loudly for me, this Young Master will double the reward!"

"Although I can’t be there, but I still have a chance to see Cheng Dan’s natural phenomenon here. I’m so excited!"

"Excited your sister, calm down!"

"Handsome People have already subscribed, and the ugly people are still subscribed for free."

"I came to see the most handsome man."


In the twelve squares; heated discussions, the site of refining medicine is not here, this is the place where Space Stone broadcasts the pill concocting picture.

There are not many people who can get the spot for observation.

Qing Tian City ten thousand zhang high Above the sky, an island is suspended like a giant beast. In the huge white jade square of tens of thousands of acres, 391 Saint Level alchemists gather, each living on one side!

This picture can only be achieved by the Tianxuan Conference, and only the rewards from the Tianxuan Conference can impress the birth of these old monsters and attract so many famous Saint Level alchemists!

In Raising Heaven Island, those who can attend, at least Grade 5 Peak sect! The general Grade 5 sect is not eligible to get the invitation letter yet!

Many castles in the sky have been built on the island, and some powerhouses are in the pavilions to taste hot tea, drink wine, and watch them slowly.

As soon as many Saint Level alchemists entered the arena, they looked towards one direction with surprise.

That direction is Lin Chen who doesn't even have a pill furnace!

At this time, Lin Chen is full of energy, full of energy, both hands crossed near chest, with excitement and smile on his face, it looks like he wants to do a big job!

This is too strong, right?

Is this someone who has made dozens of sacred pills? Youngster's energy is not such a strong method!

"It seems that this child should be followed by a giant alchemy engine, and he should not be the one who pill concocting that day."

"Yes, he is such a young evildoer. Genius, it’s normal to have a Master. His teacher should be in Grade 5, right? Maybe it’s more."

"I don’t believe it if he killed him. He made dozens of them in seven days. People of the Holy Pill. 100% is the hands of his teacher."

At this moment--

On the high platform of the void, an exquisite and graceful figure emerged.

"Everyone, I am your Head Examiner this time..."

The clear spring-like voice, ethereal and graceful.

The young enchanting genius were taken aback!

For such a grand meeting, is a beautiful and alluring woman doing the Head Examiner?

What about the Great Grandpa? Where is the worldly expert?

Only the older generation of pharmacists, the corners of their mouths twitched as if they had seen a ghost.

Lin stared at the graceful and graceful shadow seriously, looking thoughtful nodded and said.

"Well, it is still bigger than that little fairy."

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