"It turned out to be Yilian senior..."

"She was a Head Examiner and she was under too much pressure."

"This is little The girl is still the discipline of the old man's deceased friend. I didn't expect her to become one of the Elder Council Elders in the Elder Domain!"

Some older generation pharmacists sighed, or were full of fear.

This Song Yilian, Saint Level Alchemist, ranks Grade 6!

And she created three kinds of pill concocting skills and famous books, creating a lot of pill concocting never before. It can be said that many youngster pill concocting in Danyu now use her experience And skill!

It is said that she is promoted to Grade 7 probability, and the future is limitless! She is the most legendary woman in Danyu in recent times!

Extreme genius, always pay the price, this Song Yilian, who is not affected by power, not affected by the world, and even less human, has never had a relationship between men and women, she seems to have only refining medicine in her eyes .

At this time, wearing a Chief Yun skirt, the misty Song Yilian Ying's lips lightly opened, and she spoke slowly, her voice clear and indifferent.

"This pill concocting lasts for 30 days. During this period, if any of the pill concocting links fail, it will be eliminated immediately. The refining of medicine is perfect and sacred. To create a perfect medicine pill, nothing is allowed Failed."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of 391 Saint Level alchemists were very different, very wonderful!

No failure in any link is allowed!

This pressure doubles instantly!

"This girl is challenging me!"

For the first time, Lin Shuai forced to touch the chin, and felt tricky for the first time!

His'Ultimate Pill Concocting Dafa' has not yet been completely completed.

Failure is inevitable. As soon as this statement comes out, it is estimated that Lin Chen is the most stressed person!

"That's all, the top ranking is useless. Instead of choosing the most conservative way to fight, it is better to choose the probability with the largest success rate! Now I want to win the championship, only to surpass that level!"

Lin Chen's eyes became sharp and sharp!

"The final result of this time will be decided by me. In addition to ten jury Elders, if eight of the ten Elders’ opinions differ from my ruling, the result will be changed to the Elder’s final ruling "

Song Yilian waved her slender hand: "The rules are clear to everyone. Quality is paramount, and failure is not allowed. I won't say anything else. This day election conference officially begins!"

clang! clang! clang!

tone barely fell, the pill furnace landed, the pill concocting handprints of each pill were brilliant, one after another Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning-like natural phenomenon, just like Hundred Schools of Thought Contend, bloom one after another!

There is one person and one fox pill concocting Shangguan Liuli, the orange handprint of Chi Meier, there is no furnace pill concocting Fei Xiaoyu, some evildoers bite the tip of the tongue and use blood refinement.

There is an evil spirit genius who is drowsy, and actually forms pill concocting mudra during his sleep, and performs pill concocting from sleep with closed eyes!

What's more, took out part of the air transport planting capsule of oneself, and began to refine the medicine ingredient by taking advantage of the power of air transport planting capsule.

Everyone under Raising Heaven Island, seeing this ostentation, the cheers and the heated discussions exploded!

Suddenly; a dragon roar yelled at Nine Heavens, and many powerhouses were surprised to see.

I saw that Long Yijing on the north side of the white jade square pinched the pill concocting fingerprints, and there were countless Thunder Dragons and Thunder Dragons wandering around him.

The thunder power of ten thousand horses galloping bloomed all over his holy cave, which caused a thundercloud to descend, and he kept breaking down the lightning like an electric python, and injected it into his pill furnace!

Orange pill concocting handprint "Thunder Dragon Sacrificial Seal"! Long Family Absolute Art, domineering strong!

"This child's arrogance is not without reason. The external force of the pill concocting fingerprints is triggered by the start of the hand. Only if you have enough skill and confidence in your own pill concocting skill can you have such courage."

"I have to say that between him and Lin Chen, the old man is really more optimistic about this Long Yijing kid."

"This Long Yijing is suitable for old man dísciple, competition End to see if he is interested."

The two Elders stroked their beards and smiled, very optimistic about Long Yijing.

Boom~! With a loud roar, one head turned out to be born, an old man with flame hair, red eyebrows and a rough face, sitting cross-legged in the void, pinching the pile concocting fingerprints with both hands.

One after another The strong spirit strength like flowing clouds controls Fire Element Energy and refines thousands of medicine ingredients from the inside of the volcano.

"This is the fire old man of Thousand Domains, this Old Guy's orange pill concocting handprint is better than the past!"

"He planted his own luck Move three Chiyan Mountains in the capsule, open part of the air transport planting space, mobilize the energy of Yanshan to pill concocting, it is really wild."

"This Old Guy has to enter at least this time. The top ten, maybe even higher."

The Elders of the jury on both sides of Raising Heaven Island stroke their beards and their eyes are full of praise. Among this group of Elders, the humpbacked elders who included the last wave of examinations were also among them.

Swipe~! Another section of the branches of towering trees emerged one after another, the flowers bloomed all over the sky, and the pink cherry blossoms became flakes.

When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the sound of the phoenix whispers faintly revolves, and a few peach branches sway and spill out star-like spirit strength, pouring into the pill furnace!

Between the flowers blooming all over the sky, there is a glamorous and beautiful person standing at the tip of the cherry branches, with a clear and arrogant appearance.

The jade fingers of the beautiful woman's hands form a residual image, and the pill concocting fingerprints are spurred by the flowing water, and the medicine ingredient injected into the pill furnace is continuously refining with the power of cherry branches!

In this scene, all the forces present, every powerhouse has more or less a grave expression!

This is the branch of the middle grade spirit plant, the True Phoenix phoenix cherry tree!

One person exclusively owns the middle grade spirit plant, which is terrifyingly perverted!

What surprised the Elder group even more is that this woman can control the spirit plant to pill concocting?

"This woman is Ziyunqing?"

"So amazing! Can you pill concocting by manipulating a middle grade spirit plant? These methods are unheard-of. !"

Even Song Yilian cast a surprised look. Obviously, she didn't expect this kind of character among the younger generation!

"Well, I gave full play to my own bloodline and Heaven and Earth's natural power advantages, and the two can be perfectly combined. This woman is an unpolished gem. Maybe she can apply for a place for her, even if she does not win the championship. You can also enter the Elder Council in advance......"

Song Yilian is a little nodded, as if she has seen through the deeper secrets of Ziyunqing.

However, at the next moment, even Song Yilian was moved!

She suddenly locked a teenager!

This person looks pale as if he fainted at any time, his ten fingers danced like flying flowers, and each fingertip is condensed with the spirit strength like wheat, which maintains the spirit of thousands of unrolled bolts. of white silk.

It is weird that in front of him, there are three dragon corpses visiting!

He incorporated all medicine ingredients, regardless of seventh rank, eighth rank, into the dragon corpse!

The three-headed dragon corpse, like a new life, opened the dragon's eyes strangely, and the twilight Dragon Qi swept the audience, no one was surprised!

In this world, there is such an Alchemy Technique? To pill concocting the corpse?

"Who is he...why does his spirit strength give me a strange feeling?"

Song Yilian frowned, her pretty face serious.

Lin was amazed.

It's so showy, everyone is so strong, how can he mix with someone?

Lin Chen looked up to the sky and sighed.

"The ten pill and nine refining become eight different patterns, seven handprints and six postures, and the Five Elements pill furnace does not see a quarter medicine ingredient, but I, Lin Chen, is three-hearted and handsome. What are you doing?"

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