Lin Chen is attentive, and has not paid attention to everyone's doubts, disdain, sarcasm, and only pill concocting is left in his eyes.

Two of the six Avatars are cooperating with Lin Chen pill concocting, and four are cooperating with independent pill concocting. The goal is clear and smooth!

Only the Saint Level alchemists of a few Business Group laughed at first, and then came out a little shocked!

If this is the case, before the start of the previous conference, wasn't it the medicine pill that he himself refined?

Then he can produce sacred pill too fast! One person is better than six people?

Raising Heaven Island, there is a loft on the south side of the square. Twelve geniuses who are not alchemists watch here and look at Lin Chen's direction with different faces.

"What is he doing?"

There are genius said curiously who have not participated in the enchanting list.

"I didn’t understand. But it’s certain that he is not the kind of person who is slaughtered. Although this person is a new enchanting evildoer, he is the most dangerous person in my cabinet recently. He must What's the secret?"

Another evildoer, Genius, who wears a cloak and holds a tree branch, said seriously, this spirit is restrained, and the sword light of Return to the Natural State is born and died in his eyes. There was absolutely no contempt in Lin Chen's eyes.

"Hey, I agree too. Look at the appearance of the Little Demon Empress, I don't think this Lin Chen is here to play treasures."

The red-clothed boy blew a bit. When the whistle, the corner of his eyes stared at Ziyunqing, he passed dignifiedly.

On the tenth day, there are still Saint Level alchemists who have been eliminated one after another!

However, in the white jade square of Raising Heaven Island, four beams of holy light rising into the sky at the same time attracted everyone's attention!

Under Tian City.

"A holy pill was born?"

"Quite soon, this tournament time has passed only one third!"

"The holy ring emerges Now, take a closer look, it's a few sacred pills!"

Many young refining Heaven's Chosen stared at the top of Raising Heaven Island!

Besides Qing Tian City, the same is true. Saints from all walks of life perceive the birth of a holy pill?

It's only a few days now! Did they come too late?

I saw Raising Heaven Island high in the sky, Dan clouds lingering, clouds steaming Xia Wei. Between the birth and death of the pill gas, a faint rain and mist fell, and the raindrops were filled with fragrance. When you sniffed it gently, it was relaxed and joyful, and there were signs of a faint increase in Holy Force!

In the sky, with four medicine pill the size of a dragon, the aura has transformed into a soaring Phoenix with four heads!

Four heads of Phoenix illusory shadow transformed by medicine pill spirituality, the whole body is wrapped around the 4th layer halo!

"Here, this is Danyu!"

"Four holy rings! All medicine pill are four holy rings!"

"Danyu Descend, Grade 4 is now. These are actually four Grade 4 sacred pills!"

The pharmacists of all walks of life lost their voices in horror, and the jury Elder will look different!

Too fast!

It should be said that it is ridiculously fast!

Refining the Grade 4 sacred pill is not difficult for the jury Elder. To their realm, only the Grade 5 sacred pill can be called challenging.

"The four medicine pills are all Grade 4 low-level, but the speed is too bad!"

The hunched old man shook his head and slapped his tongue.

Even the jury Elder, with sufficient materials, even the lowest Grade 4 low-level, it is difficult to refine two finished products within ten days, let alone four!

Lin Chen's efficiency and success rate are ridiculously fast!

This is the advantage of [Spirit Awakening]. As long as Lin Chen's spirit strength can support the consumption, his'spirit seal' is better than the speed of all pharmacists at the same level! The speed of pill concocting is naturally far beyond ordinary!

On the high platform, Song Yilian, who has always been elegant and refined, is not familiar with world affairs, it can be said to be itchy!

Her beautiful eyes flashed with intense curiosity!

She can't see Lin Chen! Can't see through at all!

She is a generation of refining giants, creating a variety of pill concocting precedents and unique techniques of pill concocting skills, and is archived by major Grade 6 sect and even Grade 7 sect.

With regard to pill concocting, even for those realm that she has not reached, she has enough vision and experience to look forward to, she is almost an authority-like existence!

But this little fellow has used all the means from the opening to the present, beyond her cognition and prediction, and she couldn't even understand it in one point!

"What do you want to do...The energy synthesis between medicine pill is completely different, so complicated, you should be very clear about it, it is a waste of time if you refine the excess medicine pill. !"

Song Yilian racked her brains and couldn't figure out what the youngster was doing.

The more she can't think of it, the more her curiosity becomes irritable. If it weren't for the election meeting now, with her temperament, it would directly interrupt the meeting and pull Lin Chen into her secret room. Stripping research for a few months and a few years start!

shua! shua! shua!

Lin Chen beckoned with one hand, directly take away the four holy pill.


13 Qiyun spirit plants shook together, and there were large tracts of heaven, material and earth treasures, eighth rank medicine ingredient, blasted out.

There is almost no stagnation and hesitation, as if everything is in Lin Chen's expectation, his Avatar's gaze turned, and a large amount of medicine ingredient was gathered again!

At this time, everyone can think of Lin Chen, maybe, there is no Grade 5 Pill Recipe? Is he trying to modify Pill Recipe on the spot?

There is only this probability! He is the only weird existence in the enchanting list, and only one enchanting genius who has no backing to power, and has no time and foundation to accumulate Grade 5 Pill Recipe, is also reasonable.

Since ancient times, there are always some evil spirits who can suddenly rise in a certain field. Modifying the Pill Recipe on the spot may be beyond common sense for the mortal class, but in the Dan domain, it is not too bad. thing.

However, the next thing that surprised everyone is——

The 20th day of the start of the day election conference!

A medicine pill is born again! It's Grade 4, it's Lin Chen, it's still four!

Whether it is the enchanting list or the various forces, or the Danyu Elder Club, and the jury Elders, they are all confused by him!

What exactly does he want to do?

Lin Chen seems to never behave according to the routine, the holy pill is in his hands, and he continues to practice!

"Look! There are young pill there!"

At this time; the jury Elder finally discovered the natural phenomenon!

Under the cooperation of Lin Chen's body and two Avatars, a deeply hidden energy young pill is slowly taking shape!

And his other four Avatars continue to refine other medicine pill!

This weird scene makes everyone wonder.

But this doubt was soon overwhelmed by the exciting grand event of the conference!

On the 26th day, a pill cloud emerged, and the holy light of one after another Straight Clashing Nine Heavens condensed into a holy ring, and the holy pill began to be born!

3 holy rings, 3 holy rings, 4 holy rings!

They are Shangguan Liuli, Chi Meier, and Fei Xiaoyu! Since the last time Fei Xiaoyu, Lin Chen helped her control the Tiansha physique, advanced by leaps and bounds, the biggest improvement!

At their age, they can refine such a grade of sacred pill, and the future is boundless!

Next, there are two enchanting genius out of the pill, both of which are the four holy rings, Grade 4 holy pill!

"Hehe, young age. Ability is not young, but the old man is not old enough for the youngster to easily surpass it!"

A chuckle echoed, sitting cross-legged When the azure clothed old man in the middle of the square got up, he shot the pill furnace.

Boom~! With a roar, the sky split into a python-like Danxia, ​​and then disintegrated into Danyun!

The eyes of the many powerhouses in Raising Heaven Island became fierce. Qing Tian City was even more excited and shouted, and it finally started!

At the opening moment, witness the moment when a hundred schools of thought are contending for beauty! Those Saint Level Alchemy Sect divisions from 36 domains ushered in a head-on confrontation!

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