azure clothed old man pushes the pill furnace with his palm. The holy light is like a bunch of Straight Clashing Nine Heavens.

In the sky of the holy light enveloped, that pill rhyme transforms into a civet with four strong holy rings!

Its 4th aura is much brighter than Fei Xiaoyu and the other two evildoers!

Grade 4 intermediate sacred pill!

"Old Guy, technology hasn't regressed, right?"

"Hey, I have to count my old fogey in any way. This time you only dare to refine Grade 4 Intermediate , Don’t have the guts!"

When the two old men laughed, there were two more Danxia energies rushing into the sky!

When the Qi of Danxia is condensed, it is also the four holy rings

Two Grade 4 high level holy pills!

"You two Old Guys, really dare to bet..."

azure clothed old man laughed blankly, Grade 4 high level holy pill, very difficult to refine.

In an extremely high-spec competition like the Chosen, the average old Saint Level alchemist will only refine the most reliable grade.

There are not many people who dare to challenge the limits in this kind of conference.

"Hey, seniors are so interested, and Junior can't miss it either."

In the square, when Long Yixuan who had a dignified appearance got up, his pale face appeared. confidence.

"Get up!" He patted the pill furnace, and another bunch of Danxiatons rushed into the ten thousand zhang high empty, with a radius of hundreds of thousand li, which clearly showed the brilliance of Danxia.

Then, the four holy rings emerged one after another, which turned out to be another Grade 4 high level holy pill!

"Long Yixuan, this guy usually hides really deep."

In the attic full of the twelve enchanting genius, a red-haired boy blows Gave a whistle.

"Grade 4 high level sacred pill, this guy can also cultivate such a perverted Alchemy Technique under the premise of such a strong sword technique. It is really a monster."

Facing Hengkong The Grade 4 high level sacred pill that was born, the veteran powerhouse is surprised!

Unexpectedly, the younger generations this time are so strong that they can even level their medicine refining level. The intensity of the enchanting list is really terrifying every year!

crash-bang ~~! The holy light shines again, the sky is falling in chaos, and there are seven holy pill born, all of which are in Grade 4! It is another seven veteran Saint Level alchemists.

But looking at its natural phenomenon, it does not surpass Long Yixuan.

The atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited, and I looked at the heavy holy light pill ring in the sky. This is the realm of countless alchemists yearn for something even in dreams!

Shih~! boom! A thunder blasted!

At this moment, the terrifying power swept across the white jade square, and the entire Raising Heaven Island transmitted a strong holy light!

"hahahaha, come out, my highest masterpiece!"

Long Yijing stood up and opened his arms while bathing in thunder and lightning, laughing wildly!

His eyebrows skyrocketed, his robe rolled up, hunting and hunting sounded, and the infinite Thunder Dragon behind him screamed up to the sky, and the moment his pill concocting fingerprints stopped, the thunder was silent.

In an instant, the entire sky danced with lightning and silver snakes. The thunder and lightning pressure that shook the scalp passed down from the sky, and the space was trembling. From Long Yijing's pill furnace, a burst of lightning shot straight to Nine Heavens!

Boom! boom! Leiman exploded, crackle exploded wildly, and from Leiman suspended a blue sacred pill, lingering infinite lightning, spirituality condensed into a thunder snake, dancing in the sky, lifelike!

The whole body of Razer, entwined with four holy rings of thunder and lightning!

There is also a fifth extremely shallow holy ring faintly discernible, which is actually Grade 4 Peak holy pill!

Only one step away from the Grade 5 sacred pill!

Long Yijing plays super often! This sacred pill made many old Saint Level alchemists complexion slightly changed, and instantly suppressed the audience!

In the past days of the selection conference, there have been few offspring who can refine the Grade 4 Peak sacred pill! Very few cases!

"Qing Wu, have you seen it, I, Long Yijing, is your True Fated Son of Heaven!"

The high-spirited and vigorous Long Yijing moment Turning to look at the Little Demon Empress, the corners of her mouth raised, she was arrogant and unrestrained, and she was very handsome, which caused many women in Tian City to scream!

The Little Demon Empress frowns her eyebrows lightly, but she doesn't say much. At his age and cultivation base, he can refine the Grade 4 Peak sacred pill, even the enchanting list is very rare!

"It's too fierce..."

Long Yixuan couldn't help being speechless. He knew very well that the Grade 4 holy pill is like the Saint of the Expanding Acupoint Realm. Every increase in level, the difficulty is at least Double!

At least he Long Yixuan, the probability of refining the Grade 4 Peak sacred pill is no more than 20%. He dare not gamble on this terribly low probability and waste so many resources in such a grand conference. .

Long Yijing raised her chin proudly and looked down between Lin Chen, with a hint of sarcasm. This time the pill concocting, the agreement between him and Lin Chen has been won!

He can't wait to see Lin Chen's embarrassed appearance after the defeat, and frankly give the Little Demon Empress a'surprise'? boasted shamelessly!

"Grade 4 Peak, just so-so."

Lin Chen smiled casually in his heart, his eyes did not change, staring at Young Dan, too lazy to care about defeated.

"The youngster nowadays really doesn't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth."

'Dongfang Wuji' sneered sneer, the spirit strength condensed in the palms changed again, and the handprints suddenly changed!

Ziyunqing Miaomu stared at his pill furnace, Long Yijing’s natural phenomenon didn’t take it seriously.


As soon as Long Yijing’s Grade 4 Peak holy pill came out, many veteran Saint Level alchemists could not make it.

Finally, time has passed to the 30th day!


Many auras, floating lotus in the void. 999 auras cross the sky, and 999 Dao Pill gathers like wind and clouds.

Three pairs of'golden boys and jade maidens', beating gongs and drums, appeared from the horizon at the same time!

These six people are transformed by the Holy Pill!

"Sword Domain's three elders of Xuanjin!"

"So powerful, the medicine pill they refined has the same tune with the same skill!"

When the powerhouse of Grade 6 Great Influence of all parties exclaimed, the natural phenomenon changed abruptly.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~! Three pairs of golden boys and jade maidens began to derive holy rings!

Direct breakthrough Sihuan! It hasn't stopped!

Crack~! With a crisp sound, the faint holy ring of Fifth Layer emerged. Although the luster is not as good as the previous 4th layer, it is still more complete than Long Yijing!

Three pairs of golden boys and jade maidens are entwined with the 5th layer holy ring, holy light ten thousand zhang, reflecting the sky and clouds, like an Immemorial Holy Spirit descending, blasting the pot under Tian City. !

"Grade 5!"

"Grade 5 sacred pills, too strong! Three Grade 5 sacred pills were born at the same time!"

very terrifying energy Fluctuation, the energy of the Grade 5 holy pill is several times stronger than the Holy Force contained in the holy cave in this seat! "

Whether it is outside or inside Tian City, a craze is sweeping!

The three elders with twin faces are full of vigor and restraint, standing proudly in the sky.

It seems to be just a prelude to the storm; one wave has not settled and one wave is rising again!

On the east side of the white jade square, a young man stepped up into the sky.

"For many years Ah, I have never tried to pill concocting like this once. "

His left eye is full of tenderness, and his right eye is psychedelic sentient beings. Between his eyebrows is full of experience, the vicissitudes of human affairs, and his eyebrows are full of smiles.

"Yes This Old Guy! "

The Elders of the jury finally showed their dignity!

"The Yunyu Palace of the Profound Realm, Wan Yunyu senior! "

The enchanting list and the others, with a serious look, staring at the young pill furnace!

I saw that when he flicks with the finger and stirred the pill furnace, Dao Pill was agitated. Rush to Nine Heavens!


Dan Xia stirred up the situation and turned into ten thousand zhang Danyun, a Flood Dragon covered in water mist, turned out!

That is the Flood Dragon transformed by the spirituality of the Holy Pill! The Flood Dragon swallows the dragon’s breath and turns into a holy ring!

At this moment, the rays of light are prosperous! The brilliance of the Flood Dragon, Sprinkle all over the sky, and finally wrap around the Flood Dragon body, the 5th layer holy ring is shining!

In the Elder group, the eyes of the humpbacked old man are shining!

"Grade 5 Intermediate Holy Pill! "

The audience entered a short period of breath-holding and silence!

Grade 5 Intermediate, placed in the past, this is enough to compete for the top five super sacred pill!

The day election conference has begun to enter the final climax!

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