Grade 5 intermediate sacred pill, this refining realm, is chasing the Elder Council Elder in the pill domain!

Even if it is not as good, it is not far off!

"It is worthy of being the clouds and rain of the mysterious domain. It really opened your servant's eyes~"

The charming beautiful woman giggled, she wore a jade green dress, like a flower Butterflies within the valley are psychedelic and hazy.

"Your servant has booked one for the top ten this time."

When the beautiful woman smiled, she tapped the pill furnace with her fingertips and lifted the lid, dark green beams. Mirror between Heaven and Earth!

One after another jade green swim light, fly out of the pill furnace in an instant, dancing in the sky!

Danxia flies, and its power rises steadily, condensing into a large dark green Danyun, releasing terrible waves of Shengwei, and even smelling a hint of danger in the ordinary acupoint expansion realm!

The faint fox shadow stretches out from the jade green pill cloud, the green fox transforms, spirituality emerges from the dust. The beautiful woman who actually moved towards in the sky kneels and worships!

"It's the Hua Zhonglou flying sage of Thousand Domains!"

"What a spirituality enough Holy Pill!"

The Elders of the jury couldn't help but be surprised Phew, when Early-Stage is born, it recognizes Master, and this pill is at least Grade 5!

Finally, Bihu’s full body of pill energy began to gather, from one to four, in one go!

At the Fifth Layer, the rays of light drifted away for a while before disappearing!

"It's another Grade 5 intermediate sacred pill! It's amazing!"

Fei Xiaoyu and Shangguan Liuli exclaimed.

Moreover, from the perspective of spirituality, it is slightly better than Wan Yunyu's, but the specific ranking will have to be determined by Song Yilian and the jury Elder.

"hahaha! This is what the election conference should be like. It seems that the old man can't be left behind, because of everyone's interest, the old man will accompany him to the end!"

The fire old man of Thousand Domains laughed boldly, his palms turned, the temperature of the pill furnace rose sharply, and the heat wave swept across all directions, making his mouth dry and sweating, and even Saint felt a scorching sensation.

A beam of Heavenly Fire stream swept up, and the fiery-red cloud condensed into an aura of fire lion, powerful, the whole body holy ring broke through the 5th layer, the fifth holy ring Guangxia is not inferior to the former, yet another Grade 5 intermediate sacred pill!

Qing Tian City exploded in an instant! Grade 5, Grade 5 again!

Too powerful, these super sacred pill used to be priceless, and there are few opportunities to learn from the high level auction. Today, there are so many Grade 5 sacred pill appearing!

"Hehe, the old man's luck is not bad. Come to accompany the big guy to fight for the championship!"

The unremarkable gray shirt old man swept his sleeves, divine poise and In the light of sagelike features, tens of thousands of spiritual palms emerged behind him, and when the pill furnace was activated, a touch of blue sky shone on Nine Heavens!

cyan ray 華映照十ten thousand zhang Void, the faint azure light condenses into a whisker, lingering around the 5th layer holy ring, another Grade 5 intermediate holy pill is born!

"It is him! Known as pill concocting tens of millions, there are thousands of pill concocting, there are thousands of pill concocting, Li Daoran of Jing Taizong!"

powerhouse expression congeals of all influence, this The day election conference is really an expert frequently!

Qing all influence outside Tian City. Seeing the heavy holy rings, I couldn't help but breathe hard.

What's more, even sitting cross-legged, on-site cultivation!

When a large number of high-level medicine pills are born, they will gather a large number of Spiritual Qi Holy Force, which has a boosting effect on cultivation.

The efficiency of Saint ingesting Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is far more efficient than Battle Sovereign. For the low-level Saints of Grade 2 and Grade 3 sect, this heavenly selection conference has endless magical uses and benefits!

In the white jade square;

"Old Guy, the sword is not old."

The climax is constant, with a long laugh, Raising Heaven Island explodes from the sky. ring!

The Yellow River is rolling, medicine pill is born!

Yellow Springs billowing from the sky, and silence descends between Heaven and Earth. One refers to the life and death of Yellow Springs, one refers to Dao Soul!

Under Yellow Springs, an old man in sackcloth smiled while stroking his beard.

"Yellow Springs is a finger of Yellow Springs, Xiao Huang!"

Genius cried out in surprise such as the enchanting list, the energy of this holy pill surged, and it condensed five rays of The dazzling holy ring shines on Heaven and Earth!

Four Grade 5 Intermediate and three Grade 5 primary level Holy Pills shine like the moon and stars, illuminating the entire Raising Heaven Island and even Tian City!

This scene has made countless pharmacists worshipped! As if the holy relics have come, the masters worship!

It’s not over yet!

In the corner of the white jade square, there are faint energy fluctuations comparable to the Grade 5 sacred pill!

After the young man's hands were held down, the seven straightened up like guns in the sky, and their eyes were sharp and unstoppable!

It's Lin Chen!

His young pill actually delivered energy comparable to Grade 5 young pill!

"He is actually refining the Grade 5 sacred pill!"

"My God, is he going to overtake the Grandmasters of Mount Tai Big Dipper?"

The alchemy Heaven's Chosen staring at the Holy Force light screen in Tian City was shocked!

"What's the kidding? He can actually refine Grade 5?"

Long Yijing's eyes are protruding, complexion ashen, extremely ugly.

But at the next moment, he suddenly laughed wildly!

"hahahaha! Lin Chen, you have no time, so what about Grade 5. You are still a young pill now, there are less than 7 hours left in the conference, you are already on the street!"


Long Yijing's wild laugh, Lin Chen ignored him, his eyes fixed on the young pill in the sky, his eyes flashed with extreme excitement and enthusiasm!

"It's coming, it's coming..."

When Lin Chen meditated silently in his heart--

A phoenix roar came, and the sky suddenly changed!

"Lin Chen, you can barely be regarded as the opponent of this house, but everything is too late."

It is Ziyunqing!

She is based on the True Phoenix phoenix cherry tree, with blooming cherry blossoms, embellishing her feathers, making her look so arrogant and out of dust. Wearing a purple cloud and flowing moon dress and a phoenix crown on his head, he looks like a phoenix of birds at the moment, arrogant to the world!

With a wave of the lady's sleeves, the purple-red phoenix flames hiding the sky and covering the earth, spewing out of the pill furnace, and a medicine pill rushes away from the furnace, soaring into the sky!

All the natural phenomenon between Heaven and Earth instantly becomes a foil, and within that strong purple red Danxia, ​​a True Phoenix is ​​transformed!

True Phoenix surrounds the 5th layer holy ring. The Fifth Layer holy ring is more than twice as bright as all other Grade 5 holy rings!

The powerhouse of all influence stood up suddenly, dumbfounded and horrified!

The corners of the jury Elder's mouths are air-conditioned!

Grade 5 high level Holy Pill!

This Princess from the ancient holy country has overwhelmed the new and old alchemists in the audience!

"This woman is an unparalleled evildoer in refining medicine! In the future, she will definitely be the leader of pill domain refining medicine!"

Song Yilian's simple sentence, but purple Yunqing's evaluation is vividly and thoroughly!

In the Tianxuan Conference, very few young people can make it into the top ten! The first three are all very representative old pharmacists!

Now, history is rewritten at this moment!

With strength of oneself, Ziyunqing surpasses all the alchemists present!

"It's really the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before!"

"One generation is stronger than one generation! This kind of medicine pill, old fogey, let me practice The success rate is probably less than 10%..."

"Zi Yunqing, really an outrageous girl..."

Many Grade 6 Aristocratic Family The powerhouse is awe-inspiring. Everyone in the enchanting list stares at Zi Yunqing with solemn expressions. This woman must be a strong competitor of their enchanting list in the future!

Zi Yunqing is based on the void, his eyes do not have any pride, on the contrary, there is a taste of as it should be by rights.

"Is the number one, and also the number one. Isn’t even the Danyu people who have surpassed this palace, that's all, next, this palace will aim to be the first in the Danyu Elder Association? !"

When Ziyunqing was lonely, a hoarse youth voice spread all over Raising Heaven Island.

"Little girl, why bother to look like a lone lonely girl. You have never known what is truly invincible at a young age."

"Let this king come Tell you, what is pill concocting!""

The young man held up his palms, and the three dragon corpses revived, and there was a sign of coming back to life!

At this moment, the jury Elder Our faces are terrified!

This king?

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