In the battle with Haotian Saint King and the Fourth Great Demon King, Lin Chen gained the most from the enhancement point attribute! He wants to use all of these strengthening points in the Holy Artifact, so Peak's Holy Artifact is indispensable!

Lin Chen did not dare to use the [fusion function] easily. His resources at hand seem to be extremely rich, but if the [fusion function] is used, at most two high-end Holy Artifacts can be combined, and it is still completely random. Lin Chen can't use such a critical resource to gamble on luck.

The Tsing Yi giant asked seriously: "little fellow, how many Casting Item Masters do you want?"

Lin Chen thought for a while, and said: "The lowest, grade 6 is also required. Saint Level Casting Item Master!"

Everyone moved!

Grade 6, this grade of Casting Item Master is much harder to find than the Saint Level alchemist of the same level!

"For now, I only recommend that you look for some Grade 7 factions. Maybe you can find a Casting Item Master who is in the Grade 7 faction. However, the Casting Item Master exclusive to the faction often costs money. Very high, even we dare not say that we will be able to invite them."

Song Yilian browses tightly frowns, but the Tsing Yi giant next to her suddenly opened the mouth and said.

"Yes! There is an Old Guy, the conditions should meet your requirements. However, it depends on whether you can impress him!"

Everyone looked towards the Tsing Yi giant, he Caress said with a smile.

"Qiyu, six-fingered old man Xuanyuan."

As soon as the name came out, the faces of Elder Council members were very wonderful!

The Little Demon Empress clicking one's tongue in wonder ——"Six-finger Xuanyuan? Is he still alive?"

"He is not dead, but after the death of his wife, he will never again The caster has been opened. It is said that I am still in the drunken stupor all day in Qiyu, and even some old friends can’t stand to break up with him."

The Tsing Yi giant sighed, and then said: "If you can Untie his heart knot, maybe you can move him to cast the tool for you."

Lin Chen hesitated: "This, Qiyu is so big, where can I find him?"

"It's okay, he is in Biyun City of Qiyu, you should be able to find him there."

The Tsing Yi giant said with a smile.

Hearing the words'Biyun City', the Little Demon Empress' face changed slightly.

"In this case, there is no choice. Let's go to Biyun City!"

Lin Chen stood up, and Song Yilian's pretty face changed slightly.

"You...Are you leaving so soon?"

Lin Chen wondered—"Otherwise? Do you keep it here for the New Year?"

How can I let him run away! I haven't studied the pill concocting in his eyes, how can I let people go so easily!

"Yilian, you can pipe down. If he wants to go, can you stop him?"

The Tsing Yi giant helplessly said.

Song Yilian looked dismayed, and pleaded with her tone—"Don’t go, okay, I’ll pill concocting to support you for ten years. You will stay in the Elder Council for ten years, and I will be with you. Let's talk about pill concocting a little bit."

The corners of Elder's mouth twitched slightly, and their faces were unbelievable.

They are still First Layer. See Song Yilian so low. In the past, they talked about pill concocting. They always asked her...

Lin was blushed with shame, and it seemed like ten years. It seems like...

"Older Generation Song, your kindness, my heart..."

"No! I don't care, you must stay in the Elder Council, your pill concocting The skills are so amazing, you should use your expertise in pill concocting!"

"If you dare to run, I will chase you to the ends of the earth!"



Outside the Elder Council lobby, Lin Chen walked out with a twitching corner of his mouth.

His head is big!

He finally saw what a pill concocting lunatic is, this Song Yilian almost didn't pick him up!

She didn't let herself go until she wrote down his "eyes pill concocting" summary of the heart, and she exchanged two high-value Grade 6 Pill Recipe with him.

However, Lin Chen is not worried that Song Yilian can learn his unique medicine refining technique. Even if she learns it, she will not be able to use her medicine refining skills.

This is an unbelievable move that only Lin Chen of [Spirit Awakening] can accomplish.

Lin Chen a cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile: "It’s a nice day to come to the Elder Council. Elder we’ll meet again some day."

All Elders said with a smile to Lin Chen cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile, they were really young, and the heart of this child is not entirely on pill concocting. Perhaps his future achievements can be unprecedented. the height of.

"little fellow, what you have on you is considered an advance investment from my Elder Council. Don't let the old man disappointed, hehe."

The secret sound transmission of the Tsing Yi giant Lin Chen, Lin's face is not red and heart beats.

Sure enough, the Tsing Yi giant still guessed something, after all, it was an old monster who had lived for countless epochs.

With his Senior's vision, he would never ask Lin Chen's luck planting bag on the spot. He is a good person and profound mystery.

"Senior rest assured, if the kid does not die, he will definitely be worth the money."

Lin Chen and the Tsing Yi giant looked at each other and smiled.

After Jian Qingcheng came to bid farewell, Lin Chen and Han Yizhi, the Little Demon Empress, and Scarlet Fairy left together.

When he appeared in Qing Tian City again, when many powerhouses looked at Lin Chen, they were full of awe and admiration!

In some respects, Lin Chen has reached the height with some hidden bosses!

In the eyes of everyone, he is no longer as simple as the enchanting evildoer. He has the background of a Grade 6 Saint Level alchemist and rivals the high-level Demon King. His height is even regarded as some Grade 6 power. Sect Master!

A young evildoer genius, stepped into the sky and flew to greet Lin Chen entire group, respectfully cup one fist in the other hand.

"Lin...Lin Chen senior! Junior has an emotional doubt, I would like to ask the senior to point it out."

Lin Chen sounded weird and waved at random to say with a smile "Don’t be senior, I’m not as old as you, just call me a handsome guy."

"This...the handsome guy Lin Chen, why does Long Yijing know that she is disgusted by the Little Demon Empress? , A discerning person can also see that he is impossible to embrace a beautiful woman, why does he still stalk and make things difficult for Lin Chen... Lin Chen, handsome guy, you?"

After that, then The evil evil man glanced at the Little Demon Empress.

This question also raises the doubts of many people. Many genius from the enchanting list cast doubtful glances from all directions of Tian City.

"Yes, yes, why?" The Little Demon Empress smiled charmingly, and patted Lin Chen on the shoulder curiously.

In full view, Lin Chen is lightly coughed, a serious way.

"You are still too young, both men and women, when a person likes each other enough, he (she) will deceive himself, and there is always a glimmer of hope of self-direction and acting in his heart."

"This kind of person is forced to call it: the highest realm that licks the dog."

For a time, many enchanting lists genius absolute silence......


Four days later, Odd Field.

"I'm finally back!"

Lin Chen stepped in the void, opened his arms, yelled loudly, and felt very happy.

After he came to the holy realm, he started from the strange realm and went all the way to the various realms, stirring up the turmoil of the holy realm.

When I came back again, things have remained the same, but people have changed. With his current background, he tried to covet his Saint and the sect behind him in the Quartet Conference, and he could destroy the other party with a wave of his hand!

"I don't know how Jun Hao and Ying Liang are doing, have sister Yue Qi's bloodline unconsciously awakened..."

Lin Chen's eyes showed memories and a bit of enthusiasm.

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