"After all he left, he didn't even say hello..."

The thin, thin shadow of Ziyunqing appeared from the sky of Raising Heaven Island, staring In the direction Lin Chen was leaving, the jade hand held the blood order, hesitated and confused.

"Yunqing, why haven’t you come back yet, why haven’t you come back yet. I am very worried, is there a big battle in Danyu?"

"If necessary, use it immediately The seal I left for you will come back to save your life, did you hear it?"

In the blood order, there was the spiritual voice of the Imperial Father Ziyunqing, and the beautiful lady’s wonderful rays of light flickered and she picked it up. Blood Order sound transmission said.

"I'm sorry, Imperial Father, Jiuyunqing can no longer listen to your orders this time."

Ziyunqing, who has closed the bloody ancient order, has always been beautiful and charming , A enchanting smile appeared for the first time, and a young girl's pissed hum from the tip of her nose.

"Lin Chen, I won't let you run away easily!"

Zi Yunqing waved his hand, the space opened, and disappeared into the void.

Raising Heaven Island looked at his Goddess from a distance, revealing this look, Long Yixuan gritted his teeth with envy and hatred!

"Lin Chen ah Lin Chen, next time I pick up a girl, don't let me meet you, otherwise this Young Master will take a detour! Mother, you go east, I go west, stop again Old Hu, I'll show you the death!"


Bingxin Palace, great hall.

Many Elders gathered together, and the core True Disciple, Su Lan sisters were among them.

At this time, the faces of the girls in Bingxin Palace were gloomy.

Bingxin Palace Palace Lord clenched his white teeth and snarled coldly--

"You Xuelong Palace are too unreasonable! Robbing people halfway, act wilfully, I really thought you Can you one hand shrouding the heavens!"

In the lobby, Four Old Mans and a handsome young man stood across from the crowd in Bingxin Palace, smiling and hiding a knife.

"This Palace Lord, you have to know that behind our Xuelong Temple is Xiang Wentian Young Master. Young Master named you a woman from Bingxin Palace today, it is your honor! "

Palace Lord's bare hands and five fingers are flowing with icy cold air, his face is frosty, but after all he dare not make a move!

This Xiang Wentian, with a great background, was born in Grade 6, is a genius, and his status is extremely honorable!

The thirty-six domains of the holy realm, Grade 2 and Grade 3 sect are as numerous as a cow. There are tens of thousands of 2~3 Ranks sects in each domain of the 36 domains.

Grade 4 sect, there are also many. Only Grade 5 sect can be called a specification. And who is the enchanting list? There are so many geniuses in the entire holy world, and the enchanting list is always only 10,000!

These ten thousand people are the culmination of today's holy world! For Grade 4 sect, each one is Hegemon-like existence. It can be killed or killed in a single thought!

If you provoke them, you will be Sect extermination immediately!

With the support of Xiang Wentian, the Snow Dragon Palace of Grade 5 sect dared to act so recklessly. In an ice Secret Realm, Leng Yueqi was forcibly taken away by the seal!

"Are you not afraid of Lin Chen Young Master, Miss Leng Yueqi is his woman, you kidnap people like this, be careful to invite killing disaster!"

The two old men scolded, They are Saint entourages sent by different forces above to protect the forces related to Lin Chen.

The list of evildoers is not like the list of geniuses, and not everyone can see it. Only by gaining a certain degree of achievement and height in the holy world can you get the right to open the list of evildoers.

"Lin Chen, the guy who was chased and killed scared witless in the four-party conference? He is also worthy of Xiang Wentian Young Master mention on equal terms? hahaha, he dares to come or die!"

The handsome young man in white sneered loudly, slapped the table, put away the arrogant kindness on his face, said with a malicious smile: "Xiang Wentian Young Master once said, this gift, whether you accept it or not. , He is about to make a decision. If you are more acquainted, kneel down and wagging your tail to be a dog, you might be able to reap some benefits. If not, today is the time when Bingxin Palace’s demise!"


The Four Old Mans beside the white clothed youth released their breath, and the sacred cave brilliance ten thousand zhang, flashing like stars, were all 33 sacred caves!

The look pale of Palace Lord of Bingxin Palace, with four expansion points, is enough to destroy any Grade 4 sect!

Not to mention the Bingxin Palace of Grade 3 sect!

The two Guest Elders who were sent from other domains are no more than the Early-Stage of 31 holy caves, and there is a big gap between them.

"How about, Palace Lord, can you think about it clearly? Our Xiang Wentian Young Master's original words are that you don’t mind master and disciple serving him together."

The corners of the handsome young man’s mouth rose up. With a hint of lewd smile, Palace Lord trembled with anger!

"The Bingxin Palace can be killed but not humiliated! Elders, prepare either the fish dies or the net splits!"

With an order from the Palace Lord, the dísciple and the net splits of the Bingxin Palace The Elders showed the look of death at home, the Battle Qi surged, and the holy cave rays of light filled the space!

"Shameless your face..."

The handsome young man gave a few Elder a wink.

The atmosphere in the great hall is raging in an instant!

"Hey, I'm finally back! Palace Lord, sister Yueqi, everyone is here, why don't you see her!"

At this time, the space splits, and a group of silhouettes directly Ignoring the Space Formation of Bingxin Palace, Tearing Space appeared.

Everyone startled!

The young man wore a silver robe, and three'extremely beautiful' people surrounded the middle, like the stars supporting the moon, the gods are handsome, and the gods are extraordinary!

Bingxin Palace Palace Lord startled!

Too much like it! This boy is exactly the same as the person she met when she fell in love! It should be said that it is even better!

"Lin...Lin Chen?"

Sister Su Lan in the lobby exclaimed!

The appearance of Lin Chen has changed a lot! Most of this change stems from the transformation of temperament and life, completely different from him in the Battle Sovereign realm.

Younger sister Su Lan seemed to think of something, crying a little bit.

"Lin Chen, Yueqi teacher was kidnapped by them! They also came to force the betrothal gift today. If our palace doesn't accept it, they plan to destroy us all!"

Su When Lan said, Lin's smile instantly solidified.

Boom~! The Space Formation outside Bingxin Palace was shattered inexplicably!

"en? Saint Realm 3rd Layer? Such a young Saint, it is interesting, you are the youngster at the top of the genius list."

The tone of the four acupuncture points has some pointers. The taste of Jiangshan did not put Lin Chen in his eyes. They have been in seclusion for many years and have recently left the customs, and they have little understanding of external information.

The handsome young man still arrogantly said: "You are Lin Chen? Get acquainted and go away, Xiang Wentian Young Master is already..."

Boom~! Bang~!

The head of the handsome young man burst open instantly, turning into a powdery blood mist!

The four acupoint expansion realms finally changed their expressions suddenly!

"This child is abnormal, and..."

Boom~! A ray of dark light shuttled, a pair of black wings that looked like magic wings flapped, and two'Lin Chen' ghost-likes appeared behind the four people, their palms patted on the shoulders of the four acupuncture points.

His five fingers were shattered with the burning heat of the Holy Force, 39 crystal clear and near-transparent crystal rays of light flashed, making the scalp numb of the four acupuncture points!

What a joke! Can they not see through the action of a Saint Realm 3rd Layer?

There is also the outrageous number of alien crystals. The number of light alien crystals is more than the holy cave they opened. Is this kid a human!

Lin Chen asked indifferently: "Who is your master."

An old man said with difficulty: "8120 on the enchanting list, Xiang Wentian..."

pu chi ~! Click~!

The top of the head of the four saints of the expanding acupoint realm was broken at the same time!

There is no time to react and self-destruct!

Bingxin Palace Elder and Palace Lord looked dumbfounded!

How long has it passed, how strong is this little fellow now...

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