"You." Xiang Wentian looked towards Ji Feng, "Did you do anything to her."

"Return to Wentian, no. All according to you I asked this lady from Secret Realm to come over. She didn’t even have a rough idea. She only temporarily sealed her cultivation base..."

"Well, very good." Xiang Wentian The face is obsessed and intoxicated: "I like pure and flawless, you people, will only let my women become vulgar."

He has regarded Leng Yueqi as his default woman.

"Sect Master, I'm ready."

Two beautiful maidservants walked up, bend over and lean, and the corners of their eyes are full of spring tide when they look at Xiang Wentian. It is not an exaggeration to be able to win the favor of the enchanting list.

"Well, please enter the hall. On the day of rejoicing, bow down to Heaven and Earth."

Ji Fenglang said with a smile, Xiang Wentian walked into the lobby with a sword, and stood By the beautiful woman.

At this time, the two beautiful maidservants clasped Leng Yueqi's jade hand with a red hijab, and touched her meridian, making her completely immobile, even unable to make any sound, a trembling fragrant The shoulder shows the anger in the beautiful woman's heart.

"Everyone, let us get up together and wish Xiang Wentian a good wife."

Ji Feng smiled and waved, everyone in the lobby got up to toast.

Ji Feng loudly said ——"first bow to heaven and earth ……"

"Bow your mother!"

coldly shouted and a huge explosion The sound came at the same time, and with a bang, the entire Xuelong Palace trembled, and the Space Formation was shattered into nothingness like paper!

It happened suddenly and none of the Saints expected it. The great hall of the Xuelong Palace shook a few times. Ji Feng was confused and angry!

"Who dares to break into my Xuelong..."

Bang~! With a slash, there was moonlight shining across Heaven and Earth in an instant, and the front of the moonlight cut the snow dragon great hall into two alive, and the blade glow slashed Jifeng straight!

Ji Feng twisted his palm, grabbed angrily with his five fingers, and squeezed the vast blade glow!

It was the moment when Ji Feng was distracted. The scarlet light was shining like a star sand, flashing from Xiang Wentian's side, making his eyes squint suddenly, and his backhand patted a palm that smashed the void. !

Shih~! Bang~! With a wave of his sleeves, the palm of infinite strength was taken off, and Xiang Wentian was shocked!

Even Saint 5th layer Early-Stage is impossible to take off his offensive so casually!

The crimson phantom flashed, almost to the extreme, taking away the beautiful lady in the moon dress, Xiang Wentian killing intent instantly furious, and drew his sword completely!


The sword qi surged violently, like the red Star Refinement, the swelling rose steadily, a sword pierced, and the space erupted like a sonic boom. Smash three thousand miles with one sword!

The crimson phantom is torn, and it has an afterimage.

"Space greater teleportation?"

Xiang Wentian was surprised!

Suddenly, many guests instinctively retreated to one side, and the split thousand zhang great hall collapsed on both sides, screaming in the wind!

I saw, above the void, a crowd of silhouettes emerged.

Silver robe leads the team, his face is a little gloomy, his eyes burst with crazy killing intent!

"A group of Saint Realm 3rd Layer, 4th layer, just want to come to my Xuelong Hall to make trouble? Boy, who gives you the courage!"

Ji Feng is extremely angry and laughs back, see you When the people in Bingxin Palace sneered--"Are there still people in Bingxin Palace? It turned out to be you, act recklessly, come here to find..."

Bang~! hong long long ~~!

Ji Feng hadn't finished speaking, the seven stream of light fell head-on in front of the cracked great hall!

When guests from all walks of life take a closer look, they instantly suck in a breath of cold air!

Jifeng Sect Master is even more eyes shrank!

The seven streams of light, each with seven heads, are all his Snow Dragon Hall, the first level of the Elders in the Expansion Acupoint Realm sitting in the outer hall!

All were slaughtered! Seven Saint 4th layers! For Grade 5 sect, it was a big hit!

"What a courage! Boy, you are courting death!"

Ji Feng thunder was furious, with 46 holy caves all over his body like the eyes of endless hurricanes, erupting and raging Ice blizzard, the entire sunset mountain range, in a sudden snowfall in June!

"Old Dog, the next one is you. And you, Xiang Wentian, right."

Lin Chen raised his gun pointed finger towards Xiang Wentian, the six Avatars around him are like Guardian Standing beside him like God, imposing manner is as majestic as the mountains and seas of the great prison, standing Heaven and Earth, the eyes are so strong and sharp, giving the acupoint expansion realm a very strong oppression!

"The idlers and other people just go straight, stop for one more second, take responsibility for the consequences. After today, there will be no Xuelong Temple and Xiang Wentian in the Holy Realm!"

Lin Chen suddenly shouted coldly, shaking his palm up to the sky, and an emerald-like glass token bloomed dazzling ten thousand zhang rays of light. The three large characters released the rolling coercion, suppressing the eternal, which made people palpitating!

The enchanting list!

Three vast and simple characters suppress one party, like an eternal giant, blocking the Holy Three Thousand!

The corners of everyone's lips twitched, another enchanting list!

Gosh, they actually saw two enchanting genius on the same day!

Today there are only 10,000 evildoers. For them, each evildoer genius is a Peak character of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail. How lucky to see the evildoer list today?

"How can I let you take the limelight, I will come too!"

The Little Demon Empress has a big playful heart. Void also appeared!

Boom~! The two ancient jade pendants glowed with glazed brilliance, soaring into the sky, shining thousands of miles in the sky!

Han Yizhi's heart is a little excited, and she also releases her own evil token!


"Provoked a Bingxin Palace and provokes three enchanting lists. What is the origin of this Bingxin Palace..."

"My God, what happened to Qiyu today, why did the enchanting list appear one after another!"

The heart of the Saint guests trembled, and the three enchanting ancient orders were like Huanghuang. The setting sun shines all over the mountain range of the setting sun!

Ji Feng finally realized the seriousness of the problem!

Ordinary forces, impossible has three enchanting lists! Even Grade 6 sect is extremely difficult to cultivate two enchanting lists at the same time!

Ji Feng swallowed hard, "Dare... dare to ask your name, is there anything wrong with my Xuelong Palace? Why not sit down and discuss..."

Lin Chen smiled coldly--"Yes, we really should talk about things that need to be paid attention to after Xuelong Palace is destroyed, Bingxin Palace takes over your site, but I just want to kill people now, I don't want to talk about it!"


After all, six avatars come out together, and the heavenly demon nine wings are as fast as an aurora shuttle!

The eight-headed spirit burning dragon soars into the sky, and the sound of Divine Dragon emerges out of thin air, and everything trembles with fear, burning the spirit strength of all the creatures in the entire Xuelong Hall!

The flying knife that shone in a flash jumped into the void, the 6th-layer burning flame giant palm fell from the sky, and crushed it with one palm!

A face-to-face, Lin Chen’s many orange-level Absolute Art all exploded, all blessed with the "instant light split shadow", the Saint guests who came from all walks of life to participate in the happy event suddenly exploded their scalps!

How can there be such a terrifying Saint 3rd-layer in this world! They regretted that they hadn't bugged just now!

Playing Jifeng, the 5th layer later, has a completely unprepared taste!

"Autumn wind and snow are thousands of miles!"

Nineteen hurricane holes are formed in the void, such as hundreds of millions of ice and snow storms, there are ten thousand zhang ice worms rushing out of the holes and facing each other. Shattered Lin Chen's many offensives!


A scarlet sword glow cut through the void and shredded the 5th 6th-layer Burning Heavens Palm of Lin Chen. The afterglow flame was scattered all over the sky, igniting the mountain range of Luoxia!

It’s Xiang Wentian! He did it himself!

"It's just Saint 3rd-layer after all. I want to destroy my Xuelong Temple, I'm crazy about dreams."

Ji Feng sneered, seeing Xiang Wentian's shot, his heart suddenly felt confident.

He suddenly shook, and the ice scorpion gushing out of the eyes of the hurricane cave rushed to Lin Chen again!

Lin Chen's mouth raised a frantic smile.

"Don't worry, you are not the only one who will destroy the Snow Dragon Palace. On Yellow Springs Road, you will also have a evil spirit companion."

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