The ice flood hits, Lin Chen swung the Youhuang spear at extreme speed, and the shadow of the spear danced like a dragon, crushing all the broken ice floods!

The Little Demon Empress slender her fingers lightly, and a strand of holy light flashes past in a azure manner, tearing a hurricane hole!

Han Yizhi's ten fingers are closed, and the spirit strength is like ten thousand zhang Shengwei suppressed and shattered into a sudden ice storm!

The entire Luoxia mountain range was broken up and all split up and in pieces, and Space Formation was completely inadequate to resist this offensive!

Seeing that the offensive was blocked, the guests from all walks of life quickly flee into the void to escape. In this series of battles, being stranded at close range is completely dead or alive!

"Don’t think you killed the seven elders in my Snow Dragon Hall. Are you really in my Dragon Hall? All Elders in Punishment Hall, let me do it! Elders below the cave-expansion realm, protect my dragon Palace territory!"

Ji Feng played True Fire, this wave of shots, he has understood the details of Lin Chen!

Although the battle strength is outrageous, it hasn't expanded the hole after all, and it hasn't threatened the foundation of his Snow Dragon Palace!

even more how, they also have an enchanting list sitting on their side, Grade 5 sect, it’s not that it’s extinguished!

shua! shua! shua!

The Snow Dragon Palace quickly flew out of ten silhouettes, eight of them were the cultivation base of the expansion point, and the two were the transformation base!

"A trifling junior, dare to come here to go wild, courting death!"

"Everyone, Elder, teach this child, don’t give him a chance to escape!"

Counting Jifeng, there are three Saint 5th layers, and the other seven sacred acupoint expansion stages of the sub-temple that have been killed are fifteen 4th layers of the Holy Realm!

The foundation of Grade 5 sect does have the difference between Heaven and Earth with Grade 4 sect. Looking at the number of Saints of Grade 4 sect, there are only about ten, and it is considered that there is an extended acupoint sitting area. It is Peak Grade 4.

At this time——

"The person has been rescued."

Space fluctuation, the image of Scarlet Fairy flashed, leaving Leng Yueqi unscathed Brought it out, unlocked the seal, and when the red hijab was lifted, the two met again!

"Lin Chen!"

"Sister Yueqi!"

Lin Chen hugged the beautiful woman's slender waist, and Leng Yueqi was so cold and beautiful Mei's cheeks were stained with a faint blush, and her heart settled down. As long as there is him, even if the sky falls, she will not be afraid!

"tsk tsk tsk, it's no wonder that Lin Chen really handsome guy can be fascinated..."

Clicking one's tongue in wonder, the little demon queen clicks one's tongue in wonder, a touch of surprise!

She seldom admires the temperament and appearance of women of the same age. As one of the top ten most enchanting evildoers, her own charm is recognized by the holy world.

Throughout the sacred realm hundred million absolutely women, there are very few women who can match the Little Demon Empress.

But the beautiful woman in front of you is spotless, like Fairy on the Moon Palace, with Heavenly Immortal-like beauty and enchantment in the most beautiful and glamorous, she is by no means inferior to her!

Compared with her Little Demon Empress, several other people who are also among the top ten in the enchanting list can be counted, in addition to the Goddess of the Divine flame palace, Bai Ruoyan, and the next one Woman, the latter two are related to Lin Chen, this news is released, I don't know how many young evildoers are envied.

"Sister Yueqi, you can wait by the side first."

Lin Chen let go of Leng Yueqi, Leng Yueqi is gently nodded, and the beautiful and beautiful snow face is full Gentle, softly said: "Be careful in all things, your safety is the most important."

Lin Chen nodded with a smile ——"Don't worry, this is not what it used to be. Yizhi, please protect sister Yue Qi ."

"Yes~" Han Yizhi smiled brightly and stood beside Leng Yueqi--"With me, no one will touch the teacher's hair."

"It's okay Yue Qi, they didn't do anything to you!" Bing Xin Palace waited for Elder to immediately protect Yue Qi, she is the lifeblood and future of Bing Xin Palace!

Leng Yueqi shook her head—"I'm fine, they dare not do anything to me. It's just that the cultivation base was previously sealed. Fortunately, this elder sister solved it for me."

When Lin Chen turned around, facing the many powerhouses in the Xuelong Palace, his indifferent expression revealed a chilling meaning of killing!

"Hand over the woman from this Young Master. My Xiang Wentian's woman is not something you can touch. You are the enchanting list. Even if this Young Master can't kill you, there are 10,000 ways to make You are better off to die!"

Xiang Wentian flicked his sleeves, stood with a sword, and looked peaceful, without Lin Chen at all in his eyes!

He expanded his acupoint ten times, and he has the worlds apart from Saint 3rd-layer's list of evildoers!

"Interesting, I wanted to torture you. Now it seems that you are in a hurry to lead to death."

Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly, the Little Demon Empress and Scarlet Fairy at the same time Stand out.

Bright Red Fairy said with a beautiful smile, "Give me the three condensed realms, Lin Chen Young Master, please feel free to take action."

The Little Demon Empress is full of excitement—— "Those expansion realms, this Young Lady is packed!"

Lin Chen sound transmission said: "My Avatar will cover you, and the two Elders of Zixia King Valley asked me to take good care of you. , I dare not let you make any mistakes."

The Little Demon Empress said: "che, this Young Lady still uses you to protect, Lin Chen younger brother, who do you look down on~"


The two girls are dispatched at the same time, Ji Feng complexion slightly changed!

The woman in the crimson dress is deep and unmeasurable! "All Elders, don't keep it, and fight with all your strength!"

bang! bang! bang!

In the Luoxia mountain range, a terrible battle was fought, if it were not for the 4th of the Holy Land The above battles will open up the battle space, and with the aftermath of the battle, it is enough to destroy the creatures of hundreds of thousands li in radius!

Lin Chen’s six avatars urged the'heavenly demon 九翼' movement method to be so fast that all Elder complexion in the expansion zone greatly changed!

"Snow Dragon, protect my temple!"

At the end of the moment, Ji Feng formed a blood imprint, the space twisted, the space directly above the dragon hall broke open, and a thousand zhang snow The dragon was born, with a body like a Rain Dragon, with wings like crystal snow and white, spreading its wings to cover the sky, it was actually an eighth rank mid-level hell snow dragon, comparable to the 4th layer Perfection of the Holy Land!

"It's the Sacred Dragon, the guardian of the Xuelong Temple! Normally, the Xuezang hole cards in the hall, I didn't expect that they were all forced out today!"

"These enchanting lists are really coming. Menacing, isn't the Xuelong Palace really able to resist today?"

Many Saints who retreated to the distance to the void watched the battle from afar, marveling at the depth of the Xuelong Palace.

However, next moment——

"Just do you have a dragon?"

Lin Chen snaps his fingers, and Sacred Dragon is born!

The vast Great Sky Dragon of several hundred zhang was born, the dragon scales are black and blue, the dragon head is in all directions, the azure dragon tail is azure blue like jade, and a pair of dragon pupils is one black one white, if the yin and yang rotate!

"en? What dragon is this?"

Extremely Hell Snow Dragon speak human's words, can't help exclaiming.

"It's the right thing to kill your dragon!"

Sacred Dragon uses Lin Chen's tone, and the Hell Snow Dragon is instantly furious as if provoked!

The two dragons started a clash, the divine ability was spurred again and again, the dragon claw blades were flying all over the sky, and the dragon tail was twisting and sweeping, as if returning to the era of prehistoric civilization, witnessing the clash between the two strongest Dragon Clan!

The Hell Snow Dragon is in full bloom with 3.5 billion Dragon Vein, which is the same level as the ordinary Saint 4th layer Perfection. Although Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon only has 2.3 billion Dragon Vein, it may perfectly use all of his innate talent!

In addition to Sacred Dragon’s bloodline divine ability, you can start at Perfect level in all directions, and you can go head-to-head with the Hell Snow Dragon without losing the wind!

In the chaotic fierce battle, only Lin Chen and Xiang Wentian in the sky are left!

Xiang Wentian stepped into the void step by step, floating in his long robe lifting his sword and floating in the air, the scarlet sword in his palm was surging with the red Star Refinement flower, Xiang Wentian's mouth picked the arc of disdain.

"I don't know the heights of the sky..."

Swipe~! Before the words were over, the five lines of nine-color aurora blasted across, and Lin Chen directly threw away the five lines of nine-fold stars!

Xiang Wentian, who was still hungry just now, suddenly changed his face when he saw the five nine-colored stars!

Lin Chen: "Pretend to be forced? Just pretend?"

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