Receiving the ring from the Little Demon Empress, Lin Chen grinned; "Then many thanks! Hehe, as long as I am not dead, this handsome will not renege on a debt. "

When the spiritual consciousness was opened to accept the ring, more than a hundred Grade 2 Holy Artifacts were contained in them, and Lin Chen's eyes were hot!

He made an agreement with the Little Demon Empress and Zixia Wanggu when he came from the world tower, at the cost of selling 1,000 divine fruit every year, let Zixia Wanggu buy him a large number of Grade 2 Holy Artifact, as for the amount, it is temporarily credited.

Anyway, Zixia Wanggu is rich and imposing, there is really no shortage of this little money. Even now that it has become the enchanting list, Lin Chen doesn't know what kind of power the Zixia King Valley is. This power has a long history and seems to be some special existence in the Southern Territory. Even the Little Demon Empress has never answered Lin Chen directly.

"Go, let's copy the house! Look at the treasure house of Grade 5 sect, what good things are there!"

Lin Chen waved his hand, Han Yizhi and the Little Demon Empress followed and heard With the word'chaojia', the Little Demon Empress' eyes lightened even more, as if she was going to explore treasure hunting!

Everyone directly attacked the root of the problem, and Xuelong Temple hid its own treasure house Secret Realm tightly, and even Crimson Fairy took a while to find it.

Unfortunately, Lin Chen has the ultimate shadow. The hidden Secret Realm treasure house was turned over by Little Shadow within a quarter of an hour, and four Secret Realm treasure houses were found one after another.

The first treasure house, Secret Realm, cultivated five inferior spirit plants, a middle grade spirit plant'Snow Dragon Vine', and gold coins and silver coins piled up into mountains.

Lin Chen gave the Saint Yuan coins to the Little Demon Empress and Han Yizhi and the others, and the spirit plant was all given to Bingxin Palace.

This is the foundation for the development of Bingxin Palace in the future. I’m welcome. With the help of Lin Chen, the future Bingxin Palace must be in charge of Leng Yueqi. Now the spirit plant of Qiyun stay is equivalent to Leave it to your future wife for cultivation.

The second treasure house, Secret Realm, is the cultivation technique category, with four orange-level cultivation techniques and two half-orange-level core methods. There are countless top purple ranks. There are also 13 low-grade alien crystals and 1 ice attribute middle grade alien crystal. Lin Chen and the Little Demon Empress only use them for their own use, leaving nearly half of them to Bingxin Palace.

And Xuelongdian is also majoring in Ice Element Cultivation Art, and many inheritances can be described as perfect docking with Ice Heart Palace. The Elders were once dazzled by ecstasy.

The third treasure house, Secret Realm, is a pill recipe. Although it has a rich variety, Lin Chen is a Grade 6 Saint Level alchemist with a very high vision.

In addition to the power of the Xuelong Temple non-master cultivation pill, Pill Recipe is the highest but Grade 4, so Lin Chen only takes a part of it for the little shadow as a staple food, the Little Demon Empress and Han Yizhi each take a roll of Pill Recipe, and the remainder The medicine pill was also left to Bingxin Palace.

The fourth treasure house, Secret Realm, is what Lin Chen wants most. It is the Holy Artifact category. Grade 1 Holy Artifact 178 pieces, Grade 2 Holy Artifact 99 pieces, Grade 3 Holy Artifact 12 pieces, Grade 4 3 Holy Artifacts, Lin Chen will take away all of them!

And Crimson Fairy, personally opened the space channel and transferred more than half of the high-level Elders in Bingxin Palace to Xuelong Hall. All Elders in Bingxin Palace have a dreamlike feeling!

In almost a day, they replaced the Xuelong Palace? The ups and downs of this life are countless times more exciting than prostitutes!

If it is an ordinary force, it will definitely not be possible. Even if the Xuelong Palace is destroyed, it is impossible to take over its territory directly.

However, Lin Chen is on the enchanted list. The enchanted list acts, and others cannot interfere. Unless the Xuelong Temple is a direct affiliate of a Grade 6 sect, the general Grade 6 sect will not be easy. Go find a genius enough for Sect extermination!

One day later.

"What? Sell it all?"

"This...but Grade 4 Pill Recipe, the value is too high..."

Snow Dragon Palace treasure house In the lobby, when the Elders of Bingxin Palace heard that Lin Chen wanted to sell all the Grade 3 and Grade 4 Pill Recipes as quickly as possible, and exchanged them for Grade 2 Holy Artifact, they thought they had heard it wrong!

Han Yizhi smiled playfully, smiling like a flower, and explained: "Don’t worry, Elder, the squad leader is already a Grade 6 Saint Level alchemist. He won the championship at the Danyu Heavenly Selection Conference. Sell these Pills. Recipe is not fundamental to him that will affect the Xuelong Palace. Elders don’t need to worry."

Grade 6?

The three holy realm Elder and Palace Lord in Bingxin Palace almost fell to the ground with their jaws, and the corners of their mouths shuddered!

Grade 6 Saint Level Alchemist, this is Legendary Grade's Alchemist! In the 36th domain, why can't you enjoy the Supreme treatment? Lin Chen is ranked in Grade 6 at such a young age?

How far did this little fellow degenerate after leaving Qiyu...

I didn’t dare to hesitate too much, the Elders of Bingxin Palace acted quickly and used the fastest for Lin Chen Speed ​​sell these Pill Recipe.

Two days later.

Snow Dragon Palace, cultivation Secret Realm · Cold Jade Bed.

ten thousand zhang The vast cold jade ice bed hangs upside down in the sky like a bright mirror, and there is a breath of cold and boney ice. In the past, this place was only accessible to the Elder level of the Xuelong Temple

Leng Yueqi is in the center of a ten-thousand-foot-long top grade Tianhan Ice Soul, her beautiful eyes are tightly closed, like the Fairy of ice enclosed in the ice, so beautiful, Lin Chen is a little dazed to see .

"Sister Yueqi is really getting more and more beautiful. Well, after her retreat, I should be able to...hehehe."

Someone Lin touched the chin to himself With a smirk of words, at this time, Leng Yueqi's lovable body swallowed the vast energy of the ice like a vortex, and even Lin Chen had to fully urge the defense of the Holy Force to get close to her hundred zhang.

This 10,000-foot-long Celestial Ice Apparition, with a slight leakage of ice attribute energy, is enough to turn some small planes into World of Ice and Snow, which is obtained by the little shadow from the Myriad Treasures Secret Realm.

In terms of value, Lin Chen has a Grade 6 sacred pill "Fu Ling Tian Life Pill" refined during the Tian Xing Conference, which can slightly mention on equal terms!

Leng Yueqi’s Nine Absolute Cold Veins is the best period after awakening. If she can perfectly absorb the ice soul of the sky, like a tiger that has grown wings, she will definitely Soar! Maybe, the cultivation base will directly surpass Lin Chen!

Lin Chen exited Secret Realm and returned to the Xuelong Palace, the elegant crimson shadow waited for a long time.

It is Crimson Fairy. She threw a ring to Lin Chen and said with a smile.

"This is the result of selling many properties of Xuelong Palace, and some territories temporarily beyond the scope of Bingxin Palace's ability management, all sold to Grade 6 Chamber of Commerce under my guarantee, plus You gave me more than one million gold coins, I personally ran to the Grade 7 Chamber of Commerce in Qiyu, and found a lot. People in Bingxin Palace heard that you need a lot of Holy Artifact, and they all contributed it. Only keep the minimum life-saving Holy Artifact."

When Lin Chen took the ordination, there was a flash of fire in his eyes!

There are 516 Grade 2 Holy Artifacts in this ring!

This amount is not an exaggeration to call it an astronomical number!

Although Grade 2 Holy Artifact has a slightly lower vision of Lin Chen today, it is difficult for Grade 6 sect to get so many Holy Artifacts in a short time!

In addition to the Grade 2 Holy Artifact held by Lin Chen, the quantity is exactly 1001 Grade 2 Holy Artifact!

The third War God part is right in front of you, within reach!

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