system once told Lin Chen that the War God suit, the more parts, the more terrifying the power increase!

For example; a single piece of War God arm armor with 4% charging, and 2% arm armor plus 2% leg armor, combined with the latter two pieces of increased power even more!

When Lin Chen left, Crimson Fairy took a deep look at Lin Chen's back. In the end, she didn't know the details of Lin Chen.

Every genius has luck. Innate talent is important, but luck and timing will always determine fate.

Crimson Fairy has come into contact with many evildoers genius. She has never helped a person by making an all-out effort like this. On the contrary, she treats every evildoer very cautiously. The reason is her origin, she Not Human Race, but spirit plant transformation.

In many cases, she can more or less perceive the strength of a genius’ luck, and she can achieve a level similar to the Peak Saint Level Prediction Master. She looks at the leopard and sees a person’s height and achievement .

However, Lin Chen this child, there is no luck at all!

It should be said that there is no trace of'good luck' on his body, and his fate and destiny are not at all!

This proves that he is most likely not from this World! This is the result of the bold scrutiny of Crimson Fairy as a spirit plant!

"Let me see what height you can grow to. I wander for countless epochs, cultivate human form and gain wisdom. I am tired of such days. I hope you can let me see another beginning. , Lin Chen......"


The Xuelong Palace retreats to Secret Realm.

Lin Chen sat cross-legged and turned on the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 7.0 version

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Saint Realm 3rd Layer mid-term (24 holy caves)——high level essence: 39116 100 million points

Ultimate strength: 18.2 billion dragon power (husk awakening + 100%)-high level vitality: 5354.5 billion points

high level spirit: 16.9 billion points (into the holy Great Accomplishment period)

high level cultivation technique essence: 65.71 million points-advanced talisman literary energy: 124.41 million points-intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 27.22 million points.

Intermediate innate talent points: 11.2 million points-set essence: 6.74 million points

Blank attribute: 0 points-strengthening points: 16.955 million points-refining different Crystal: 38 pieces.

High level elemental energy: Fire Element 44.1 million points, Earth Element 34.15 million points, Wood Element 33.99 million points, Gold Element 33.33 million points, Water Element 33.41 million points, Thunder Element 34.35 million points, Wind Element 33.31 million points, 33.46 million points for light and 33.52 million points for dark.

Set column: Golden War God set, holding parts·Ultimate right arm armor——Ultimate left leg armor—(production picture)Ultimate right leg armor.

bloodline status bar-cultivation technique status bar-life awakening bar

Active innate talent bar-passive innate talent bar-nirvana bar-special rune bar- —Innate talent combo skills]

Kill Xiang Wentian and Xuelongdian Elder and the others, Lin Chen has obtained a lot of suit essence!

Compared with the previous Danyu battle, it was not that the Four Great Demon King and Haotian Saint King were inferior to Xiang Wentian, but Haotian Saint King did not use any Holy Artifact at that time.

So far, Lin Chen can only obtain the essence of the suit by blasting and destroying the Holy Artifact, or disassembling the Holy Artifact.

"system, I want to make War God right leg armor!"

[System received, consumes 2 million Heavenly Dao value, 2 million suit essence, 999 Grade 2 Holy Artifact , A Gold Element Grade 9 holy mine. ]


In Lin Chen's Qingxue planting sac, the golden holy mine sealed with the sharp Seventh Gold Qi disappeared!

In the system space of Lin Chen's Divine Consciousness Sea, a golden vortex rose up!

Next, when the vortex dissipated, a piece of golden leg armor divine splendor gleamed, slowly lowering, its proportion and length are completely designed according to Lin Chen's body shape!

【Successful production, congratulations to the host for obtaining the third Golden War God suit part-Ultimate Right Leg Armor, charge: 0.45%. 】

When Lin Chen was throbbing, the little shadow came out of his arms again, and there is good news!

"Did you open the Belt of Silence?"

The Black Dragon-shaped little shadow was nodded with excitement, and sent a thought response: "I made a small goal."

Xiang Wentian’s belt of silence is the Holy Artifact of space. This Holy Artifact is not like taking the ring. After death, the spiritual imprint of its owner becomes very weak, but it will become more solidified, allowing outsiders to impossible to get its inner secrets. .

This is often forged by some super giants in order to prevent some powerhouses from leaking the secrets of sect after death. Later, it will become the configuration of the enchanting list, because this thing can also be used as an air luck planting bag. use.

Lin Chen immediately released his spirit strength to sneak in, and saw that a vast ocean came into view. There were two islands floating on the surface of the sea, which were all treasures!

There are cultivation techniques, holy pill, eighth rank heaven and earth treasures, and a few Grade 4 Holy Artifacts that have not yet recognized the Master. The background is extremely rich!

"It is worthy of the enchanting list, and the foundation is really rich!"

After Lin Chen took all the orders, he found that there are still several rare mermaids in the sea!

The mermaids are all graceful and graceful, like a jade body, charming and charming, they are no less than some sacred princesses!

Seeing that the spiritual consciousness entered this time is not the original owner, the mermaid who do not even have an eighth rank in the cultivation base shiver coldly, hiding in the depths of the seabed.

"Mother, this Xiang Wentian will really enjoy it. Can feelings enter this space from time to time to relax with one hand?"

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed. These mermaids are released, and it is urgent to prepare more power!

"system, all the Holy Artifacts here have been disassembled for me."

Lin Chen’s spiritual consciousness touched the entire silent space, and the system was activated again, removing all the Holy Artifacts. break down!

Next, Lin Chen took out the many Elder rings and Ji Feng’s rings that were captured in the Snow Dragon Palace. All of them selected Holy Artifacts, decomposed, decomposed, or decomposed!

Among them, there is no shortage of Grade 4 Holy Artifact, and there is even a Grade 5! This greatly improved Lin Chen, and he still chose to disassemble, the reason is to prepare for the next situation!

【Successful decomposition, the host currently accumulates the essence of the suit: 16.65 million points. 】

Lin Chen rubbed his hands excitedly, "Very well, I want to use all the essence of the suit on the three War God parts, and distribute them evenly."

【Start charging ...... The recharge is complete, and the host currently has a three-piece War God suit: Ultimate Right Armor: 5.2% recharge. 】

【Ultimate right leg armor: 5% rechargeable-Ultimate left leg armor: 5% rechargeable. 】

Even though he is prepared, Lin Chen's heart is still trembling at this moment!

All over 5% charge!

Last time, with two War God components with a charge of 2.5%, Lin Chen’s temporary burst of pure power exceeded 6 trillion dragon power, and finally the one that destroyed Myriad Treasures Secret Realm, It is a breakthrough 8 trillion dragon power!

This time, it is three 5%! !

"Ordinary Saint 6th-layer, if you dare to come to me, you will all die!"

Lin Chen's eyes bloomed with sharp edges, and there was a faint feeling of giving up to me, watching the world. Domineering!

Regardless of the consequences of killing genius, he will never regret it, he will never regret it!

Those who touch his bottom line, Lin Chen will definitely do everything!


Suddenly, the sky shook and the earth shook, with a scream like wind and thunder, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, echoing the falling clouds outside several millions in the mountain range, all the forces and powerhouse, their complexion changed in horror!

"Ask Dao Palace to do errands, and leave immediately. After a quarter of an hour, life and death depends on the sky."

Lin Chen's heart moved.

"Are you here..."

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