Although asking Dao Palace will not come out, the powerhouse that arrived here is already the core top force of the Grade 6 forces!

The most important thing is that it is difficult to convene so many powerhouses in a short time!

Many hidden old monsters and powerful people who watched the battle couldn't help being dumbfounded. They thought this child would bring some tyrannical force. Didn't expect to fight directly?

Head-on against a Peak powerhouse of Grade 6 forces, and this kind of youngster?

It's more than newborn calves do not fear tigers, it's crazy!

"I asked the evildoer of Dao Palace, even if it was a mistake, it would not be your turn to point fingers!"

"youngster, I think I am a little bit arrogant, today I will let you know what Called there is Heaven beyond the Heaven!"


Two Elders Hei and Bai extremely angry counter-laughing, one step further a thousand miles, the sleeves shook, two ten thousand zhang giant dragons broke through the sky, one black one white, Holy Force moving mountains and suppressing seas In the energy, there is Qi of Death, which is many times brilliant compared to the Saint 5th layer that Lin Chen has played against before!

Saint 6th-layer, Life and Death Realm, Holy Force contaminated life, Qi of Death breath, every move has the power to create life and destroy all living creatures!

Om~! divine might is vast, divine force is like the sea. The golden divine splendor circulated Lin Chen's right arm, Lin Chen spurred War God's right arm armor in a single thought, and became more familiar with the road. The pure power instantly soared to 50,000 billion dragon power!

Shih~! Tear~! The sonic boom was rolling, Lin Chen fought head-on, smashing a punch, smashing all directions, the smashing void, the fist of the golden divine splendor, blasted the two black and white double dragons of life and death!


The two old men were surprised, how come this kid's pure power is still rising!


In an instant, the world revolved, Lin Chen’s fist bloomed endless golden light, he smiled sternly, and the little shadow cooperated with his magic wings like a tiger that has grown wings, fleeing and appearing on top of the old man’s head. Punch angrily!

A splendid golden divine splendor flashed across the sky, and the two fell into the ground, breaking the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles. The one who was repelled was the second elder who asked Dao Palace?

Lin Chen's fists are like fire and thunder and lightning, and the dragon power is released completely, and he is close to the two elders, imposing manner, imposing manner, let me be the one, fight the two elders with fists to the flesh, just like three holy that destroys everything light Collision and fight, wherever you go, destroying everything is unstoppable!

"There is such a thing...!"

"Where did this kid come from the monster? Isn't he Saint 3rd-layer? Where did the method break out such a powerful force? ?"

"Saint 3rd-layer vs. Holy Land 6th-layer? Is the old man crazy or the world crazy?"

The hidden bosses of Strange Domain are horrified Cover up!

The white robed old man was chased by Lin Chen and shot out True Fire, burning with anger, holding his palm, rolling ten thousand zhang like rainbow awns, gathered into a giant sword, releasing and annexing everything Death Aura, Lin Chen cross-cut!

"Ask about the Red Sword!"

Ask about Dao Palace's sect protecting orange cultivation technique-Ask about the Red Sword!

Lin Chen just repulsed the black robed old man. He turned around in the air, and elbow hit the sky to grind away, smashing the giant sword across the sky, exploding countless broken awns, and the white-robed old man retreated. Hundreds of steps, horrified expression!

"Forget the river dead!"

The black robe old man flashed an azure light claw on his right arm, and suddenly grabbed Lin Chen from the air, wherever he passed, the airflow collapsed and the space The disintegration exploded, and the azure claw marks of the seven jumping spaces tore to Lin Chen's top of the head!

In the light and flint, Lin Chen’s Great Accomplishment phase spirit strength sensed the approach of murderous intention, suddenly raised his hand, his five fingers turned towards the sky and clenched, the palm of the world shattered like a world storm Weili, directly squeezed this killer claw!

Let the two elders use Dao Palace’s orange-level cultivation technique, middle grade power of different crystals, Lin Chen single force subduing a thousand moves, one punch to break ten thousand methods!

The eight people who blocked Lin Chen's retreat and asked Dao Palace high-level Elder were stunned!

The two elders asked the Supreme Elder of Dao Palace, the status is lofty, the strength is strong, second only to ask the number of people in Dao Palace!

Such a powerful two, can't take a youngster?

This child, how realm is this evildoer! If they asked Dao Palace about the most outstanding evildoer since the recent era, Xiang Wentian confronts these two elders, I am afraid that they will not be able to get out even two rounds!

The explosion in the sky, a series of explosions hundreds of times, the space shaking in the northwest region is endless, one after another space storm thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, like a disaster of extinction!

Only set up the location of Space Formation's Bingxin Palace in advance to avoid its disaster.

The entire Bingxin Palace stared worriedly into the distance, the crimson Fairy peaceful, but their eyes never left the battle.

Only the Little Demon Empress, with her charming and peerless beauty, be eager to have a try, looking into the distance with expectation and excitement, seeming to be waiting for something.

When the two sides retreated, two Elders Hei and Bai were slightly embarrassed.

On the other hand, Lin Chen, when he floats in the air, his magic wings spread out, his breath is long, his fighting intent dominates Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he is not tired at all!

"Use that trick, ordinary tricks have no effect on this child!"

"Unexpectedly, we two had to use the banned tricks that had been dusted for dozens of years. Deal with this kid!"

Two Elders Hei and Bai gnashing teeth, with monstrous anger burning in their eyes, the holy cave bursts with majestic power, and the Holy Force rises rapidly!

Lin Chen's eyes squinted: "Are you going to take out the killer move? Just so, I plan to do you in a wave!"

Just as the two elders want to fight with Lin Chen. At the next moment, an afterimage suddenly disappeared. The second elder's figure suddenly trembled, and the soaring power on his body stopped subconsciously.

At the moment when the afterimage disappeared, Lin Chen's scalp exploded suddenly, as if Some Great Desolate Giant Beast are staring at themselves!

"System, the right arm armor maximizes the strength!"

At a thought, the War God arm armor exploded and the eternal undefeated divine splendor, Lin Chen's power broke through 800 billion dragon power! !

Lin Chen slammed his fist, and the golden divine splendor flashed!

Shih~! Bang~!

The terrifying scene appeared within the range of everyone's perception. The several thousands li space near Lin Chen seemed to instantly turn into a paste, turning into a chaotic vacuum!

Lin Chen's mouth was bleeding, and he walked back thousands of steps. In the sky, an afterimage stepped back ten steps to stand still, his eyes were hollow and vicissitudes of life.

Two Elders Hei and Bai look happy!

Ask Dao Palace Chief Guardian Elder to take action!

Her strength, second only to ask Dao Palace’s most mysterious Old Ancestor!

Lin Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the old woman in the distance. Suddenly he said with a smile: "Senior is still doing a sneak attack on my youngster when he gets older. I'm afraid it's not better than Lin. People are still shameless?"

The old woman said, her voice was extremely hoarse, like nails scratching the wall--"To deal with monsters like you...old woman doesn't plan to treat you as an ordinary person. I asked Dao Palace's evildoers If there is no explanation for death, I am afraid that it will be laughable and generous. You still have your hole cards. They may not be able to win you. Let the old woman be your opponent."

Lin Chen's eyes are serious and serious. Excited!

This old woman looks like a candle in the wind, she is extremely weak, but in fact she is abnormally strong!

At least, it's not an ordinary 6th-layer Peak! Better than the two Elders Hei and Bai!

Lin Chen was preparing to take out the extreme left leg armor, a tens of thousands of miles across the sky split open space, frontally broke through the space blockade asking Dao Palace!

A very calm and majestic voice shakes Heaven and Earth!

"Ask Dao Palace, is there any promise? I lost the face of Old Man Mo back then. What's the matter with bullying a youngster, come to accompany me with two tricks?"

The look of the guardian old woman is suddenly solemn!

Lin Chen was taken aback! Powerhouse is coming again?

The Little Demon Empress in the distance waved her powder fist and said excitedly.

"It's finally here!"

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