"This voice, is it the Old Guy from Purple Heavenly Tiger?"

"He didn't die, and he broke through that realm?"

Hearing that domineering warning sound, many hidden old monsters were shocked and solemn!

The highlight is here!

I saw, in the sky not far from Lin Chen, the purple Xiahong pavé of the sky was full of Xia Wei rolled away a streak of light bridge avenue, above the avenue, a group of silhouettes came on the face!

The leader is one person, nine-foot-nine tall, purple-armored robe, tiger-eyed and sword-brows, and the outline of his face without anger and prestige is firm, as sharp as a knife!

After both of his hands are lost, a pair of purple hazel eyes burning like the sun's eyes, very domineering, like a Sovereign overlooking innumerable living beings!

On his left, there is a handsome middle-aged man, who is handsome and dusty, holding a feather fan in his hand, with a gentle smile on his mouth, and his body is ordinary, like a mortal standing in Saint Beside, there are only those eyes, occasionally twinkling stars.

On the right, there is a beautiful, charming and plump beauty. She has a fiery red body and a smile, which is breathtaking, like a reincarnation, and will never wake up.

There is also a handsome young man with three feet azure edge in his hand, wearing a crown of feathers on his head and wearing a robe. This temperament is so handsome that Lin Chen has several points of surprise, chasing half of his face. value!

Beside the four, there are six purple clothed old men, either peaceful, or sharp, fierce, or divine poise and sagelike features.

These old men looked at Lin Chen curiously, as if trying to strip him naked, to see through all the secrets, but without exception, none of their auras were weaker than those of Dao Palace. Elders Hei and Bai's!

"Are you Lin Chen?"

The armored man who walked down from purple Xiahong, the unprecedented smiled at Lin Chen: "Very good, very nice seedling. "

The charming beautiful woman giggled: "Dragon Wind among people, no wonder there are legends everywhere in recent years. Just this day's election of the champion, the level 6 Saint Level alchemist's background is enough to be equal to us. Now."

The young Junya said concisely: "The future can be a great weapon."

The handsome middle-aged man took the paper fan and said seriously.

"It's the life saving benefactor of the lady, ah, it's worthy of being a character that the lady often mentions. It is really extraordinary. Compared with the enchanting genius I have seen, I don't know how many grades are better."


"Several seniors are..."

Lin Chen's cup one fist in the other hand is neither humble nor humble. It can be seen that those who come are friends but not enemies.

The other party hasn’t answered yet, and asked the old woman of Dao Palace’s guardian with a gloomy look: "Zixia King Valley? Are you the unborn group? Come to interfere with me and ask Dao Palace what to do!"

Lin Chen was stunned, the group of powerhouses that suddenly arrived were actually from the Zixia Valley!

"Uncle, Second Auntie, you are finally here!"

The Little Demon Empress turned into a shocking rainbow and stepped on, with a simple smile. Everyone saw the Little Demon Empress revealing a family meeting. Friendly smile.

The charming young lady said with a smile —— "You are a big daughter. You are going to mobilize all of us. Why, what is it?"

The Little Demon Empress said triumphantly: "It wasn't me who caused the trouble this time, it was him."

Everyone was puzzled, the uncle of the Little Demon Empress, the purple-robed man said curiously--"He provokes the trouble. What's the matter?"

"It's okay, just and honorable to kill more than 8,000 enchanting figures."

The complexion stiffened of the people in Zixia Valley.

Also nothing?

I'm a good boy! This Lin Chen is more troublesome than this own lady, killing a genius of evildoers?

You said that you secretly engage in a little bit of shame, and it is okay to kill the other side, just and honorable to kill an enchanting list in 36 domains? People of Grade 8 sect don't dare to take it lightly!

The beautiful lady bitterly laughed: "It is worthy of being a person who can drive with the young lady. It is really beyond common sense."

"Nonsense, come here. This Lin Chen, we, Zixia Wanggu, have taken care of him. No matter what his fault is, I, Zixia Wanggu, will take the responsibility and ask Dao Palace guys, do you guys go by yourself or you are here to give you a trip!"

The uncle of the Little Demon Empress stood up, domineering sideways, although not revealing the Holy Force and the cultivation base, Lin Chen faintly felt a sun-like majesty and oppression!

At the same time, Lin Chen felt moved. They chose to stand on their side without asking the reason. In this case, the Little Demon Empress did not tell herself that she was the powerhouse that she called herself from home privately.

This is by no means a simple thing. It will mean that Lin Chen will get rid of the genius responsibility of the enchanting list, and will also pull the Zixia King Valley into the water and be completely bound to the same line!

The Little Demon Empress impossible does not know the consequences.

However, Lin Chen soundly transmitted to the purple-robed man.

"Senior, this is my personal affair. Although I have a good relationship with the little fairy, but this matter cannot rise between the sect forces..."

"It's done. , Youngster, no one can stop what we have to decide to do in Zixia Wanggu. Why, is it possible that if we help you today, can you stop us?"

The man in the purple robe Said with a smile jokingly, Lin Chen is a little speechless. Why is this tough attitude so familiar?

shua! shua! shua!

The powerhouses of Dao Palace have returned to the guardian old woman.

The old woman killing intent headed by the old woman killing intent is hidden, and her voice is hoarse and gloomy--"Zixia Wanggu, you are not as strong as you were back then. You can't handle this matter!"

"If you can't pack it, it's not your turn to get into the coffin with half of your foot in the coffin. Give you 3 breaths time and take your people to roll. Otherwise, just leave something and leave."

The uncle of the Little Demon Empress patted his shoulder dust, and the corner of his mouth rises with an arc of disdain, with an extremely domineering attitude!

Ask the powerhouses of Dao Palace, they all look extremely ugly!

It's true, they are impossible to win! But if you retreat, wouldn't Dao Palace be discredited?


The man in the purple robe began to count, and then extended the hand, referring to-"Two!"

Finally, the old woman was unwilling to face the law protector , When I was about to wave his hand to lead people to evacuate--


The careless voice was like a thunder, tearing the sky in an instant!

"The old man counts these three for you!"

"There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings. People in Zixia Valley are so domineering."


hong long long ~~! xiu! xiu! xiu!

When the space vibrates, 9999 holy lights are intertwined with aura, all over Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, just like the wind and the Dragon-Tiger see the mountains and the mountains, there are golden boys and jade maidens Composing sacred songs and chanting merits, huge and colorful clouds of thousands zhang enveloped all directions, and the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon suddenly changed into a piece of Holy Land!

As soon as this imposing manner appeared, it seemed that even a dark place between Heaven and Earth could turn into a piece of Holy Land!

In the colorful clouds, there are eleven black robed man standing there. The breath is so strong that even the entire film of Heaven and Earth trembles.

black robed man up ahead, standing a white-bearded old man with divine poise and sagelike features, with a smile on his face, nine holy chakras spinning behind his head, and his plain eyes have a kind of education for the world Majesty can be admired by billions of absolutely creatures!

"The youngster will pay the price if he does something wrong. Come with me, Lin Chen. Today, no one can protect you."

When the old man with white beard spoke, Lin Chen Suddenly, the world turned around, the spirit was a little confused, and there was a kind of admiration and conviction for him in my heart!

"Broken!" Lin Chen's spiritual awakening bounced back instantly, and his determination broke through the old man's "gaze", and his heart was extremely vigilant!

"Oh? This youngster..." The old man with white beard was slightly surprised.

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, as if every word of the old man represented the truth, which made people involuntarily convinced by him!

Ask the powerhouse of Dao Palace to see this group of people appear, and immediately look ecstatic!

"It's the Law Enforcement Group of Ten Great Sects' main force, the enchanting list directly under the main force!!!"

All the powerhouses in the audience suddenly became arrogant and the scene was strange and chaotic. !

Lin Chen, ask Dao Palace, Zixia King's Valley, and Law Enforcement Group of the enchanting list, each of the powers is on its own side!

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